Musical Theatre Singing 3Laajuus (15 cr)
Code: 2X00GZ60
15 op
The student has further deepened their knowledge of musical theatre repertoire. They can skillfully execute the characteristics and stylistic features of musical theatre singing across various genres, both in independent work and performance situations. The student performs publicly. Their vocal and interpretive skills have reached a deeper level: they possess the ability for versatile expression and adeptly use different vocal techniques and styles. The student’s individual artistry is becoming more defined and strengthened. Additionally, they demonstrate the capacity to work systematically and independently.
Deepening knowledge of musical theatre repertoire and strengthening expression
• Deepening skills in various musical singing styles and techniques.
• Exploring and applying different vocal techniques on one’s own instrument.
• Implementing various techniques in personal expression.
Systematic implementation of independent work.
Musical Theatre Singing 2 has been successfully completed.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student masters the required program technically and artistically, and brings out the special features of different styles, and
• voice usage and interpretation is versatile and nuanced
• technical skills are at a good level
• mastery of musical entities is at a good level
• the student demonstrates their own artistic vision
Rejected: The student exhibits significant deficiencies in the above-mentioned areas.
Further information
Participation in teaching and organized master classes as well as concerts.
Performance in a concert during the autumn semester, from which written feedback is received.
Performance in a concert during the spring semester, from which written feedback is received.
80% attendance
NOTE! The examination requirements for singing can be found separately on Moodle. Familiarize yourself with them together with your teacher!