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The Operational Environment of Audiovisual IndustryLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: 2E00GL67


2 op


In the course, students will familiarise themselves with the operational environment of the audiovisual industry and the professional competence requirements.

After completing the course, the student
- understands the scope and diversity of the media field
- understand the key features of the operational environment in the audiovisual industry from the perspective of employment
- identifies competence requirements of audiovisual professionals at different stages of their careers and relates these to professional development objectives


The operational environment in the audiovisual industry
Careers, competency requirements, employment.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

The student can describe the scope and diversity of the media field. They understand key features of the audiovisual industry's operational environment from the employment perspective. They identify the competence requirements of audiovisual professionals at different stages of their careers and relate these to professional development goals in their studies.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024


28.08.2024 - 28.10.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Audiovisual Media
  • Janne Heinonen
  • Pertti Näränen
  • Katri Varjos
Person in charge

Janne Heinonen

  • 24AVMA
    Audiovisuaalisen median tutkinto-ohjelma 2024

Objectives (course unit)

In the course, students will familiarise themselves with the operational environment of the audiovisual industry and the professional competence requirements.

After completing the course, the student
- understands the scope and diversity of the media field
- understand the key features of the operational environment in the audiovisual industry from the perspective of employment
- identifies competence requirements of audiovisual professionals at different stages of their careers and relates these to professional development objectives

Content (course unit)

The operational environment in the audiovisual industry
Careers, competency requirements, employment.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student can describe the scope and diversity of the media field. They understand key features of the audiovisual industry's operational environment from the employment perspective. They identify the competence requirements of audiovisual professionals at different stages of their careers and relate these to professional development goals in their studies.

Assessment scale
