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Nursing Care of Internal Medicine and Palliative CareLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7Q00GO85


5 op


The objective of the course is to develop holistic care competences when providing nursing care for patients with internal diseases or in palliative care.

After completing the course, the student
• knows the basics of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and palliative care  
• knows the basics of medication management for patients with internal diseases and palliative care 
• understands the implications of living with an internal disease and being in palliative care in the daily life of the patient and those close to them
• can plan and implement self-care guidance for people with internal diseases and palliative care patients and their close ones and is able to implement this using Finnish language
• understands the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of people with internal diseases and those undergoing palliative care 
• understands the importance of genomic information in the care of people with internal diseases
• knows the main diseases and terminology of the course in Finnish


• nursing care of people with cardiovascular disease 
• nursing care of people with diabetes 
• nursing care of people with kidney failure 
• nursing care of people with a neurological disease 
• nursing care of people with lung disease 
• nursing care of people with infectious diseases 
• nursing care of people with inflammatory bowel disease 
• nursing care of people with rheumatoid arthritis 
• nursing care of people with cancer  
• nursing care of people in palliative care 
• genomic information in the nursing of patients with medical illnesses 
• the importance of self-care, and providing patient guidance in Finnish
• the main diseases and terminology of the course in Finnish


Participation in the courses Basics of Clinical Nursing and Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student 
• knows the basics of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care  
• knows the basics of medication management for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care 
• recognises the impact of medical illnesses and palliative care on the daily lives of patients and their cloes ones
• knows the basics of guidance, planning and implementation of self-care for people with internal diseases and palliative care patients and their close ones
• knows the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients 
• knows the importance of genomic information in the care of people with internal diseases

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student
• can justify the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care in a variety of nursing situations  
• can justify the use of medication for patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients
• understands the implications of falling ill with medical illnesses and being in palliative care for patients and their close ones
• knows how to provide self-care guidance to patients with medical illnesses and in palliative care in different nursing situations and environments 
• understands the importance of multi-professional cooperation in the overall care of people with medical diseases and people in palliative care 
• understands the importance of genomic information in the care of people with medical diseases

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student 
• can apply their knowledge in different nursing situations in the context of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and those undergoing palliative care  
• knows the specific features of drug therapy for patients with internal diseases and palliative care 
• is able to understand the challenges of patients with internal diseases and those in palliative care, and the implications to their daily life as well as on those close to the patient
• can apply self-care guidance to people with medical illnesses and in palliative care in different nursing situations and environments   
• can make use of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients 
• is able to apply genomic information in individualized care of people with internal diseases

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Evaluation criterion, fail (0) 
The student does not meet the assessment criteria for satisfactory level, or the lack of competence causes danger, harm, injury or death to the patient.

Enrolment period

02.12.2024 - 10.03.2025


10.03.2025 - 11.05.2025


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Sisätautipotilaan hoitotyö Tiimihenkilö
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The objective of the course is to develop holistic care competences when providing nursing care for patients with internal diseases or in palliative care.

After completing the course, the student
• knows the basics of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and palliative care  
• knows the basics of medication management for patients with internal diseases and palliative care 
• understands the implications of living with an internal disease and being in palliative care in the daily life of the patient and those close to them
• can plan and implement self-care guidance for people with internal diseases and palliative care patients and their close ones and is able to implement this using Finnish language
• understands the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of people with internal diseases and those undergoing palliative care 
• understands the importance of genomic information in the care of people with internal diseases
• knows the main diseases and terminology of the course in Finnish

Content (course unit)

• nursing care of people with cardiovascular disease 
• nursing care of people with diabetes 
• nursing care of people with kidney failure 
• nursing care of people with a neurological disease 
• nursing care of people with lung disease 
• nursing care of people with infectious diseases 
• nursing care of people with inflammatory bowel disease 
• nursing care of people with rheumatoid arthritis 
• nursing care of people with cancer  
• nursing care of people in palliative care 
• genomic information in the nursing of patients with medical illnesses 
• the importance of self-care, and providing patient guidance in Finnish
• the main diseases and terminology of the course in Finnish

Prerequisites (course unit)

Participation in the courses Basics of Clinical Nursing and Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student 
• knows the basics of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care  
• knows the basics of medication management for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care 
• recognises the impact of medical illnesses and palliative care on the daily lives of patients and their cloes ones
• knows the basics of guidance, planning and implementation of self-care for people with internal diseases and palliative care patients and their close ones
• knows the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients 
• knows the importance of genomic information in the care of people with internal diseases

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
• can justify the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and in palliative care in a variety of nursing situations  
• can justify the use of medication for patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients
• understands the implications of falling ill with medical illnesses and being in palliative care for patients and their close ones
• knows how to provide self-care guidance to patients with medical illnesses and in palliative care in different nursing situations and environments 
• understands the importance of multi-professional cooperation in the overall care of people with medical diseases and people in palliative care 
• understands the importance of genomic information in the care of people with medical diseases

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student 
• can apply their knowledge in different nursing situations in the context of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care for patients with internal diseases and those undergoing palliative care  
• knows the specific features of drug therapy for patients with internal diseases and palliative care 
• is able to understand the challenges of patients with internal diseases and those in palliative care, and the implications to their daily life as well as on those close to the patient
• can apply self-care guidance to people with medical illnesses and in palliative care in different nursing situations and environments   
• can make use of multidisciplinary cooperation in the overall care of patients with internal diseases and palliative care patients 
• is able to apply genomic information in individualized care of people with internal diseases

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

Evaluation criterion, fail (0) 
The student does not meet the assessment criteria for satisfactory level, or the lack of competence causes danger, harm, injury or death to the patient.

Exam schedules

Calculation test 9.4. during the class.
Calculation retake 17.4. at 10:15 (please, see lukkarit for the venue)
Test 1 week 15 (Exam-area)
Test 2 week 18 ( Exam-area)

Re-sit is together for both test 1 and test 2 and calculation, week 21
Re-sit 2 is together for both test 1 and 2 and calculation, in August.

Assessment methods and criteria

Mandatory participation in Orientation, all skills classes and workshops.
All tasks in the course Moodle must be completed by the given due dates. Late submissions will not be acknowledged.
Test answers causing actual or potential harm to the patient will lead to failure of the test.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, tasks, workshops, practice classes, independent work

Learning materials

Ebook: Anne-Marie Brady, Catherine McCabe, and Margaret McCann 2014. Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing : A Systems Approach. Part 2. Chapters and sections to study in Course INFO in Moodle.
Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing
Guidelines and other materials in Moodle/allocated by the teacher.
Materials searched and created during small group work

Student workload

135 hours of student's work.

Content scheduling

Theory test 1 contains information concerning patients with hypertension, myocardial infarct, heart failure, irregular rhythms, copd, asthma, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, infections, and type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Theory test 2 contains information concerning patients with IBD, arthritis, kidney failure, disturbances in cerebral blood circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and palliative care.

Completion alternatives


Further information

Taking the theory test 1 and 2 during the allocated time is recommended. Retakes for parts 1 (maximum 20 points) and 2 (maximum 20 points) separately is not possible. Retake test always includes both parts together ( Maximum 40 points). Minimum requirement is 20 points/ 40 points for passing, for grade 1.