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Boot Camp & Business and Life in FinlandLaajuus (10 op)

Tunnus: 3Y00FC59


10 op


The student will be able to:
• plan and develop his/her own competences in accordance with the needs of the team.
• is able to develop his/her communicative competences in Finnish and in English in team learning situations.
• operate in Finnish study and business environment.
• develop his/her self-leadership skills in order to achieve his/her objectives


What kind of language and cultural knowledge and skills do we need to be able to operate in Finnish and international business environments?
Why do we act differently in different cultures?
How do we learn to operate seamlessly in a bilingual work environment?
How do I lead myself efficiently so that I can achieve my objectives?

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student has shown that he/she understands the importance of language skills and intercultural competence when operating in various business situations. He/She has planned his/her own learning path in accordance with the team and developed his/her Finnish and English communication skills.

The student has not improved his/her proficiency in Finnish and English. He/She has familiarized him-/herself with the aspects of Finnish business culture only superficially and is not able to explain basic principles of intercultural communication based on theoretical knowledge.