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Each One Teach One (2 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: NV00CD10-3028

Toteutuksen perustiedot


01.07.2023 - 07.09.2023


01.09.2023 - 15.12.2023


2 op


1 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Verkossa tapahtuva opiskelu


Pedagogiset ratkaisut ja kulttuuri


TAMK Pääkampus


  • Englanti


0 - 100


  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership


  • Emmanuel Abruquah
  • Anne Kopperoinen


Emmanuel Abruquah

Tavoitteet (OJ)

In Each One Teach One (also known as Tandem in some universities), the students teach each other their languages and culture in pairs or small groups. The course brings together students from various cultural and language backgrounds. The pairs or groups schedule their meetings independently, and each student keeps a learning diary on his/her teaching and/or learning process. It is recommended that each student acts both as a teacher and a learner, but it is also possible to participate only as a teacher or a learner. The pairs or groups are encouraged to meet in different settings and engage in various activities during the course. The students develop their skills in a given language, learn about other cultures, as well as improve their teaching and group work skills.

Sisältö (OJ)

The students
- plan their meetings
- meet 10-15 times (1-2 hours at a time)
- produce a learning diary on their learning and/or teaching process and outcomes

Aika ja paikka

The mandatory kick-off meeting takes place on 7 September 15.00-16.00 in E1-06.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

There is no exam on the course. Instead, students will write a blog and complete the mandatory assignments on Moodle (preliminary plan & finishing forum).

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The assessment is based on the learning diary (blog: about the students' teaching and/or learning process.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

If you wish to take the course, please enroll through Pakki. When we have accepted your enrollment, please:
- Go to Moodle, and fill out the Excel what language/ culture you could teach, and what you would like to learn.
- After you have found a suitable pair in Excel, contact them directly by email. If you already have a study partner, you don't need to write your name in Excel, just start working on the preliminary plan.
- Once you know whom you work with, please write a preliminary plan in Moodle (instructions are in Moodle).
- Please note it is possible that you don't find a study partner on the course.
- You can also study in a group. Just find a group to study with.

The pairs or groups schedule their meetings independently, and they are encouraged to meet in different settings and engage in various activities during the course.


Moodle material.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Pair/group work: 54 h

Sisällön jaksotus

The course can be taken at any time, but it is recommended to complete it within one academic term.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö



The course brings together students from various cultural and language backgrounds.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The students are encouraged to find suitable partners or small groups (max. 6 people) by themselves.

If you wish to take the course, please enroll through Pakki. When we have accepted your enrollment, please:
- Go to Moodle, and fill out the Excel what language/ culture you could teach, and what you would like to learn.
- After you have found a suitable pair in Excel, contact them directly by email. If you already have a study partner, you don't need to write your name in Excel, just start working on the preliminary plan.
- Once you know whom you work with, please write a preliminary plan in Moodle (instructions are in Moodle)
- Please note it is possible that you don't find a study partner on the course.
- You can also study in a group. Just find a group to study with.

Arviointikriteerit - hyväksytty/hylätty (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student writes an acceptable preliminary plan for the meetings, takes part in at least 10 meetings, writes reflective blog entries about each meeting, and posts on the Finishing Forum.