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Finnish ArchitectureLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5B00FB31


5 op


Student is able to recognize different architectural styles of Finnish architecture. Student is able to discuss and analyze the tradition of architecture.
Student is able to recognize the most important highlights of Finnish contemporary architecture and they know the most important Finnish architects.
Student understands the tradition and current principles of wooden structures. Student realizes how wooden structures affect the architecture both in small houses and public buildings.
Student has basic knowledge of Finnish legislation of building.


Finnish regulations of land-use and building.
Overview of Finnish Architecture from 14th century to today.
Finnish medieval architecture. Gustavian III style and Empire. (Gothic and Classic revival). National Romanticism.
Functionalism, Modernism, Post-modernism
Finnish pioneer architects
Traditional and modern Finnish building types, especially wooden buildings.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Student participated in lectures but the achieved competence is narrow.
Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the Finnish architecture.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information is minor. The reporting of the assignment structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations.

Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in new situations.

Student has fluent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected and reported according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation is correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Enrolment period

20.01.2025 - 27.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Construction Architect


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

4 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Construction Architect
  • Kasmir Jolma
  • Minna Nyström
Person in charge

Kasmir Jolma

  • 24KVRY
  • 23I800

Objectives (course unit)

Student is able to recognize different architectural styles of Finnish architecture. Student is able to discuss and analyze the tradition of architecture.
Student is able to recognize the most important highlights of Finnish contemporary architecture and they know the most important Finnish architects.
Student understands the tradition and current principles of wooden structures. Student realizes how wooden structures affect the architecture both in small houses and public buildings.
Student has basic knowledge of Finnish legislation of building.

Content (course unit)

Finnish regulations of land-use and building.
Overview of Finnish Architecture from 14th century to today.
Finnish medieval architecture. Gustavian III style and Empire. (Gothic and Classic revival). National Romanticism.
Functionalism, Modernism, Post-modernism
Finnish pioneer architects
Traditional and modern Finnish building types, especially wooden buildings.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student participated in lectures but the achieved competence is narrow.
Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the Finnish architecture.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information is minor. The reporting of the assignment structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations.

Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in new situations.

Student has fluent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected and reported according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation is correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Location and time

Lectures according to course timetable.

Exam schedules

No exam

Assessment methods and criteria

Activity and presence in the lectures and completed tasks.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, individual tasks & group work.

Learning materials

Will be notified during the course

Student workload

The student's working load is 27 h/course credit

Content scheduling

The student will participate in the lectures and makes multiple diverse assignments that are presented as short presentations.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Visit in an architectural company

International connections

Open for international students

Further information

The course covers Finnish architecture from the Middle Ages to the present day from a wide range of perspectives. The course is organized entirely in English as face-to-face teaching, and the aim is to deal with the course's themes through interactive discussion.

The lectures consist of example projects from different building types manifesting different themes of historic and contemporary architecture. The course includes a wide variety of tasks, such as presentations, independent site visits, and drawing. The tasks are presented mostly as short presentations.

Participating in the course does not require prior knowledge and design software is not used in the course. The course uses Moodle for sharing information digitally.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are not completed.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are completed according to minimum requirements.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has just a few absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is good. The tasks are completed carefully and creatively.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has been involved in teaching and group work in an active and committed manner. The tasks are completed with praiseworthy care and creativity.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 15.02.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Construction Architect


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Construction Architect
  • Kasmir Jolma
  • Minna Nyström
Person in charge

Minna Nyström

  • 23KVRY
  • 23I800

Objectives (course unit)

Student is able to recognize different architectural styles of Finnish architecture. Student is able to discuss and analyze the tradition of architecture.
Student is able to recognize the most important highlights of Finnish contemporary architecture and they know the most important Finnish architects.
Student understands the tradition and current principles of wooden structures. Student realizes how wooden structures affect the architecture both in small houses and public buildings.
Student has basic knowledge of Finnish legislation of building.

Content (course unit)

Finnish regulations of land-use and building.
Overview of Finnish Architecture from 14th century to today.
Finnish medieval architecture. Gustavian III style and Empire. (Gothic and Classic revival). National Romanticism.
Functionalism, Modernism, Post-modernism
Finnish pioneer architects
Traditional and modern Finnish building types, especially wooden buildings.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student participated in lectures but the achieved competence is narrow.
Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the Finnish architecture.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information is minor. The reporting of the assignment structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations.

Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in new situations.

Student has fluent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected and reported according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation is correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Location and time

Lectures according to course timetable.

Exam schedules

No exam

Assessment methods and criteria

Activity and presence in the lectures and completed tasks.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, individual tasks & group work.

Learning materials

Will be notified during the course

Student workload

The student's working load is 27 h/course credit

Content scheduling

The student will participate in the lectures and makes multiple diverse assignments that are presented as short presentations.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Visit in an architectural company

International connections

Open for international students

Further information

The course covers Finnish architecture from the Middle Ages to the present day from a wide range of perspectives. The course is organized entirely in English as face-to-face teaching, and the aim is to deal with the course's themes through interactive discussion.

The lectures consist of example projects from different building types manifesting different themes of historic and contemporary architecture. The course includes a wide variety of tasks, such as presentations, independent site visits, and drawing. The tasks are presented mostly as short presentations.

Participating in the course does not require prior knowledge and design software is not used in the course. The course uses Moodle for sharing information digitally.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are not completed.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are completed according to minimum requirements.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has just a few absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is good. The tasks are completed carefully and creatively.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has been involved in teaching and group work in an active and committed manner. The tasks are completed with praiseworthy care and creativity.

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 15.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 17.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Construction Architect


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Construction Architect
  • Kasmir Jolma
  • Minna Nyström
Person in charge

Minna Nyström

  • 22I800

Objectives (course unit)

Student is able to recognize different architectural styles of Finnish architecture. Student is able to discuss and analyze the tradition of architecture.
Student is able to recognize the most important highlights of Finnish contemporary architecture and they know the most important Finnish architects.
Student understands the tradition and current principles of wooden structures. Student realizes how wooden structures affect the architecture both in small houses and public buildings.
Student has basic knowledge of Finnish legislation of building.

Content (course unit)

Finnish regulations of land-use and building.
Overview of Finnish Architecture from 14th century to today.
Finnish medieval architecture. Gustavian III style and Empire. (Gothic and Classic revival). National Romanticism.
Functionalism, Modernism, Post-modernism
Finnish pioneer architects
Traditional and modern Finnish building types, especially wooden buildings.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student participated in lectures but the achieved competence is narrow.
Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the Finnish architecture.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information is minor. The reporting of the assignment structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations.

Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student participated in the lectures. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in new situations.

Student has fluent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and phenomena related to Finnish architecture. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.

The assignment has been done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected and reported according to the instructions and with references to the reliable sources, presentation is correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Location and time

Lectures according to course timetable.

Exam schedules

No exam

Assessment methods and criteria

Activity and presences of the lectures and completed tasks.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures and individual tasks.

Learning materials

Will be notified during the course

Student workload

The student's working load is 27 h/course credit

Content scheduling

The student will participate in the lectures and makes multiple diverse assignments.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Visit in an architectural company

International connections

Open for international students

Further information

The course covers Finnish architecture from the Middle Ages to the present day from a wide range of perspectives. The course is organized entirely in English as face-to-face teaching, and the aim is to deal with the course's themes through interactive discussion.

The lectures consist of example projects from different building types manifesting different themes of historic and contemporary architecture. The course includes a wide variety of tasks, such as presentations, independent site visits and drawing.

Participating in the course does not require prior knowledge and design software is not used in the course. The course uses moodle for sharing information digitally.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are not completed.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a lot of absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is weak. The tasks are completed according to minimum requirements.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has just a few absences. The activity of the lectures and assignments is good. The tasks are completed carefully and creatively.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has been involved in teaching and in the group work in an active an committed manner. The tasks are completed with praiseworthy care and creativity.