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Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology

Master of Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care

90 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Bioanalyst (Master’s degree), Emergency Nurse (Master’s degree), Physiotherapist (Master’s degree), Midwife (Master’s degree), Radiographer (Master’s degree), Registered Nurse (Master’s degree), Public Health Nurse (Master’s degree), Social Services (Master’s degree)

Contact Information

Principal Lecturer in Charge
Lea Saarni
Head of Competence Area
Päivi Hautaviita
Study Affairs Coordinator
Riitta-Liisa Mäntylä
Student Counsellor
Tiina Säilä

Special Admission Requirements

Master's degree is designed for people who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Social Services or Health Care (bioanalyst, emergency nurse, physioterapist, midwife, radiographer, RN, public health nurse, social services) or an equivalent vocational degree and who have at least two years of work experience in a relevant field after graduation.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit transfer for studies means that the student can apply for transfer prior higher education studies to the studied degree if they meet the competence objectives of the degree programme.
Credit transfer follows the spesific instructions of TAMK.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The programme corresponds to the competence framework described in European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the National Quality Framework (NQF). The master’s degree corresponds to the competence level 7.

Profile of the Programme

Wellbeingare technology refers to a variety of technical and technological solutions used to maintain and improve the quality of human life, wellbeing or health. In addition, the wellbeing technologies mean the systems used by the staff of the organisations used in activity guiding and evaluating. The value of training is based on the wellbeing and health-related technologies, life cycle thinking, sustainable development and ethics.

Key Learning Outcomes

The degree programme aims to provide the students with the capacity to act as experts and well-being technology developers. In addition, the aim is to provide students with project management skills and capabilities for innovating and developing
wellbeing technology products and services. The training builds on the working life changes and requirements. Societal changes require the deployment of customer and user-driven, evidence-based and effective practices, as well as their management and evaluation. The studies provide the key competencies, such as the design expertise for accessibility of the built environment, expertise in health care and social service assistive technology service, customer-oriented project expertise, documentation skills in health care device regulatory requirements, procurement expertise in health care technological solutions, health/wellbeing technologies and ICT solutions and welfare service business skills.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Wellbeing technology graduates can find work placement as wellbeing technology experts, wellbeing technology trainers, development coordinators, project managers, application/system experts (customer and patient information systems), medical device chiefs (in the hospital) and as wellbeing technology coordinators or designers.

Access to Further Studies

After completing the degree, the student can apply for the teacher’s pedagogical studies either in a university or university of applied sciences and become a qualified vocational teacher. Eligibility for licentiate’s and doctor’s degrees has to be negotiated separately with each faculty.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment of completed courses is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria. The teaching and assessment methods are agreed on with the students at the beginning of the course. The detailed information and criteria can be found in the course implementation plan. TAMK’s degree regulations are followed in implementation and assessment.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate the student need to completed the studies in accordance to the curriculum.

Mode of Study

The studies are carried out together with students in the fields of social services and health care, business administration and technology. The training is implemented as blended learning, which can be completed in addition to work. Contact hours are on average every other week, Thursday evenings and Fridays (8.30-16).

Development of the Programme

The curriculum is developed in cooperation with TAMK’s other master’s degree programmes. Working life cooperation is implemented through thesises and projects as well as network cooperation and advisory councils. Student feedback is collected annually in connection with courses and individual study plan discussions. Alumni feedback is collected regularly through online surveys.

Master's Degree Programme in Wellbeing Technology
Master's Degree Programme in Wellbeing Technology
Master's Degree Programme in Wellbeing Technology
Master's Degree Programme in Wellbeing Technology
Enrolment period

08.05.2023 - 03.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Health Technology


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Lea Saarni
  • Pekka Pöyry
  • Tony Torp
Person in charge

Lea Saarni

  • 23YHL
  • 23YHT
  • 23YHS

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the most common terminology and concepts of data analytics
- knows the principles of data mining, storing and analysis mehtods
- knows the most common data management and visualisation methods
- understands the importance and use data in health care process
- knows the concepts, principles and use of machine learning in health care

Content (course unit)

Key concepts: definition of healthcare data, Big Data, data visualization, algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Categories of health care data
Introduction to Big Data and its utilization in healthcare
Data recovery methods
The most common Big Data systems
Introduction to algorithms, basics of machine learning and artificial intelligence

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to process data
- is able to analyze and make data visualizations
- knows the basics and main concepts of artificial intelligence as well as the main applications in the field of healthcare.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- is able to process data
- is able to analyze and make data visualizations
- knows the basics and main concepts of artificial intelligence
- is able based on examples to create artificial intelligence applications in the field of healthcare
- understands the importance of data in health care management processes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to process data
- is able to analyze and make data visualizations
- knows well the basics of artificial intelligence and the most important concepts
- is able to create appropriate artificial intelligence applications in healthcare
- understands the importance of data in health care management processes.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.08.2023 - 30.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 14.10.2023


5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship
  • Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise and Development
  • Path Studies for Upper Secondary Students
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Degree Programme in Media, students who began in 2013 or earlier
  • Master's Degree Programme in International Sales and Sales Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Modern Executive Assistant
  • Digital Specialist Fast Track – Specialisation Education
  • Case Management in Social Services and Health Care, Specialisation Education
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration
  • Specialisation Education in Digital Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Mari Stenvall
  • 23YAMK

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

• is able to perform the learning tasks of the course
• demonstrate that they are in control of the core content of the course
• is able to apply the lessons learned in working life situations, but there is much to improve in sharing knowledge

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

• performs the course as a whole fairly well
• An active learner and as an individual and in a team can demonstrate the applicability of knowledge and practices acquired from literature, lectures, and other sources to tasks analyzing and developing working life

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

• is able to perform all the parts of the course commendably
• she has shown interest and motivation to learn as an individual and in a team and is able to share her knowledge with others
• master the curriculum and apply the skills learned from literature, lectures, and other sources in analyzing and developing work-life skills

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Data Expertise and Artificial Intelligence


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Promotion
  • Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise and Development
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Development and Management of Health Care and Social Services
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Pekka Pöyry
Person in charge

Pekka Pöyry

  • 24YDS
  • 24YDL

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to analyze and develop his / her own activities in project work

Content (course unit)

Working in TAMK's external financing project or other project.
1 credit = 27 h of student work.
The student agrees on the project work and its reporting with the teacher working in the project or his / her own teacher tutor.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

08.05.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Health Technology


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Heidi Peltolehto
  • Lea Saarni
Person in charge

Lea Saarni

  • 23YHL
  • 23YHT
  • 23YHS

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows definitions, terminology and basic concepts of health information systems and is able to apply them in social and health care context
- understands the specifics and key standards of health information and is able to analyse their meanings in different health information systems
- knows the key architectures, use of electronic patient records and personal health records and is able to analyse them in health care system
- understands the most important interoperability issues related to patient records and is able to resolve them
- knows the typical eHealth applications and is able to evaluate their benefits.

Content (course unit)

Roles of the different stakeholders. Cases: Finland and some other countries.
Introduction to Health Care Processes.
Healthcare operations management and health economics.
Health information management, an overview.
Structured and unstructured clinical data. Data quality. Medical knowledge management. Handling of personal sensitive medical data.
Clinical and departmental information systems.
Standards and regulation overview and Electronic Health Record.
Health ICT system development and delivery process.
Personal Health Informatics.
Future trends in health ICT and Health Care ICT market.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
• knows definitions, terminology and basic concepts of health information systems, but is not able to apply them in social and healthcare context
• is able to name some key standards of health information systems
• understands some architectures and electronic patient record and personal health record
• knows some eHealth platforms and mobile applications for different social and healthcare users, but is not able to assess their benefits for them
• can weakly apply the previously mentioned information into practicality in the project work
• is not able to make ideas of the future trends and technologies

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
• knows definitions, terminology and basic concepts of health information systems and is able to apply them in social and healthcare context
• understands the main key standards of health information systems and is able to analyze their use in different applications and solutions
• knows the key architectures and electronic patient record and personal health record in that architecture
• knows eHealth platforms and mobile applications for different social and healthcare stakeholders and users and is able to assess their benefits for them
• can apply all the previously mentioned information into practicality in the project work and argument some of the chosen solutions
• knows and is able to make some ideas of the future trends and technologies

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
• knows definitions, terminology and basic concepts of health information systems and is able to apply them in social and healthcare context
• understands the key standards of health information systems and is able to analyze their use in different applications and solutions
• knows the key architectures and electronic patient record and personal health record in that architecture
• knows eHealth platforms and mobile applications for different social and healthcare stakeholders and users and is able to assess their benefits for them
• can apply all the previously mentioned information into practicality in the project work and argument chosen solutions
• knows and is able to innovate the future trends and technologies

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

19.12.2022 - 28.09.2023


28.09.2023 - 24.11.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Health Technology


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Vesa Vuorinen
  • Lea Saarni
  • Juha Tuominen
Person in charge

Lea Saarni

  • 23YHL
  • 23YHT
  • 23YHS

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to analyze the company's internal level of readiness and its importance for entering the market of products and services
- is able to select the target market and identify and assess the factors, threats and opportunities for market entry in the selected market
- is able to use tools related to the assessment of business opportunities and analyze their benefits
- is able to make a marketing strategy based on analyzes and other accumulated information

Content (course unit)

- Concepts and contents related to marketing strategy
- Product features, benefits and value creation
- Customer segmentation
- Customer-related research and its analysis
- Utilization of different analytical tools in placing on the market
- Developing a marketing strategy

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- understands the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to perform target group analysis and choose a possible target market, but does not justify his/her choices
- is able to identify only a few factors influencing demand and identifies irrelevant threats and opportunities in the selected market
- describes customer target groups based on information, but they are not justified
- combines random information that is used in the content of the marketing strategy
- describes his/her conclusions and their impact on the company's growth and internationalization
- use only a few different tools at different stages of the marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy using only a part of the collected information.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to choose the target market, but gives little justification for the choice
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on the information
- combines and applies the information obtained, using it in the content of the marketing strategy, but the conclusions remain limited
- analyzes his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and in some respects evaluate different tools at different stages of marketing strategy formation
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- analyzes the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services
- chooses and justifies the target market
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on information
- combines and applies the information obtained appropriately, using it in the content and conclusions of the marketing strategy;
- critically examines his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and evaluates various tools in various stages in the formation of marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Health Technology


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Heidi Peltolehto
  • Outi Tuisku
  • Pipsa Tuominen
  • Lea Saarni
  • Tapio Yrjölä
  • Teemu Heinimäki
  • Jaana Vainionpää
  • Jussi Ylänen
Person in charge

Päivi Hautaviita

  • 23YHL
  • 23YHT
  • 23YHS

Objectives (course unit)

3. Reporting and Evaluating the Thesis (after gate 5 and final evaluation), 5c
Goals and contents
- producing a Master’s thesis and relevant materials, which follow TAMK’s instructions and research ethical principles
- presenting orally the justification and evaluation of the research methods, implementation, and the results of the thesis.

Content (course unit)

Implementation parts depend on the degree programme
- finalising and publishing the Master’s thesis
- creating a poster
- checking for plagiarism – Turnit
- maturity test
- presenting the thesis in the evaluation situation
- written peer evaluation (will there be time for oral evaluation during the presentations also)

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment scale
