Communication Skills for Entrepreneurship StudiesLaajuus (4 op)
Tunnus: 3Y00FQ14
4 op
The students will be able to:
- plan and develop their communicative competences in Finnish and in English in team learning situations.
- build positive communication culture company image
- verbalize their plans and communicate them according to the needs of their business.
- produce the most common professional documents of a company.
- know how to write an academic report according to TAMK standards.
- know how to prepare for and act in meetings and negotiation situations.
- know the principles of powerful presentations.
- give confident company presentations and sales pitches.
- find valid, relevant and reliable information from the university's library services and other public sources.
What are the essential language related competences in bilingual entrepreneurship community?
How to write and basic business texts and essays at Proakatemia?
What are the components of a powerful pitch? Are there differences in Finnish and English?
How to find valid information sources?
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student can communicate via simple messages in spoken English and Finnish and present simple, factual information and follow templates to produce routine written communications content in English. The student is able to communicate in bilingual entrepreneurship environment by participating in both speaking/listening, reading/writing activities. The student knows the most common, reliable information sources for their study needs.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can explain and apply communications processes to their own business and develop internal and external communications strategies. The student is able to explain phenomena clearly by speaking and writing in English and take account of cultural norms when devising or responding to communications from other cultures. The student is able to present ideas and information, take account of and adjust communication so that it is appropriate for the audience and medium being used. The student demonstrates the ability to evaluate and adapt their communications approach based on the context and reaction of recipients and is open to new communications methods, channels and ideas. The student is skilled in information search.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student can explain and apply communications processes to their own business and develop internal and external communications strategies very well. The student is able to explain phenomena clearly by speaking and writing in English and take account of cultural norms when devising or responding to communications from other cultures.
The student can improvise during a presentation to deal with unforeseen challenges and connect ideas and information from diverse sources and synthesis this to construct new understanding. The student can demonstrate the ability to adapt their communications as appropriate to context, situation, and level of formality. The student is tolerant of those who have different cultural communication norms and values. They are open to new communication methods and ideas, including those driven by modern technological solutions. The student is able to adapt their communications techniques and strategies as appropriate to the given situation, including tone, pace, intonation, body language, facial expression, dress and appearance, as well as level of formality. The student is able to demonstrate the ability to listen actively. The student has excellent information searching skills.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student has not demonstrated entrepreneurship related communication competences. The student is not able to find valid information from TAMK sources.
language skills needed at Proakatemia, the most important accounting terms, business writing, essay writing, basics of pitching, library services
07.06.2023 - 30.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 11.12.2023
4 op
Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proakatemia)
TAMK Pääkampus
- Suomi
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
- Emmanuel Abruquah
Emmanuel Abruquah
23ENTREEntrepreneurship and Team Leadership, syksy 2023
Tavoitteet (OJ)
The students will be able to:
- plan and develop their communicative competences in Finnish and in English in team learning situations.
- build positive communication culture company image
- verbalize their plans and communicate them according to the needs of their business.
- produce the most common professional documents of a company.
- know how to write an academic report according to TAMK standards.
- know how to prepare for and act in meetings and negotiation situations.
- know the principles of powerful presentations.
- give confident company presentations and sales pitches.
- find valid, relevant and reliable information from the university's library services and other public sources.
Sisältö (OJ)
What are the essential language related competences in bilingual entrepreneurship community?
How to write and basic business texts and essays at Proakatemia?
What are the components of a powerful pitch? Are there differences in Finnish and English?
How to find valid information sources?
Lisätiedot (OJ)
language skills needed at Proakatemia, the most important accounting terms, business writing, essay writing, basics of pitching, library services
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
The student can communicate via simple messages in spoken English and Finnish and present simple, factual information and follow templates to produce routine written communications content in English. The student is able to communicate in bilingual entrepreneurship environment by participating in both speaking/listening, reading/writing activities. The student knows the most common, reliable information sources for their study needs.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
The student can explain and apply communications processes to their own business and develop internal and external communications strategies. The student is able to explain phenomena clearly by speaking and writing in English and take account of cultural norms when devising or responding to communications from other cultures. The student is able to present ideas and information, take account of and adjust communication so that it is appropriate for the audience and medium being used. The student demonstrates the ability to evaluate and adapt their communications approach based on the context and reaction of recipients and is open to new communications methods, channels and ideas. The student is skilled in information search.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
The student can explain and apply communications processes to their own business and develop internal and external communications strategies very well. The student is able to explain phenomena clearly by speaking and writing in English and take account of cultural norms when devising or responding to communications from other cultures.
The student can improvise during a presentation to deal with unforeseen challenges and connect ideas and information from diverse sources and synthesis this to construct new understanding. The student can demonstrate the ability to adapt their communications as appropriate to context, situation, and level of formality. The student is tolerant of those who have different cultural communication norms and values. They are open to new communication methods and ideas, including those driven by modern technological solutions. The student is able to adapt their communications techniques and strategies as appropriate to the given situation, including tone, pace, intonation, body language, facial expression, dress and appearance, as well as level of formality. The student is able to demonstrate the ability to listen actively. The student has excellent information searching skills.
Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)
The student has not demonstrated entrepreneurship related communication competences. The student is not able to find valid information from TAMK sources.