Team LearningLaajuus (7 op)
Tunnus: 3Y00FC58
7 op
The student will be able to:
• recognize the possibilities of team learning.
• act constructively in dialogues.
• create and evaluate new, up-to-date skills with the team.
• evaluate strengths and weaknesses of different business models.
• use various business modeling tools.act constructively in dialogues
What is the meaning of learning organization?
What are the advantages of team learning?
How can you learn in a team?
What kind of business models exist and what are the possibilities and challenges of those models?
What kind of tools are used when creating and developing business models?
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Student shows that he/she recognizes the possibilities of team learning. Student is able to act
constructively in team learning sessions. Student is capable of searching and evaluating different business models. Student is able to use different business modeling tools. He/She is familiar with the theoretical background of team learning.
Student does not recognize the possibilities of team learning. He/She is not able to act constructively in team learning sessions and dialogues. Student evaluates different business models superficially and is able to use only a few business modeling tools