Asiakaspolku ja markkinointianalyysiLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 3B00GQ58
5 op
The course aims to introduce contemporary digital marketing analytics tools in order to give students basic skills in measuring the effectiveness of marketing actions. The students also learn how to efficiently use information about customer needs and use experiences to develop customer relationships. It investigates the concepts of customer journey and value creation in the context of developing integrated marketing and enhancing customer experience.
After completing the course, the student will be able to:
• understand the analytic tools for mapping customer journey.
• understand way to collect valid and reliable data, for small and large companies to make smart decisions.
• uncovering the role data in mapping in customer journey
• understand the analysis and visualize data that can utilized in decision for companies in the current situation.
• understand the use of digital marketing tools for analysis and achieving KPI’s!
• utilize tool and techniques for mapping customer journey.
The contents include the followings:
• What is customer journey and how is it exploited in marketing planning?
• What are the contents and meaning of value creation and customer experience in the context of customer relationships?
• What kind of marketing analytics tools are available to measure and analyze marketing effectiveness?
Introduction to Marketing or equivalent and Marketing Strategies in Digital World or equivalent.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student knows the basics of customer journey and needs. The student can use the basic terms and can define customer experience. Student recognises and defines the importance of customer experience in marketing. The student can perform the given tasks with routine performance. Student has been partly active in participating in the teamwork.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student applies customer journey mapping methods and analytical tools accordingly. The student is able to link structures between marketing and customer experience. He/she cooperates responsibly and has participated in the team work and classes actively contributing to the final outcome with his/her knowledge and ideas according to the peer evaluations.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student masters the concepts and models of customer experience, journey and analytics. He/she is able to conduct fluent and reasoned customer journey analysis and has good capabilities to apply the learning. The individual contribution in the class and team has been especially active.
Implementation Plan.