The Filming of a Scene and TeamworkLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 2E00GL96
5 op
The objective of the course is to learn how to plan and execute a dramatic audiovisual scene.
After completing the course, the student
- can plan the filming of a dramatic scene
- can perform in various roles within the camera, sound, lighting, and grip departments
- understands the responsibility of their role as part of a larger team
- can execute expression in their tasks according to the plans
- analyses the outcome and develops their own skills
Pre-planning and documentation for filming a scene.
Scene filming exercises.
Editing and analysis of produced material.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student can create pre-planning documents for the shoots and utilise them in preparing for scene shooting. They operate under guidance in their role and communicate with other team members. The student understands the impact of their role on the final outcome and analyses the result.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
From the perspective of their task, the student prepares the necessary pre-planning documents. They create a schedule and allocate suitable tools for their task in collaboration with the rest of the team. The student interacts in the filming situation and works according to the plans. They analyse the outcome and evaluate their work.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student, from their role, generates comprehensive planning documents and aligns them with the resources and other production team members. They can assess a realistic schedule for the production and define the objectives of their work. The student adeptly handles the tools of their department and works purposefully to realise the plans. They efficiently lead members of their own department and, when necessary, inform other team members. The student analyzes the outcome from both a production and expressive perspective and evaluates their work in relation to set goals.