Siirry suoraan sisältöön

EkosysteemitLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 5E00GN95


5 op


After completing this course, the student
- knows the principles of structure and function of different ecosystems
- understands the role of ecosystems as natural reserves and the sustainable use of them
- knows different kinds bioindicators as monitoring methods of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
- knows the principles of taking water and biological samples and is able to do basic physico-chemical water analyses with field and laboratory instruments


Ecosystem ecology; bioindicators; hydrobiology; ecosystems as natural reserves and the utilization of natural resources; ecosystem services; biodiversity; ecosystem processes (eutrophication, acidification, succession, paludification, terrestrialization). Field- and laboratory work.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Possesses basic knowledge of the structure and function of various ecosystems. Understands the fundamental role of ecosystems as natural reserves and their sustainable use. Familiar with basic types of bioindicators used in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem monitoring. Capable of taking water and biological samples and performing elementary physico-chemical water analyses using field and laboratory instruments.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Demonstrates a solid understanding of different ecosystems' structures and functions. Clearly understands and can explain the role of ecosystems as natural reserves and in sustainable resource use. Proficient in identifying different bioindicators and their applications in monitoring ecosystems. Skilled in taking water and biological samples and conducting detailed physico-chemical water analyses.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Exhibits in-depth knowledge and comprehension of the principles of ecosystem structure and function. Expertly understands and can articulate the importance of ecosystems as natural reserves and their sustainable utilization. Demonstrates advanced knowledge of various bioindicators and their effective use in monitoring and maintaining ecosystem health. Highly proficient in taking and analyzing water and biological samples, employing advanced techniques in field and laboratory settings. Shows exceptional understanding of ecosystem processes like eutrophication, acidification, and succession.


02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


5 op




Environmental Engineering

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering and Green Transition
  • Hilda Szabo
  • 24ENVEGT
    Environmental Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing this course, the student
- knows the principles of structure and function of different ecosystems
- understands the role of ecosystems as natural reserves and the sustainable use of them
- knows different kinds bioindicators as monitoring methods of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
- knows the principles of taking water and biological samples and is able to do basic physico-chemical water analyses with field and laboratory instruments

Sisältö (OJ)

Ecosystem ecology; bioindicators; hydrobiology; ecosystems as natural reserves and the utilization of natural resources; ecosystem services; biodiversity; ecosystem processes (eutrophication, acidification, succession, paludification, terrestrialization). Field- and laboratory work.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Possesses basic knowledge of the structure and function of various ecosystems. Understands the fundamental role of ecosystems as natural reserves and their sustainable use. Familiar with basic types of bioindicators used in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem monitoring. Capable of taking water and biological samples and performing elementary physico-chemical water analyses using field and laboratory instruments.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Demonstrates a solid understanding of different ecosystems' structures and functions. Clearly understands and can explain the role of ecosystems as natural reserves and in sustainable resource use. Proficient in identifying different bioindicators and their applications in monitoring ecosystems. Skilled in taking water and biological samples and conducting detailed physico-chemical water analyses.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Exhibits in-depth knowledge and comprehension of the principles of ecosystem structure and function. Expertly understands and can articulate the importance of ecosystems as natural reserves and their sustainable utilization. Demonstrates advanced knowledge of various bioindicators and their effective use in monitoring and maintaining ecosystem health. Highly proficient in taking and analyzing water and biological samples, employing advanced techniques in field and laboratory settings. Shows exceptional understanding of ecosystem processes like eutrophication, acidification, and succession.

