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Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies for Immigrants: Autumn2023

Code: 23MAVA

0.5 years (30 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023


Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies for Immigrants is designed to enhance the readiness for university studies. The curriculum of this education programme places particular emphasis on Finnish language proficiency and preparatory coursework for university studies. Regarding Finnish language proficiency, the initial skill level is set at the European Framework level B1, with the goal of reaching level B2. Additionally, the aim is to develop other essential skills required for successful participation in Finnish higher education, such as IT skills, mathematics, and English language proficiency.

The general objectives of the Programme include familiarity with the Finnish higher education system and practices, as well as the development of collaborative methods and group work skills. In education, we practice self-directed learning and responsibility in studies. We delve into information retrieval and criticism of sources and develop various reading and study techniques. The studies are conducted in Finnish language, and in addition to these contents, we learn the structures of the Finnish language and expand our vocabulary. In mathematics studies, the goal is to master basic arithmetic operations in Finnish. The objectives of English studies include the ability to understand and utilize English-language materials, as well as to communicate in English in various written and oral communication situations.


Upon completing the Programme, students will possess strong capabilities to apply for higher education studies in Finnish. Students will enhance their proficiency in Finnish language to a level that realistically allows them to excel in entrance examinations and university studies. The initial language proficiency requirement for Finnish language studies is set at level B1, with language skills consistently and intensively developed towards an academic proficiency level of B2 during the Programme.

Students will identify their own strengths and resources when planning their studies. They will understand the specific Finnish language skills, study skills, and digital competencies required for university studies. Students will recognize areas where they need improvement in these skills and effectively communicate their needs.

Students will become familiar with the vocabulary related to higher education studies and will additionally acquire domain-specific terminology during the course, assimilating essential terms relevant to their chosen field. They will comprehensively enhance their language skills in both written and oral communication.

After completing the education, students will be well-versed in digital environments associated with university studies and proficient in navigating them. They will be adept at using cloud services for processing and sharing information. Students will be skilled at extracting key points from various university-related textual content and taking notes. They will also be capable of comprehending and recording key points from spoken language.

Students will successfully perform basic arithmetic operations involving real numbers, with a particular emphasis on percentage calculations. They will solve both verbal and numerical mathematical problems and equations. Students will have a foundational understanding of basic statistics and can define common statistical indicators.

Students will be able to communicate effectively in English in written and oral communication situations relevant to their chosen field. They will continually enhance their proficiency in the English language and utilize English-language materials in their area of interest within university studies.

Further information

The Programme does not provide direct admission to degree programs.

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 Autumn 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023
TK00GJ24 Introduction to Preparatory Programme and Higher Education Studies 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TK00GJ25 Higher Education Studies and Finnish as a second language 1 (B1) 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TK00GJ26 Higher Education Studies and Finnish as a second language 2 (B1) 5
TK00GJ27 Higher Education Studies and Finnish as a second language 3 (B2) 5
TK00GJ28 Introduction to Mathematics 5
TK00GJ29 English for Higher Education Studies 5
Total 30 10 10 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.