Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Self-Leadership and Communication SkillsLaajuus (2 op)

Tunnus: 5G00FG13


2 op


The student
1. improves their life management and cognitive control skills.
2. improves their group work and communication skills.
3. improves in identifying their strengths and needs for development and setting their own goals.


Self-Leadership skills mean various activities that aim to improve and maintain one’s well-being at work and in life. They could include e.g. tools for time and stress management as well as exercises to improve awareness of one’s strengths, needs, values, attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

The modern work culture that underlines efficiency and quantity over quality easily steers people towards instant needs satisfaction instead of focusing on the good quality of life. This might lead people into workaholism and exhaustion. Good self-leadership skills help to protect people’s well-being both as a student and later in the working life.

Communication skills are basic skills that can develop throughout life. The importance of good communication skills in working life is constantly growing. A person with good communication skills is able to recognize and appreciate different personality types and is capable of considering other people’s feelings and opinions as well as negotiating solutions in conflicts. Communication skills are needed not only in face-to-face situations but also in writing. Good communication skills improve working atmosphere, efficiency and well-being of the workers.

The aim of this course is to study the basic tools of self-leadership and develop one’s communication skills.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Pass: The student participates in contact lessons and takes active part in group conversations and group work. The students submits the personal learning diary on time.

Fail: The student does not take part in the required number of contact lessons, does not participate in the group work, or submit the personal learning diary on time.


01.10.2024 - 09.02.2025


30.01.2025 - 17.04.2025


2 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 80

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Kristiina Tillander

Kristiina Tillander

    Vapaasti valittavat opinnot

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student
1. improves their life management and cognitive control skills.
2. improves their group work and communication skills.
3. improves in identifying their strengths and needs for development and setting their own goals.

Sisältö (OJ)

Self-Leadership skills mean various activities that aim to improve and maintain one’s well-being at work and in life. They could include e.g. tools for time and stress management as well as exercises to improve awareness of one’s strengths, needs, values, attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

The modern work culture that underlines efficiency and quantity over quality easily steers people towards instant needs satisfaction instead of focusing on the good quality of life. This might lead people into workaholism and exhaustion. Good self-leadership skills help to protect people’s well-being both as a student and later in the working life.

Communication skills are basic skills that can develop throughout life. The importance of good communication skills in working life is constantly growing. A person with good communication skills is able to recognize and appreciate different personality types and is capable of considering other people’s feelings and opinions as well as negotiating solutions in conflicts. Communication skills are needed not only in face-to-face situations but also in writing. Good communication skills improve working atmosphere, efficiency and well-being of the workers.

The aim of this course is to study the basic tools of self-leadership and develop one’s communication skills.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

Pass: The student participates in contact lessons and takes active part in group conversations and group work. The students submits the personal learning diary on time.

Fail: The student does not take part in the required number of contact lessons, does not participate in the group work, or submit the personal learning diary on time.

Aika ja paikka

30.1. - 17.4. torstaisin klo 14-16

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Kurssilla ei ole koetta.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Kurssi katsotaan hyväksytysti suoritetuksi, kun
-opiskelija osallistuu vähintään kuuteen lähitapaamiseen kahdeksasta ja
-laatii ja palauttaa vähintään 6 viikkotehtävää seitsemästä ohjeiden mukaan.

Kirjallisten töiden tulee noudattaa opiskelijan eettisiä ohjeita.

Mikäli opiskelija jättää noudattamatta eettisiä ohjeita, viikkotehtäviä ei hyväksytä.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

lähitapaamiset, pari- ja ryhmäkeskustelut, yksilö- ja ryhmätyöt, viikkotehtävät


Martela, Frank: Elämän tarkoitus - Suuntana merkityksellinen elämä (Gummerrus, 2020)
Saari, Oskari: Aki Hintsa - Voittamisen anatomia (WSOY, 2015)
Manson, Mark: Kuinka olla piittaamatta paskaakaan (Atena 2018)
Hari, Johann: Kadonnut keskittymiskyky (Bazar Kustannus, 2023)
Ole oman elämäsi tähti, opiskelijan opas elämäntaidoista. Nyyti ry. Löytyy ilmaisena verkkojulkaisuna. (
Perho, Anna: Antisäätäjä - Fiksun ajankäyttäjän opas (Otava, 2017)
Kolu, Eeva: Korkeintaan vähän väsynyt (Gummerrus 2021)
Uusitalo-Arola, Liisa: Uuvuksissa (Tuuma, 2021)

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Kurssi on vapaavalintainen eikä sillä ole vaihtoehtoisia suoritustapoja.


09.06.2024 - 20.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 15.11.2024


2 op




TAMK Kielet ja viestintä


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Kristiina Tillander

Kristiina Tillander

  • 24I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 24I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student
1. improves their life management and cognitive control skills.
2. improves their group work and communication skills.
3. improves in identifying their strengths and needs for development and setting their own goals.

Sisältö (OJ)

Self-Leadership skills mean various activities that aim to improve and maintain one’s well-being at work and in life. They could include e.g. tools for time and stress management as well as exercises to improve awareness of one’s strengths, needs, values, attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

The modern work culture that underlines efficiency and quantity over quality easily steers people towards instant needs satisfaction instead of focusing on the good quality of life. This might lead people into workaholism and exhaustion. Good self-leadership skills help to protect people’s well-being both as a student and later in the working life.

Communication skills are basic skills that can develop throughout life. The importance of good communication skills in working life is constantly growing. A person with good communication skills is able to recognize and appreciate different personality types and is capable of considering other people’s feelings and opinions as well as negotiating solutions in conflicts. Communication skills are needed not only in face-to-face situations but also in writing. Good communication skills improve working atmosphere, efficiency and well-being of the workers.

The aim of this course is to study the basic tools of self-leadership and develop one’s communication skills.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

Pass: The student participates in contact lessons and takes active part in group conversations and group work. The students submits the personal learning diary on time.

Fail: The student does not take part in the required number of contact lessons, does not participate in the group work, or submit the personal learning diary on time.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

lähitapaamiset, pari- ja ryhmäkeskustelut, yksilö- ja ryhmätyöt, viikkotehtävät


15.07.2023 - 29.09.2023


20.09.2023 - 30.11.2023


2 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Kristiina Tillander

Kristiina Tillander

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student
1. improves their life management and cognitive control skills.
2. improves their group work and communication skills.
3. improves in identifying their strengths and needs for development and setting their own goals.

Sisältö (OJ)

Self-Leadership skills mean various activities that aim to improve and maintain one’s well-being at work and in life. They could include e.g. tools for time and stress management as well as exercises to improve awareness of one’s strengths, needs, values, attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

The modern work culture that underlines efficiency and quantity over quality easily steers people towards instant needs satisfaction instead of focusing on the good quality of life. This might lead people into workaholism and exhaustion. Good self-leadership skills help to protect people’s well-being both as a student and later in the working life.

Communication skills are basic skills that can develop throughout life. The importance of good communication skills in working life is constantly growing. A person with good communication skills is able to recognize and appreciate different personality types and is capable of considering other people’s feelings and opinions as well as negotiating solutions in conflicts. Communication skills are needed not only in face-to-face situations but also in writing. Good communication skills improve working atmosphere, efficiency and well-being of the workers.

The aim of this course is to study the basic tools of self-leadership and develop one’s communication skills.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

Pass: The student participates in contact lessons and takes active part in group conversations and group work. The students submits the personal learning diary on time.

Fail: The student does not take part in the required number of contact lessons, does not participate in the group work, or submit the personal learning diary on time.

