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Future in Digital BusinessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 3Y00FC65


5 op


The student will be able to:
• describe the concept and basic operating principles of platform economy.
• describe the key elements of digital information security and pay attention to them in practice.
• understand the concept of digital disruption and evolution of customer needs and business models in the internet economy.
• describe the opportunities created by internet, social media and platform economy for creating new business models and developing existing ones, especially for his/her own team enterprise.
• understand the role of data in developing business operations, especially on digital platforms and social media.
• use digital communication tools for telepresence and developing shared situational awareness in the team.


What is the meaning of platform economy?
What are the basic operating principles within platform economy?
What are the basic principles and requirements of digital security?
How are existing business models disrupted because of evolving customer needs in the internet economy?
What kind of opportunities are created for new business models, products and services by the internet, social media and platform economy?
How can relevant data be gathered, analyzed and used in continuously developing business operations?
How to extend the sense of presence over distances using digital communication tools?
How to use digital communication tools to develop shared situational awareness within the team?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy. The student shows good understanding of basic level digital information security in his/her work. The student can give examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations on a basic level. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy and analyze the role of platforms in business cases. The student shows good understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to help others in securing their information assets. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations and can give practical examples. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and help others use the communication tools.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to describe the principles of platform economy and analyze the role of and opportunities provided by platforms in business cases (incl. their own team enterprise). The student shows good theoretical and practical understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to plan and implement information security practices for a team enterprise. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models and analyze the effects of internet economy for the customers’ business models. The student is able to develop business processes of a team enterprise through gathering and analyzing data. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and plan and implement new communication tools to support the teams communications and its shared situational awareness.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026


0 - 5

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proacademy)


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
  • Antti Vuento
  • Saija Tapio
  • Taru Nurmala
  • 23ENTRE

Objectives (course unit)

The student will be able to:
• describe the concept and basic operating principles of platform economy.
• describe the key elements of digital information security and pay attention to them in practice.
• understand the concept of digital disruption and evolution of customer needs and business models in the internet economy.
• describe the opportunities created by internet, social media and platform economy for creating new business models and developing existing ones, especially for his/her own team enterprise.
• understand the role of data in developing business operations, especially on digital platforms and social media.
• use digital communication tools for telepresence and developing shared situational awareness in the team.

Content (course unit)

What is the meaning of platform economy?
What are the basic operating principles within platform economy?
What are the basic principles and requirements of digital security?
How are existing business models disrupted because of evolving customer needs in the internet economy?
What kind of opportunities are created for new business models, products and services by the internet, social media and platform economy?
How can relevant data be gathered, analyzed and used in continuously developing business operations?
How to extend the sense of presence over distances using digital communication tools?
How to use digital communication tools to develop shared situational awareness within the team?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy. The student shows good understanding of basic level digital information security in his/her work. The student can give examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations on a basic level. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy and analyze the role of platforms in business cases. The student shows good understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to help others in securing their information assets. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations and can give practical examples. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and help others use the communication tools.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the principles of platform economy and analyze the role of and opportunities provided by platforms in business cases (incl. their own team enterprise). The student shows good theoretical and practical understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to plan and implement information security practices for a team enterprise. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models and analyze the effects of internet economy for the customers’ business models. The student is able to develop business processes of a team enterprise through gathering and analyzing data. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and plan and implement new communication tools to support the teams communications and its shared situational awareness.

Location and time

Please see the Pakki/Lukkarikone applications and follow the information on Proakatemia's and your teams communication channels.

Exam schedules

There are no traditional exams. You'll demonstrate your knowledge and skills in various other ways, i.e. solving challenges. The coach / teacher will provide further detais as the course goes on.

Assessment methods and criteria

According to the curriculum: self, team, coach/teacher and possibly customer based evaluation reflecting the set goals.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

There are hardly any traditional lectures or exams at Proakatemia. Learning methods and environments are for example training sessions 'paja' (primings, dialogue, workshops, independent studying), literature, writing and publising, expert lectures and other fact-finding, project work, seminars, learning cells and common events. Learning is connected with business projects.

Learning materials

Literature advice from coaches, teachers and other teampreneurs.

Student workload

1 ECTS credit point = 27 hours of student's work. Keep record of your hours in your individual study plan.

Completion alternatives

to be negotiated with your coach / teacher of the course

Practical training and working life cooperation

Contens of the studies are connected with real life business projects' needs.

Further information

Studies at Proakatemia are integrated to teampreneurs businesses. It is not possible to study separate courses of the curriculum without special arrangements.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has demonstrated that he/she comprehends the main concepts of the topic in the context of his/her team enterprise. He/she has applied them in practice together with other team entrepreneurs. The student operates according to the chosen values and procedures.

The student knows the concepts only superficially or is not able to apply them in practice in his/her team enterprise. The student does not operate according to the chosen values and procedures.

Enrolment period

23.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.07.2025


0 - 5

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proacademy)


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
  • Timo Nevalainen
  • Salla Nieminen
  • Saija Tapio
  • 22ENTRE

Objectives (course unit)

The student will be able to:
• describe the concept and basic operating principles of platform economy.
• describe the key elements of digital information security and pay attention to them in practice.
• understand the concept of digital disruption and evolution of customer needs and business models in the internet economy.
• describe the opportunities created by internet, social media and platform economy for creating new business models and developing existing ones, especially for his/her own team enterprise.
• understand the role of data in developing business operations, especially on digital platforms and social media.
• use digital communication tools for telepresence and developing shared situational awareness in the team.

Content (course unit)

What is the meaning of platform economy?
What are the basic operating principles within platform economy?
What are the basic principles and requirements of digital security?
How are existing business models disrupted because of evolving customer needs in the internet economy?
What kind of opportunities are created for new business models, products and services by the internet, social media and platform economy?
How can relevant data be gathered, analyzed and used in continuously developing business operations?
How to extend the sense of presence over distances using digital communication tools?
How to use digital communication tools to develop shared situational awareness within the team?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy. The student shows good understanding of basic level digital information security in his/her work. The student can give examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations on a basic level. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the basic principles of platform economy and analyze the role of platforms in business cases. The student shows good understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to help others in securing their information assets. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models. The student can describe how data can be used in developing business operations and can give practical examples. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and help others use the communication tools.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student is able to describe the principles of platform economy and analyze the role of and opportunities provided by platforms in business cases (incl. their own team enterprise). The student shows good theoretical and practical understanding of digital information security in his/her work and is able to plan and implement information security practices for a team enterprise. The student can analyze examples of how internet economy has caused disruption in customer needs and business models and analyze the effects of internet economy for the customers’ business models. The student is able to develop business processes of a team enterprise through gathering and analyzing data. The student is able to use digital communication tools to communicate with the team and the customers and plan and implement new communication tools to support the teams communications and its shared situational awareness.

Location and time

According to Proakatemia's common schedules and by organizing independently.

Exam schedules

No exams.

Assessment methods and criteria

According to Curriculum;
- quantity in a timesheet (internal HOPS) reporting hours in seminars, learning cells, team and business meetings
- reading, studying, and publishing essays as agreed
- self-reflection, feedback from team and coach, and possibly from the community or customers.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

There are hardly any traditional lectures or exams at Proakatemia. Learning methods and environments are for example training sessions 'paja' (primings, dialogue, workshops, independent studying), literature, writing and publishing, expert lectures and other fact-finding, project work, seminars, learning cells, and common events. Learning is connected with business projects.

Courses related to Leadership, Sales, marketing, Customers & Networks, Finance, and Trade Specific Competencies are mostly learned by attending seminars and learning cells and by way of literature/essays.

Learning materials

Literature, seminar, and learning cell advice from coaches, teachers, and other teampreneurs.

Student workload

1 cr = 27 hours of students' work, which is reported in personal timesheets.

Content scheduling

The student chooses and plans themselves when, how deeply, and in which order they learn this content.

Completion alternatives

To be agreed with your own team coach.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Seminars, learning cells, and literature are related to the development of own business.

Further information

Studies at Proakatemia are integrated into teampreneurs businesses. It is not possible to study separate courses of the curriculum without special arrangements.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

when the quality of the learning outcomes is acceptable and the hours and essays have been reported as agreed.

if there is a lack of hours or the learning outcomes do not meet the learning objectives of the course.