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Elämystalouden projektiLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: IM00GW14


5 op


The course introduces in practice how an experience economy project is built from an idea to implementation. During the course, students will execute a project from ideation to implementation, collaborating in teams combining business and arts expertise.

After the course, the student:
• Is able to execute a project from ideation to implementation, collaborating in teams combining business and arts expertise.
• Knows how to to apply project management skills in real-time, including planning, budgeting, and risk management.
• Is able to design, create, and produce content, focusing on innovation, current market trends, and audience engagement.
• Is able to develop and pitch business models, engage with clients, and navigate professional relationships.
• Is able to analyze their teamwork and project outcomes, using feedback for professional and personal growth.
• Is able to work together with professionals in the experience economy and creative industries sector


Ideation for the project. Making a project plan and building and managing a project team. Implementation of the project in practice from concept to production. Trend and market analysis, target group definition, making the business model. Communication with the client, partnership and relationship, contracts, basics of IPR. Teamwork phases, workflow, reporting and feedback.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student:
• Is able to participate in a project from ideation to implementation with basic collaboration, though requires guidance to effectively combine business and arts expertise.
• Knows how to apply fundamental project management skills (planning, budgeting, risk management) with limited consistency.
• Is able to design and produce content at a minimal level of innovation and audience engagement.
• Shows a basic ability to pitch business models and engage with clients, though with limited impact.
• Reflects on teamwork outcomes and feedback in a minimal capacity, demonstrating only initial professional growth.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student:
• Is able to execute a project from concept to production, collaborating effectively with both business and arts stakeholders.
• Knows how to apply real-time project management skills, including budgeting and risk management, with moderate competence.
• Is able to produce content that demonstrates innovation and incorporates current market trends and audience considerations.
• Develops and pitches viable business models, engaging professionally with clients and forming constructive partnerships.
• Analyzes teamwork and project outcomes, using feedback to improve both professional and personal performance.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student:
• Is able to lead a full-cycle project from idea to execution, seamlessly integrating business and arts perspectives.
• Excels at advanced real-time project management, anticipating and proactively addressing challenges.
• Is able to design and produce highly innovative content that effectively targets and engages the intended audience, reflecting deep market awareness.
• Demonstrates strong pitching and networking skills, establishing valuable client relationships and partnerships.
• Critically evaluates teamwork and project outcomes, skillfully incorporating feedback for significant professional development, and collaborates effectively with professionals in the experience economy and creative industries.