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Dramaturgy of EditingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 2E00GL98


5 op


The objectives of the course are to learn the principles of editing dramaturgy in various genres of audiovisual media and apply these principles in one's own work.

After completing the course, the student
- understands the principles of editing different genres of moving images
- masters the creative utilization of dramaturgical structure in the editing process
- can analyse the scene's structure and the role of images and sound in the dramaturgical realisation of the scene
- understands the conventions of using various visual and auditory elements in cinematic expression
- can apply the principles and methods of editing dramaturgy in their own work


The role of editing in constructing genres of moving images.
Principles, styles, and conventions of drama editing.
Conducting editing analysis.
Varying editing solutions.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student knows the principles of editing various genres of moving images. However, their analysis of scene structure and the role of images remains somewhat superficial or limited, as does the application of editing dramaturgy principles and methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows the principles of editing various genres of moving images. They can accurately analyse scene structure and images' and sound's role in implementing dramaturgy. They understand the conventions of using various visual and auditory elements in cinematic expression. They can implement creative dramaturgical solutions in editing.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows and can apply the principles of editing different genres of moving images. They can analyse scene structure and the role of images in implementing dramaturgy with precision and critical thinking. They have a broad understanding of the conventions of using various visual and auditory elements in cinematic expression. They can implement creative dramaturgical solutions in editing.