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Project Management and Responsible Work in AV ProductionLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 2E00GL77


5 op


In the course, students familiarise themselves with project management practices in audiovisual production and explore what responsible work in audiovisual industry projects entails.

After completing the course, the student
- understands basic concepts and practices of project management
- recognises principles of responsible and sustainable practices in AV project work
- can apply principles of sustainability in their own AV work environment
- can create a project plan, schedule, and budget for a small-scale AV production
- can develop their skills in project management and as a team member


Concepts and practices of project management.
Areas of responsible and sustainable practices: economic, ecological, social.
Responsible and sustainable project planning in the AV industry.
Professional, responsible work attitude.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student has a limited understanding of project management concepts and practices. Identifying responsible conduct principles in the AV industry and their application in the student's work environment remains shallow. Project planning, teamwork, and the development of project management skills are somewhat lacking.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows project management concepts and practices. They analyze and apply responsible conduct principles in the AV industry and their own work environment. They are developing their project planning, teamwork, and project management skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student applies project management concepts and practices seamlessly. They thoroughly and critically analyse and apply responsible conduct principles in the AV industry and their own work environment. They actively enhance their project planning, teamwork, and project management skills while supporting other team members in their activities.