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Degree Programme in Nursing: 19NURSE

Code: 19NURSE

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2019


The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health authorises Bachelors of Health Care degrees according to the Act on Health Care Professionals (559/1994). The degree is comparable with equivalent degrees in other EU countries.

The core values of the Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care include respect for individuals, human dignity, confidentiality, responsibility and high quality professional conduct.

The registered nurse is able to support people in health and wellbeing promotion, maintenance of health, and care for the ill in a holistic way. The nurse is an expert who carries out and develops nursing independently and in multiprofessional teams. The registered nurse can work in the service of primary health care, special health care, private sector or third sector organisations.

The professional competencies of registered nurses consist of ethical conduct, health promotion, decision making, guidance and teaching, collaboration, research and development, leadership, multicultural nursing, societal activities, clinical nursing, and medication. The competencies are based on evidence based nursing, nursing science and other disciplines such as medicine and social and behavioural sciences.

Learning to be a nurse includes both evaluation of prior knowledge and conduct in a reflective, critical and ethical way, realisation of new ways of action, and processing of personal attitudes. The starting point of learning is the multidimensional reality and knowledge of many levels. Learning rises from the key competence needs of the professional field.

After the first year of studies, the nursing student knows the basics of caring for ill patients. The student obeys all laws and ethical codes concerning health care. The student recognises and predicts possible health problems of individuals and communities. The student is able to monitor basic vital signs, recognises nursing needs, and is able to use appropriate nursing methods. The student has mastered medical calculations and knows how to admister medication safely. The student is able to give first aid in emergency situations. The student is able to consider the meaning of different cultures in nursing.

During the third, fourth and fifth semester of the studies the student develops his/her clinical know-how in different areas of nursing. The student is able to estimate the nursing needs of patients/clients of different ages, and plan, implement and evaluate nursing in cooperation with the patients/clients and their significant others. The student utilises multidisciplinary knowledge as the basis for his/her work. The student is able to guide and support patients/clients in self-care. The student knows how to act in multiprofessional collaboration to the benefit of the patient/client. The student knows how to evaluate his/her own work critically.

In the advancing professional studies towards the end of the programme the know-how of the student strengthens and deepens. The student is able to make ethically sound decisions based on evidence and act professionally as a nurse. The student is able to meet the nursing needs of families and patients of different ages in his/her own nursing field. The student can act as a primary nurse to patients and their families throughout nursing processes according to the principles of primary nursing. The student is able to develop nursing and his/her conduct responsibly. The student deepens his/her knowledge in a nursing field through the bachelor’s thesis.

The Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care includes 75 credits of clinical training to enhance professional skills.

Progress of studies

The student’s know-how in nursing expands and deepens throughout the studies. In completing the studies, the following principles are followed:

50 ects of first and second semester studies need to be completed in the beginning of the second year studies. The first-year supervised orientation to clinical training and pharmacotherapy and medical calculations are to be completed before proceeding to the first clinical training.

By the start of the advanced professional studies, sixth and seventh semesters, the student must have studies completed, at least 135 credits, including the basic level studies in the field of the optional professional studies. These studies need to include four supervised practises and anatomy and physiology.

Students have the opportunity to deepen their international competence up to 20-30 credits. The studies may consist of English-language theoretical studies in Finland, international student or trainee exchange or other international studies.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

Finnish health policies, future challenges, and the TAMK strategy have all been considered in the curriculum. In addition to the Act (559/1994) and the Decree (564/1994) on Health Care Professionals, the competence descriptions made by the work group appointed by the Ministry of Education in 2005 on health care education in universities of applied sciences, the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences’ competence classifications, and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) have also been considered in the curriculum. The education fulfils the EU directive (2013/55/EU) on recognition of professional qualifications.
The Nursing Education Foundation has been involved in planning of the curriculum by commenting on the contents and structure.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 Autumn 2019 Spring 2020 Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 1. / 2019 2. / 2019 3. / 2020 4. / 2020 1. / 2020 2. / 2020 3. / 2021 4. / 2021 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022
Language Skills

(Choose ects: 6)

7Q00EG59 Occupational Finnish 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EG60 Swedish, spoken 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00EG61 Swedish, written 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00EG62 Academic English 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Basics of Nursing Profession

(Choose all )

7Q00EE65 Orientation to the Profession 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EG63 Daily Activities in Nursing 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00EG64 Clinical Nursing Methods 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00EG66 Promotion of Health and Functional Ability 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EG67 Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EG69 Infection Control 2 2 2 1 1
Holistic Nursing

(Choose all )

7Q00EG70 Nursing Process and Documentation 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00EZ82 Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00EZ83 Clinical Studies 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00EZ84 Medical Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ85 Professional Ethics and Communication 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Q00EZ86 Pharmacology 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00EZ87 Structured Data Search 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EZ88 Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Operative Nursing

(Choose all )

7Q00EZ89 Surgical Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ90 Perioperative Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ91 Clinical Studies in Operative Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Q00EZ92 Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Family Nursing

(Choose all )

7Q00EZ93 Paediatric Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ94 Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ95 Gerontological Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ97 User-oriented Wellbeing Technology 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EZ98 Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00EZ99 Nursing Science in Past and Today 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Nursing in Changing Environments

(Choose all )

7Q00FA00 Nursing in Outpatient Health Care 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7Q00FA01 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7Q00FA02 Nursing Skills 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA12 Nursing Administration 2 2 2 1 1
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

7Q00FA03 Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Q00FA04 Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7Q00FA05 Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Advanced Professional Studies, Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all )

7Q00EZ80 Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EZ81 Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s 4 4 4 2 2
Supervised Clinical Training

(Choose all )

7Q00EG65 Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7Q00EG68 Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA13 Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA14 Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA15 Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA16 Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA17 Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA18 Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA19 Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA20 Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7Q00FA51 Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00FA52 Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00FA21 Supervised Clinical Training 1 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00FA22 Supervised Clinical Training 2 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00FA23 Supervised Clinical Training 3 6
7Q00FA24 Supervised Clinical Training 4 6 3 3 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
7Q00FA25 Supervised Clinical Training 5 6 6 6 3 3
7Q00FA53 Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7Q00FA54 Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7Q00FA26 Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00FA27 Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2 2 2 2 1 1
7Q00FA28 Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1
7Q00FA29 Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Elective Studies

(Choose all )

7Q00FA50 Elective Studies 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 210 68 59 58 22 37 31 30 29 28 30 22 18.5 18.5 15.5 15.5 15 15 14.5 14.5 14 14 15 15 11 11

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Bachelor's Thesis
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Basic and Professional Studies
Occupational Finnish
Swedish, spoken
Swedish, written
Academic English
Orientation to the Profession
Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Infection Control
Nursing Process and Documentation
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion
Clinical Studies
Medical Nursing
Professional Ethics and Communication
Structured Data Search
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Clinical Studies in Operative Care
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise
Nursing Science in Past and Today
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Nursing Skills
Nursing Administration
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Free-Choice Studies
Elective Studies

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

No attached course units

No attached course units

No attached course units

No attached course units

Occupational Finnish
Swedish, spoken
Swedish, written
Academic English
Orientation to the Profession
Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Infection Control
Nursing Process and Documentation
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion
Clinical Studies
Medical Nursing
Professional Ethics and Communication
Structured Data Search
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Clinical Studies in Operative Care
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise
Nursing Science in Past and Today
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Nursing Skills
Nursing Administration
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Elective Studies

Tamprere3 common learning outcomes


The student
- takes responsibility for his/her actions and the consequences of those actions
- is familiar with the principles of sound scientific practice and acts accordingly
- complies with the research and professional ethics of his/her field
- applies the principles of equality, accessibility and fairness
- is able to influence the community and society on the basis of ethical values and by using the competence he/she has gained

Orientation to the Profession
Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Infection Control
Nursing Process and Documentation
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion
Medical Nursing
Professional Ethics and Communication
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise
Nursing Science in Past and Today
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Nursing Skills
Nursing Administration
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
International outlook and global responsibility

The student
- actively follows up on the international developments in his/her field and understands the effects and opportunities
- works in international operating environments and is capable of international and intercultural communication in his/her work and in its development
- anticipates and takes advantage of the impact and opportunities offered by the development of the international outlook in his/her work
- identifies local and global issues related to sustainable development and their interrelationships within the ecological, socio-cultural and economic dimensions of sustainable development
- orients him/herself to the future by identifying the consequences that decisions and choices have for sustainable development
- is familiar with sustainable development issues and ways of forming knowledge about sustainable development in his/her scientific or other field
- is able to critically specify and analyse sustainable development aspects in his/her field and in cross-disciplinary settings, and be committed in the way he/she applies the things he/she has learned
- is able to act in a goal-oriented manner and organise activities to find and implement solutions that promote sustainable development

Occupational Finnish
Swedish, spoken
Swedish, written
Academic English
Orientation to the Profession
Nursing Science in Past and Today
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Learning skills and critical thinking

The student
- evaluates and develops his/her know-how and learning methods
- continually enhances his/her skills
- is able to solve new and complex problems and make decisions even in unexpected situations
- gathers, processes, evaluates, analyses and uses information in a versatile, critical and ethical way
- evaluates and develops his/her information gathering processes
- cooperates in the higher education community to construct information, and understands the importance of sharing information as a part of building his/her skills
- understands scientific thinking, reasoning and explanation

Occupational Finnish
Swedish, spoken
Swedish, written
Academic English
Orientation to the Profession
Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Medical Nursing
Structured Data Search
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Social understanding and economic and leadership skills

The student
- has sufficient economic and leadership skills in his/her field and a willingness to expand this know-how
- is able to manage his/her work in a goal-oriented manner in working life
- is capable of planning work, working independently in expert positions and acting as an immediate supervisor when necessary
- understands the importance of economics and leadership in his/her field and knows how to build competitiveness through them
- understands the meaning of his/her work in the societal context and is able to participate in the public debate in his/her field

Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Gerontological Nursing
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Nursing Administration
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Information technology and digital skills

The student
- is able to use information and communications technology
- understands the importance of digitalisation in his/her field and utilises the digital operating environments available in the field
- promotes the development of digital operating environments in his/her field
- knows the risks associated with digital environments and takes them into account in his/her own actions

Orientation to the Profession
Nursing Process and Documentation
Structured Data Search
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Employability skills

The student
- is able to act as a member of a work community and promote the community’s and his/her own well-being
- takes into account the diversity of actors in the work environment
- functions appropriately in complicated situations
- understands the importance of networks in working life and has the ability to develop his/her own networks

Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Medical Nursing
Professional Ethics and Communication
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Nursing Administration
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2

The student
- implements research and development activities by using existing knowledge and methods in his/her field, and produces new knowledge and methods for the field
- finds and creates new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions
- thinks creatively and sees alternative solution-oriented ways of working in a variety of cross-disciplinary and working life situations
- understands the importance of the global problems humankind is facing, as well as the significance of development and innovation in solving them
- has entrepreneurial skills

User-oriented Wellbeing Technology
Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Interaction and communication skills

The student
- works in communication and interaction situations in working life as required by the task as a member of the community, such as in a team or a project group
- is able to engage in constructive and expert social debate
- is able to discuss research-based knowledge and understand the status of different presentations and media texts
- is able to communicate and work with people from different cultures and master the language skills required in his/her field
- has mastered at least one foreign language at a level that allows him/her to follow the developments in the field and to work in an international environment

Occupational Finnish
Swedish, spoken
Swedish, written
Academic English
Orientation to the Profession
Daily Activities in Nursing
Clinical Nursing Methods
Promotion of Health and Functional Ability
Medical Nursing
Professional Ethics and Communication
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication
Paediatric Nursing
Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise
Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Nursing Administration
Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis
Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients
Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s
Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication
Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy
Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care
Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1
Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2
Clinical Studies
Clinical Studies in Operative Care
Elective Studies

Code Name Credits (cr)
Language Skills

(Choose ects: 6)

7Q00EG59 Occupational Finnish 3
7Q00EG60 Swedish, spoken 2
7Q00EG61 Swedish, written 1
7Q00EG62 Academic English 3
Basics of Nursing Profession

(Choose all)

7Q00EE65 Orientation to the Profession 4
7Q00EG63 Daily Activities in Nursing 6
7Q00EG64 Clinical Nursing Methods 6
7Q00EG66 Promotion of Health and Functional Ability 3
7Q00EG67 Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations 3
7Q00EG69 Infection Control 2
Holistic Nursing

(Choose all)

7Q00EG70 Nursing Process and Documentation 2
7Q00EZ82 Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion 2
7Q00EZ83 Clinical Studies 6
7Q00EZ84 Medical Nursing 4
7Q00EZ85 Professional Ethics and Communication 5
7Q00EZ86 Pharmacology 2
7Q00EZ87 Structured Data Search 3
7Q00EZ88 Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment 3
Operative Nursing

(Choose all)

7Q00EZ89 Surgical Nursing 4
7Q00EZ90 Perioperative Nursing 4
7Q00EZ91 Clinical Studies in Operative Care 5
7Q00EZ92 Education and Teaching Competence and Digital Communication 3
Family Nursing

(Choose all)

7Q00EZ93 Paediatric Nursing 4
7Q00EZ94 Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing 4
7Q00EZ95 Gerontological Nursing 4
7Q00EZ97 User-oriented Wellbeing Technology 3
7Q00EZ98 Communicable Diseases and Vaccination Expertise 3
7Q00EZ99 Nursing Science in Past and Today 3
Nursing in Changing Environments

(Choose all)

7Q00FA00 Nursing in Outpatient Health Care 3
7Q00FA01 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7
7Q00FA02 Nursing Skills 1
7Q00FA12 Nursing Administration 2
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

7Q00FA03 Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis 5
7Q00FA04 Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process 7
7Q00FA05 Reporting Phase of the Bachelor’s Thesis 3
Advanced Professional Studies, Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all)

7Q00EZ80 Advanced Clinical Nursing Practice of Long-Term Patients 4
7Q00EZ81 Nursing Care of Emergency and High Dependency Unit Patient’s 4
Supervised Clinical Training

(Choose all)

7Q00EG65 Orientation to Clinical Training: Basics of Clinical Nursing 4
7Q00EG68 Orientation to Clinical Training: Medication 1
7Q00FA13 Orientation to Clinical Training: Intravenous Fluid Therapy 1
7Q00FA14 Orientation to Clinical Training: Medical Nursing 1
7Q00FA15 Orientation to Clinical Training: Surgical Nursing 1
7Q00FA16 Orientation to Clinical Training: Perioperative Nursing 1
7Q00FA17 Orientation to Clinical Training: Paediatric Nursing 1
7Q00FA18 Orientation to Clinical Training: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing 1
7Q00FA19 Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Outpatient Health Care 1
7Q00FA20 Orientation to Clinical Training: Mental and Substance Abuse Nursing 1
7Q00FA51 Orientation to Clinical Training: Advanced Clinical Nursing 2
7Q00FA52 Orientation to Clinical Training: Emergency and High Dependency Units 2
7Q00FA21 Supervised Clinical Training 1 6
7Q00FA22 Supervised Clinical Training 2 6
7Q00FA23 Supervised Clinical Training 3 6
7Q00FA24 Supervised Clinical Training 4 6
7Q00FA25 Supervised Clinical Training 5 6
7Q00FA53 Supervised Clinical Training 6: Advanced Clinical Nursing 9
7Q00FA54 Supervised Clinical Training 7: Emergency and High Dependency Units 9
7Q00FA26 Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 1 2
7Q00FA27 Supervised Clinical Training: Simulation 2 2
7Q00FA28 Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 1 4
7Q00FA29 Supervised Clinical Training: Working in a Project 2 2
Elective Studies

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7Q00FA50 Elective Studies 5