Mandatory Exchange StudiesLaajuus (30 cr)
Code: 3B00HD21
30 op
During the mandatory international study exchange of four to six months, the International Business students build their knowledge and professional skill set so that the exchange studies will support their choice of the second year modules or their other well-grounded professional goals.
The one-semester exchange is a mandatory part of International Business studies for the Finnish degree students during the third year of studies. The foreign degree students of the programme can apply for the exchange, but do not have to do so as their stay in Finland already is counted as an exchange. Instead, the foreign degree students finish two modules of IB second year studies to meet the degree requirement of 210 credits.
The students plan the study contents of the exchange period (= Learning Agreement) with the International Coordinator of the School of Business. TAMK Mobility Services will help the
students in the exchange practicalities and TAMK grants.
After completing the mandatory exchange period abroad, the students will be
able to:
• utilize their language and intercultural skills.
• develop their ability to operate in a foreign environment and culture.
• maintain and create new networks.
• strengthen their self-confidence and improve their tolerance.
• improve their readiness for job seeking and employment opportunities.
• adopt new ways of learning and thinking.
• utilize new topics, which are not taught at home university.
The contents include the followings:
• How to plan the exchange studies to further improve your strengths?
• and to reach your personal goals?
• Which choices could improve your employment opportunities and professional development?
• What makes your BBA degree different form the others?
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
Approval of courses shall be based on accreditation of individual courses and corresponding grades that is a PASS/FAIL.