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Finnish Language 1Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7F00FV06


5 op


• understands and produces basic instructions and simple questions in Finnish
• provides basic information about oneself and one's daily life
• masters the most basic language skills (eg pronunciation, numbers, greeting, key tenses)
• understands and produces simple descriptions of activities


• pronunciation
• letters
• personal pronouns
• greetings
• key question words
• numbers
• key time words
• the most important verbs (and the most important imperfect forms)
• key words of study

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

• The student completes at least some of the required coursework. However, the student may neglect to review the instructions and / or prepare for the coursework.
• The student demonstrates at least minor activity on the course. However, it is difficult for a student to complete coursework independently and smoothly.
• The student is able to demonstrate that he / she masters at least the most important and most recurring course topics and areas of competence. However, students have great difficulty in progressing their studies smoothly and quickly enough.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

• The student does at least most of the coursework in a smooth and orthodox way.
• The student participates in course work actively and concentrately.
• The student is able to demonstrate adequate and substantial progress in his / her studies. The student masters the main basics of language use in a commendable way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

• The student does the course work in a smooth and orthodox way.
• The student participates in course work actively and concentrately. Student is interested in his / her studies and is happy to learn more about the topics he / she is studying.
• The student is able to demonstrate adequate and substantial progress in his / her studies. The student's progress in studies exceeds expectations.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

• The student does not do the required coursework.
• The student repeatedly shows indifference and disinterest in course work.
• The student is not able to show sufficient progress in their studies.