Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Boot Camp & Business and Life in FinlandLaajuus (6 op)

Tunnus: 3Y00FQ13


6 op


The student will be able to:
• plan and develop their own competences in accordance with the needs of the team.
• operate in Finnish study and business environment.
• develop his/her self-leadership skills in order to achieve his/her objectives


How are Finnish nature and history present in life in Finland?
What can we do to develop our self-leadership skills and why are those skills vital in entrepreneurship? How do I lead myself efficiently so that I can achieve my objectives?
What is entrepreneurship and how is the business environment in Finland?
What kind of language and cultural knowledge and skills do we need to be able to operate in Finnish and international business environments?
Why do we act differently in different cultures?
How do we learn to operate seamlessly in a bilingual work environment?

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The students have shown their familiarity with the Finnish history and nature. They are familiar with aspects related to self-leadership and possess tools and ways for further development. They know what business enviroment is like in Finland, and how entrepreneurs work. They have shown that they understand the importance of language skills and intercultural competence when operating in various business situations.

The students have not shown their understanding of culture's connection with business. They lack tools for self-development. They are not familiar with the business or entrepreurial environment in Finland. They are not ready to study and work in bilingual and multicultural community.


Boot Camp & Business and Life in Finland will be built on these themes:
Boot Camp - nature & history experience, team building
Self-leadership skills
Entrepreneurial environment in Finland
Bilingual & Cultural Communication Skills


07.06.2023 - 30.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


6 op




Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proakatemia)


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
  • Toni Lehtimäki
  • Annikka Lepola
  • Taru Nurmala

Taru Nurmala

  • 23ENTRE
    Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership, syksy 2023

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student will be able to:
• plan and develop their own competences in accordance with the needs of the team.
• operate in Finnish study and business environment.
• develop his/her self-leadership skills in order to achieve his/her objectives

Sisältö (OJ)

How are Finnish nature and history present in life in Finland?
What can we do to develop our self-leadership skills and why are those skills vital in entrepreneurship? How do I lead myself efficiently so that I can achieve my objectives?
What is entrepreneurship and how is the business environment in Finland?
What kind of language and cultural knowledge and skills do we need to be able to operate in Finnish and international business environments?
Why do we act differently in different cultures?
How do we learn to operate seamlessly in a bilingual work environment?

Lisätiedot (OJ)

Boot Camp & Business and Life in Finland will be built on these themes:
Boot Camp - nature & history experience, team building
Self-leadership skills
Entrepreneurial environment in Finland
Bilingual & Cultural Communication Skills

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

The students have shown their familiarity with the Finnish history and nature. They are familiar with aspects related to self-leadership and possess tools and ways for further development. They know what business enviroment is like in Finland, and how entrepreneurs work. They have shown that they understand the importance of language skills and intercultural competence when operating in various business situations.

The students have not shown their understanding of culture's connection with business. They lack tools for self-development. They are not familiar with the business or entrepreurial environment in Finland. They are not ready to study and work in bilingual and multicultural community.

Aika ja paikka

Katso Pakista/lukkarikoneesta ja seuraa viestintää Proakatemian ja tiimin kanavilla.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Perinteisiä tenttejä ei ole. Osaaminen osoitetaan dialogissa, kokemuksilla ja tarvittaessa kirjallisin raportein.

Uusinta tiistaina 7.3.2023 klo 13 - 16 Proakatemialla, tila Kasari.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

OPSin mukaisesti; itse-, tiimi-, valmentaja/opettaja- ja mahdollisesti myös asiakasarviointi tavoitteisiin peilaten.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Proakateamialla ei juurikaan ole perinteisiä luentoja tai tenttejä. Oppimistapoja ja -tilanteita ovat esimerkiksi pajat (alustukset, dialogi, työpajatyöskentely, itsenäinen opiskelu), kirjallisuus, kirjoittaminen ja julkaiseminen, asiantuntijaluennot ja muu tiedonhankinta, projektityöskentely, seminaarit, solut ja yhteiset tapahtumat. Oppiminen kytkeytyy liiketoimintaprojekteihin.


Kirjallisuusvinkkejä saa mm. valmentajilta, opettajilta ja toisilta tiimiyrittäjiltä.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 op = 27 h opiskelijat työtä.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Neuvoteltava valmentajan/opettajan kanssa.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Proakatemian opintojaksot on integroitu tiimiyrityksen toimintaan. Yksittäisten opintojaksojen suorittaminen opetussuunnitelmasta ei ole mahdollista ilman erityisjärjestelyjä.

Arviointikriteerit - hyväksytty/hylätty (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student has demonstrated that he/she comprehends the main concepts of the topic in the context of his/her team enterprise. He/she has applied them in practice together with other team entrepreneurs. The student operates according to the chosen values and procedures.

The student knows the concepts only superficially or is not able to apply them in practice in his/her team enterprise. The student does not operate according to the chosen values and procedures.