Finnish as a Foreign Language 3Laajuus (2 op)
Tunnus: 3B00DW85
2 op
The course builds up the use of Finnish and provides the knowledge and practices how to act as a job applicant. Estimated level A2.2.
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
Search work on the internet and from other sources
Get information on available jobs
Write a job application in Finnish
How to communicate in Finnish in business context?
How to find information on available jobs?
How to apply for a job?
Finnish as a Foreign Language 1 and Finnish as a Foreign Language 2 completed or equivalent knowledge.10 credits of studies up to the level A2.1.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student is able to tell about his/her future plans and things from the past in Finnish in most common situations using the typical grammatical structures. He/she is able to give a brief speech in Finnish in simple sentences. He/she is able to write a brief attachment for CV. He/she needs help in order to understand texts only in Finnish informing about available jobs.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student has an active attitude towards studying the Finnish language and culture, and shows that by completing written tasks according to the schedule. He/she is able to tell about future plans and the past understandably in common situations using typical grammatical structures correctly. The student is able to explain his/her ideas and plans clearly. The student understands main topics in everyday conversations with Finns who talk standard spoken language. He/she is able to write a job application and CV in standard expressions. He/she is able to search for available jobs and understand texts with the help of dictionary. The student is able to give a speech in Finnish in standard Finnish sentences.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student has a positive and active attitude towards learning language and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture, and brings it up by expressing his/her findings about cultural matters. He/she can cope in situations with Finns talking standard spoken Finnish, when topics are related to matters he/she is interested in, and/or topics concerning everyday life. He/she is able to search for available jobs and understand easily texts, which are related to his/her interests and include more complicated structures. He/she can write a job application and CV in detailed manner. He/she is able to give a speech with a meaningful content, speaking fluently in versatile Finnish sentences.
03.01.2023 - 08.03.2023
01.03.2023 - 31.07.2023
2 op
TAMK Kielet ja viestintä
- Suomi
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Ella Hakala
Ella Hakala
22IB3International Business, syksy 2022, 3-ryhmä
22IB2International Business, syksy 2022, 2-ryhmä
22IB7International Business, syksy 2022, 7-ryhmä
22IB6International Business, syksy 2022, 6-ryhmä
22IB5International Business, syksy 2022, 5-ryhmä
22IB4International Business, syksy 2022, 4-ryhmä
22IB1International Business, syksy 2022, 1-ryhmä
22IB8International Business, syksy 2022, 8-ryhmä
21IBInternational Business, syksy 2021, kaikki
Tavoitteet (OJ)
The course builds up the use of Finnish and provides the knowledge and practices how to act as a job applicant. Estimated level A2.2.
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
Search work on the internet and from other sources
Get information on available jobs
Write a job application in Finnish
Sisältö (OJ)
How to communicate in Finnish in business context?
How to find information on available jobs?
How to apply for a job?
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Finnish as a Foreign Language 1 and Finnish as a Foreign Language 2 completed or equivalent knowledge.10 credits of studies up to the level A2.1.
Lisätiedot (OJ)
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
The student is able to tell about his/her future plans and things from the past in Finnish in most common situations using the typical grammatical structures. He/she is able to give a brief speech in Finnish in simple sentences. He/she is able to write a brief attachment for CV. He/she needs help in order to understand texts only in Finnish informing about available jobs.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
The student has an active attitude towards studying the Finnish language and culture, and shows that by completing written tasks according to the schedule. He/she is able to tell about future plans and the past understandably in common situations using typical grammatical structures correctly. The student is able to explain his/her ideas and plans clearly. The student understands main topics in everyday conversations with Finns who talk standard spoken language. He/she is able to write a job application and CV in standard expressions. He/she is able to search for available jobs and understand texts with the help of dictionary. The student is able to give a speech in Finnish in standard Finnish sentences.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
The student has a positive and active attitude towards learning language and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture, and brings it up by expressing his/her findings about cultural matters. He/she can cope in situations with Finns talking standard spoken Finnish, when topics are related to matters he/she is interested in, and/or topics concerning everyday life. He/she is able to search for available jobs and understand easily texts, which are related to his/her interests and include more complicated structures. He/she can write a job application and CV in detailed manner. He/she is able to give a speech with a meaningful content, speaking fluently in versatile Finnish sentences.
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
Sovitaan kurssilla
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
opetuskeskustelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset harjoitukset, ryhmätyöt
Työelämän suomea -materiaali verkossa, opettajan materiaali Moodlessa
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Ei ole
Kurssi on suunnattu KV-opiskelijoille
Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
A student has completed the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. She/he is able to tell about her/his future plans and things from the past in Finnish in most common situations. She/he is able to give a brief speech in Finnish in simple sentences. She/he is able to write a brief attachment for CV. She/he needs help in order to understand texts only in Finnish informing about available jobs.
Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
A student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language and culture, and shows that by completing written tasks according to the schedule. She/he is able to tell about future plans and the past understandably in common situations. A student is able to explain her/his ideas and plans clearly. She/he understands main topics in everyday conversations with Finns who talk standard spoken language. She/he is able to write a job application and CV in standard expressions. She/he is able to search for available jobs and understand texts with the help of dictionary. She is able to give a speech in Finnish in standard Finnish sentences.
Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
A student has a positive and active attitude towards learning language and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture, and brings it up by expressing her/his findings about cultural matters. She/he can cope in situations with Finns talking standard spoken Finnish, when topics are related to matters she/he is interested in, and/or topics concern everyday life. She/he is able to search for available jobs and understand easily texts, which are related to her/his interests and include more complicated structures. She/he can write a job application and CV in detailed manner. She/he is able to give a speech with a meaningful content, speaking fluently with a slight accent.