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Basics of Finnish for ForeignersLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: 7Q00FD40


6 op


The student
- understands Finnish quite correctly
- is able to pronounce Finnish quite correctly
- is able to understand and use short and simply-structured Finnish expressions that concern common matters and situations related to everyday life (location and moving, spare time and hobbies, accommodation, working etc.).


Basics of the Finnish language, structural exercises, pronounciation exercises, vocabulary exercises, conversational exercises, listening comprehension exercises, reading comprehension exercises, written exercises.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

A student has completed all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons. Student is able to tell few things related to everyday life (introducing, telling the time, buying and paying, possessing). Expression is limited and mistakes occur in both written and spoken language. Student recognizes some typical grammatic structures like possessive structure, verb types, partitive, local cases.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

A student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language and culture showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. (S)he shows interest in developing his / her language skills. Student is able to use the typical grammatic structures like possessive structure, verb types, partitive and local cases in simple sentences almost correctly. She/he is able to cope in most common everyday situations and write short texts about his / her day, family, future plans like travelling etc.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

A student has a positive and active attitude towards learning language and is genuinely interested in developing his / her language skills. The student is able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. A student is able to write brief texts about his / her day, family, future plans in Finnish quite correctly.