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Event technical legislation and safety and responsibility in eventsLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: TK00GB85


2 op


After taking the course, the student knows the most common legal and legislative terms related to the implementation of the event. The student knows how to search and apply information and evaluate the reliability of the information source he uses. The student knows what and how to inform the event's customers about matters related to the ecology and safety of the event.
It is important to know how to see the event from the perspective of the event participant. After completing this course, the student understands the customer's needs and motives for an experiential event, identifies different target groups and is able to utilize this information in communication and marketing. The student knows how to make a risk analysis of events regarding participants, partners, employees and volunteers. The student has become familiar with the behavior of troops in live events and knows how to take this into account in their risk analyses. The student knows how to create a partner and customer network and utilize networks in the long-term development of the event.
Teaching methods: Lectures, group work and independent work.

Enrolment period

14.12.2022 - 12.01.2023


13.01.2023 - 31.08.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Business Operations

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Mika Kylänen
Person in charge

Kai Salonen

    Tapahtuma -ja sisällöntuotanto

Objectives (course unit)

After taking the course, the student knows the most common legal and legislative terms related to the implementation of the event. The student knows how to search and apply information and evaluate the reliability of the information source he uses. The student knows what and how to inform the event's customers about matters related to the ecology and safety of the event.
It is important to know how to see the event from the perspective of the event participant. After completing this course, the student understands the customer's needs and motives for an experiential event, identifies different target groups and is able to utilize this information in communication and marketing. The student knows how to make a risk analysis of events regarding participants, partners, employees and volunteers. The student has become familiar with the behavior of troops in live events and knows how to take this into account in their risk analyses. The student knows how to create a partner and customer network and utilize networks in the long-term development of the event.
Teaching methods: Lectures, group work and independent work.

Assessment scale
