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Basic Mathematical Skills in ICT Engineering (5 cr)

Code: 5N00GB96-3001

General information

Enrolment period

15.07.2023 - 08.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering


  • Sara Nortunen

Person in charge

Sara Nortunen


  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

-is able to narrate given mathematical text and self-produced expressions/equations etc.
-is able to evaluate his/her own mathematical know-how
-can manipulate expressions and equations (by utilizing tools, if necessary)
-knows the concepts of function and proportionality
-identifies and is able to create an equation of a line
-knows Boolean algebra and is able to use truth tables
-is able to apply course contents in technical problem solving
-is able to act as a member of a group and take responsibility for one's own and the group's success

Content (course unit)

-Reading and presentation skills of basic software engineering mathematics
-Numeral systems that are used in software engineering (binary and hexadecimal systems)
-Power: powers of 10 and 2, multiplicative units, manipulation of expressions
-Solving an equation, solving a system of equations
-Concept of proportionality
-Equation of a line, concept of regression
-Concept of function, sine function
-Boolean algebra, truth tables
-Basic use of mathematical software (with the content themes listed above)

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

-Knows the taught mathematical basic concepts
-Is able to do given basic level tasks by utilizing the group, if necessary
-Understands and is able to narrate given mathematical text
-Knows some engineering applications of the course contents

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

-Can handle expressions and equations within the span of course contents
-Can narrate and justify self-produced expressions and equations etc.
-Is mainly able to use mathematical notations and concepts correctly
-Is able to help other members of the group
-Can apply taught concepts in engineering applications

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

-In addition to aforementioned
*Can apply course contents in technical problem solving – even in new contexts
*Student can present self-written mathematical text clearly, logically and precisely

Location and time

Dates and times are shown in Tuni Moodle.

Exam schedules

The dates and times for partial exams:
Partial exam 1: TBA. No sign-up required.
Partial exam 2: TBA. No sign-up required.
Each partial exam can only be taken once, with no retake attempts.

The dates and times for the full exams, which also act as retake exams:
Full exam 1 / Retake exam 1: TBA. Sign-up in Pakki required.
Full exam 2 / Retake exam 2: TBA. Sign-up in Pakki required.

If you received a grade of 0, you can attend at most two (2) retake exams. If you received a grade of 1-4, you can attend only one (1) retake exam.

If you are ill during an exam or cannot participate in an exam, you are expected to report your absence as soon as possible, preferably before the exam. An unreported absence results to obtaining 0 points from the exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course can be completed in two different ways:
A) Two partial exams and other activities (recommended)
B) Full exam

For the completion method A), the final grade is based on both partial exams, completed homework exercises and other possible assignments. In addition, a student has to get at least 40% of the maximum points in each partial exam. To pass the course, a student must additionally have completed and submitted at least 40% of the homework exercises. Each partial exam can be taken only once.

Grade 0: if a student has completed and submitted at least 40% of the homework exercises, but does not pass the course with partial exams, he/she is given a grade of 0. A grade of 0 or higher is required to sign up for the full exam (of method B) in Pakki.

For the completion method B), the final grade is based on the full exam that covers the material of the entire course. To participate in a full exam, a student must have a grade of 0 (i.e. he/she must have completed and submitted at least 40% of the homework exercises) or higher.

For both completion methods A) and B), the course is graded on a scale from 0 to 5. For both methods, the course grade is based on the percentage of points obtained:
40% of maximum score - 0.5
52.5% of maximum score - 1.5
65% of maximum score - 2.5
77.5% of maximum score - 3.5
90% of maximum score - 4.5
After the grade has been calculated using the above table, the final grade is determined by rounding the calculated grade to the nearest integer (i.e. a grade of 4.4 is rounded to 4, while 4.6 is rounded to 5).

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching, Remote teaching, Independent learning, Lesson excercises, Homework, Group work, Problem-based learning, Collaborative learninng. Excercise assignments, Question-based teaching, Question-based learning, PC-excercises

Learning materials

Material, theory and exercises can be found in Tuni Moodle. If necessary, a student can use math books he/she has used before and/or online sources to obtain more information about the topics. A student can also borrow books in a local library.

Content scheduling

Topics are shown in Tuni Moodle.

Completion alternatives

To be negotiated with Teacher. Teacher has no obligation whatsoever to permit an alternative way to complete the course.