Supervised Clinical Training 5Laajuus (6 cr)
Code: 7Q00FP91
6 op
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Further information
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Enrolment period
25.11.2024 - 02.02.2025
01.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Annukka Huuskonen
- Johanna Kangaspunta
- Sanna Aalto
- Maiju Paldán
Person in charge
Sanna Aalto
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
Clinical Training in clinical settings in weeks 10-13.
Orientation is 4.2.2025 and reflection is 1.4.2025. /updated on 20.1.2025
Exam schedules
Implementation Part 1 Supervised Clinical Training, 6 credits
· Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, evaluation discussions, returning training documents on time
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Implementation Part 2 Written Assignment 0 credits
· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection
· Evaluation: pass/fail
The assignments related to the supervised clinical training must be submitted by the given deadline, which will be communicated during the orientation.
Late submissions may affect the scheduling of the next training period, and no submissions will be accepted after the deadline. Instead, incomplete assignments must be completed during a designated make-up day (rästipäivä).
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Participation in the Orientation to the clinical training - Mandatory
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Written assignment.
Filling in and showing the medication passport.
Learning materials
Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Moodle course platform for supervised clinical training
Student workload
4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training are 153 h.
Content scheduling
Part 1: Training 6cr,
Part 2: Training Written Assingment - 0 cr.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 5. In Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 5.
The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.
The student is in contacts with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.
Further information
Changes possible before orientation lesson.
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Enrolment period
02.12.2023 - 01.02.2024
26.02.2024 - 24.03.2024
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Annukka Huuskonen
- Tuuli Uusitalo
- Jaana Vainionpää
Person in charge
Jaana Vainionpää
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
Spring 2024 Week 9 - 12/2024 (Clinical Training)
Orientation : 1.2.2024
Exam schedules
Implementation Part 1 Supevised Clinical Training, 6 credits
· Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, evaluation discussions, returning training documents on time
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Implementation Part 2 Written Assingment 0 credits
· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Partipation in the Orientation to the clinical training - 1.2.2024
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Written assignment.
Filling in and showing the medication passport.
Learning materials
Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Moodle course platform for supervised clinical training
Student workload
4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training are 153 h.
Content scheduling
Part 1: Training 6cr,
Part 2: Training Written Assingment - 0 cr.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 5. In Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 5.
The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.
The student is in contacts with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.
Further information
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Enrolment period
02.12.2023 - 06.02.2024
26.02.2024 - 05.04.2024
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anna Rinne
- Essi Ylistalo
Person in charge
Anna Rinne
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Assessment methods and criteria
162 hours including Orientation (mandatory), 153 hours in the clinical setting, Reflection (mandatory), and approved guidance task.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Will be updated
Student workload
162 hours including Orientation (mandatory), 153 hours in the clinical setting, Reflection (mandatory), and approved guidance task.
Content scheduling
Four consecutive weeks.
Practical training and working life cooperation
153 hours in the clinical training placement. Guidance task with a real client.
Enrolment period
16.11.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Anna Rinne
- Linah Oule
- Sanna Laiho
- Katja Varamäki
Person in charge
Katja Varamäki
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
Spring 2024. Dates as marked in schedule
Exam schedules
Implementation Part 1 Supervised Clinical Training, 6 credits
· Attending the orientation session
- Making and sharing goals and working shifts on time per instructions
- Completing training sessions
- participating in evaluation discussions
- Participation in reflection
- Returning appropriately completed training documents on time
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Implementation Part 2 Assignments and medication passport 0 credits
· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection, Updating medication passport
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Assessment methods and criteria
Completion of course parts
Evaluation criteria
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Supervised training: Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
- Participation in the Orientation - Mandatory attendance
- Making and discussing goals and working shifts on time per instructions
- Completing training sessions
- Participating in evaluation discussions
- Participation in reflection discussions - Mandatory attendance
- Completing assignments
- Filling in and showing the medication passport.
- Appropriate completion and submission of training documents on time
Learning materials
Course information
Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training,
Material provided by the teacher,
Moodle course platform for supervised clinical training
Material for the activity assigned by the clinical training (read carefully the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Student workload
4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing assignments and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training is 153 h.
Content scheduling
Part 1: Training 6 cr,
Part 2: Assignment 0 cr.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.
The student is in contact with the supervised clinical training place according to the instructions given before starting the supervised clinical training.
Further information
In order to participate in Supervised Clinical Practice 5:
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Enrolment period
02.07.2023 - 23.10.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Johanna Kangaspunta
- Linah Oule
- Heini Solin
- Nancy Kamau
Person in charge
Johanna Kangaspunta
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
Autumn 2023 Week
Orientation :
Exam schedules
Implementation Part 1 Supevised Clinical Training, 6 credits
· Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, evaluation discussions, returning training documents on time
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Implementation Part 2 Written Assingment 0 credits
· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Partipation in the Orientation to the clinical training
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Written assignment.
Filling in and showing the medication passport.
Learning materials
Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Student workload
4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training are 153 h.
Content scheduling
Part 1: Training 6cr,
Part 2: Training Written Assingment - 0 cr.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
Further information
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Enrolment period
02.05.2023 - 18.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 05.10.2023
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Linah Oule
- Essi Ylistalo
- Virva Vasari
Person in charge
Virva Vasari
22TOKASADegree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
The chosen/allocated clinical placement.
Assessment methods and criteria
Participate in the compulsory orientation.
Complete the specified number of hours in the placement. Full hours need to be completed.
Send the timetable and training goals to your supervising teacher (cc clinical supervisor) by the end of the first week.
Organize and participate in a mid-review/final-review
Complete the training task.
Complete entries in your medication passport
Participate in the compulsory reflection session post training
Return the SCT paperwork with relevant entries and signatures.
Failure to complete one or more of the above (by the dates specified under section lisätietoja opiskelijoille) may result in failure to successfully complete the course.
Assessment scale
Further information
Attend the compulsory SCT orientation
Contact your placement well before you begin the SCT
Plan your work schedule and email this to your teacher by 10.9.2023
Plan your goals and email this to your teacher by 10.9.2023
Book a mid evaluation time on Moodle by 12.9.2023
Complete lääkehoitopassi by 5.10.2023
Complete your task and submit by 5.10.2023
Attend reflection on 5.10.2023
Return the paperwork with signatures by 5.10.2023
Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
Failure to comply with the given instructions and deadlines can lead to failing the course. Late or incomplete submissions are considered to be in this category.
Enrolment period
31.12.2022 - 07.05.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Essi Ylistalo
- Nancy Kamau
Person in charge
Nancy Kamau
21NURSEDegree Programme in Nursing
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
Content (course unit)
- patient’s holistic nursing care practice
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
Further information (course unit)
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback
Location and time
Spring 2023 Week 19 - 22/2023 (Clinical Training)
Orientation : 4.5.2023
Reflection: Campus Week xx/2023
Exam schedules
Implementation Part 1 Supevised Clinical Training, 6 credits
· Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, evaluation discussions, returning training documents on time
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Implementation Part 2 Written Assingment 0 credits
· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection
· Evaluation: pass/fail
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Partipation in the Orientation to the clinical training - 4.5.2023
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Written assignment.
Filling in and showing the medication passport.
Learning materials
Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Moodle course platform for supervised clinical training (
Student workload
4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training are 153 h.
Content scheduling
Part 1: Training 6cr,
Part 2: Training Written Assingment - 0 cr.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 4. In Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 4.
The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.
The student is in contacts with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.
Further information
The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.
More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta
Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback