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ArrangementLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: 2X00GW41


3 op


The student is familiar with the characteristics of different instruments and vocal qualities, as well as the practices for writing music for them. Additionally, the student understands the principles and practices of arranging music and can apply them when composing.


Foundations of arranging and instrumentation:
• Characteristics of commonly used instruments and practices for writing music for them
• Arrangement exercises for ensembles and choirs.


Competence corresponding to the extensive curriculum of Finnish music institute.
Participation 80 %

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Accepted: The exercises show knowledge of different instrumentation and arrangement solutions. There are no significant shortcomings in the performance markings, and the notation is legible.

Rejected: Practice assignments have been completed inadequately or not at all.

Further information

Music students have priority for this course. The teacher accepts students for the course