Complementary Components and Design DocumentsLaajuus (8 cr)
Code: 5B00FB16
8 op
Students learn about building components, their properties, and related regulations and guidelines. They can make related selections, comparisons and plans.
Studenst know fire regulations and undestand how they affect in selection of complementary building components.
After the course, students can make building reports as regards architectural design.
Windows and doors
Fixtures and fittings
Suspended ceilings and stairs
Construction report and building report
Project work
Enrolment period
01.07.2024 - 15.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
8 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Construction Architect
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction Architect
- Tytti Kaitala
- Elina Ritola
Person in charge
Minna Nyström
Objectives (course unit)
Students learn about building components, their properties, and related regulations and guidelines. They can make related selections, comparisons and plans.
Studenst know fire regulations and undestand how they affect in selection of complementary building components.
After the course, students can make building reports as regards architectural design.
Content (course unit)
Windows and doors
Fixtures and fittings
Suspended ceilings and stairs
Construction report and building report
Project work
Location and time
Exam schedules
Will be informed at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Exercise scheduling. Late returned assignments, calculate the value of the grade . Exceptions only for very good reasons, and if this has been agreed with the teacher in advance.
Attendance, as well as the lectures that the exercises.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Kindergarten visit
Classroom education
Independet learning
Exam or Moodle
Learning materials
Will be informed at the beginning of the course
Student workload
The student's work is 27 h/CR
Content scheduling
Fire diagram
Suspended ceiling
Construction site description
All exercises must be checked by the teacher before returning them to TUNI Moodle.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lectures if possible.
International connections
Guest lecturer whenever possible.
Further information
Requirements of the studies: Design Project 2, Kindergarten competition is ready and it has been restored to the Moodle.
Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The students have a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak.
The student will not be able to perceive the topic ideas and will therefore not be in a position to apply the exercises. The complex, you can see that the issues are not at all the point of focus. All of the exercises has not been returned.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has a lot of absences, the activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The student has difficulties in identifying the subject of the basics and apply training at work and the exam answers are inaccurate. The largest part of the assignment is returned late.
Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has just a little bit of absences. The student is able to apply the exercises and exam as well.
The value of the grade to a maximum of 3: part of the assignment is returned late.
Rating up to 4: All assignments are returned in a timely manner.
Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has participated in classroom and group work actively and constructively. The student becomes familiar with the lessons and is able to apply the exercises and an exam in a professional manner.
All assignments are returned in a timely manner.
Enrolment period
01.08.2023 - 18.09.2023
28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023
8 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Construction Architect
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction Architect
- Tytti Kaitala
- Elina Ritola
Person in charge
Elina Ritola
Objectives (course unit)
Students learn about building components, their properties, and related regulations and guidelines. They can make related selections, comparisons and plans.
Studenst know fire regulations and undestand how they affect in selection of complementary building components.
After the course, students can make building reports as regards architectural design.
Content (course unit)
Windows and doors
Fixtures and fittings
Suspended ceilings and stairs
Construction report and building report
Project work
Location and time
Exam schedules
Will be informed at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Exercise scheduling. Late returned assignments, calculate the value of the grade . Exceptions only for very good reasons, and if this has been agreed with the teacher in advance.
Attendance, as well as the lectures that the exercises.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Kindergarten visit
Classroom education
Independet learning
Learning materials
Will be informed at the beginning of the course
Student workload
The student's work is 27 h/CR
Content scheduling
Fire diagram
Suspended ceiling
Construction site description
All exercises must be checked by the teacher before returning them to TUNI Moodle.
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lectures if possible.
Further information
Requirements of the studies: Design Project 2, Kindergarten competition is ready and it has been restored to the Moodle.
Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The students have a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak.
The student will not be able to perceive the topic ideas and will therefore not be in a position to apply the exercises. The complex, you can see that the issues are not at all the point of focus. All of the exercises has not been returned.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has a lot of absences, the activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The student has difficulties in identifying the subject of the basics and apply training at work and the exam answers are inaccurate. The largest part of the assignment is returned late.
Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has just a little bit of absences. The student is able to apply the exercises and exam as well.
The value of the grade to a maximum of 3: part of the assignment is returned late.
Rating up to 4: All assignments are returned in a timely manner.
Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student has participated in classroom and group work actively and constructively. The student becomes familiar with the lessons and is able to apply the exercises and an exam in a professional manner.
All assignments are returned in a timely manner.