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Building a Business NetworkLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: 3Y00GQ16


10 op


During the course, the student will build a functioning customer network for the team business.

After completing the course the student will
- identify the right customer groups.
- know how to acquire new clients for the team business and maintain regular contact with old clients.
- find suitable networking opportunities and use them to develop your team business.
- know how to use customer management software and use it to develop the business.
- use a variety of innovation methods to develop the team business.
- develop their project management skills.


How do I contact a customer?
What factors need to be taken into account to build an effective customer network?
How does a customer relationship become a customer relationship?
What are the prerequisites for effective project management?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

The student actively participates in common learning situations of the team, building a team enterprise in practice, based on theoretical knowledge.

The student does not add value to the learning organization. The student has broken the trust of the team enterprise by their actions.