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Steel Structures and ModellingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5R00HC12


5 op


The student can design the most typical steel structures (pillars, beams, trusses, ties, conventional joints). The course focuses on the structures of cross-sectional classes 1-3.
The student knows how to choose the structural system and frame bracing that is suitable for the site.
The student knows how to determine the natural loads according to Euronorms, use them in the dimensioning of structural parts and joints, and carry out the dimensioning and the selection of structure types in such a way that the structures are designed to be economical to manufacture and implement.


General design principles of steel structures.
Dimensioning of key structural parts: dimensioning of drawn and bent steel structure (ties, beams), dimensioning of compressed and bent steel structure (pillars), dimensioning of steel grid.
Operating principles and dimensioning of conventional joints in steel structures (welded and bolted joints).
Dimensioning with the limit state dimensioning method EC3: building frame assembly. The stresses of the ring assembly with the ring program.
Basics of three-dimensional modeling: modeling project, managing views and working in 3D. Modeling of structural parts of the body and editing of the model. Joint modeling. Bills of quantities and simple drawings. Requirements and documentation of the data content of the model.
Practice work.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The structural calculations and plans for the design exercise of the steel structural unit done independently by the student have been presented for all the required structural parts, in general there are considerable deficiencies and/or errors in the calculations and there are deficiencies or inaccuracies in the plans.
The data model of the student's independent exercise work contains the most important parts of the building's frame, but there are clear flaws in their dimensions and naming.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The structural calculations and plans for the design exercise of the steel structural unit done independently by the student have been presented for all the required structural parts, there are some shortcomings and/or errors in the calculations and plans.
The data model of the student's independent exercise work contains almost all parts, but the model has individual errors and deficiencies in the dimensions and data content, which prevent the further use of the model as it is.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

After completing the course, the student knows how to design and dimension various steel structures and their connections. The student knows how to take into account different stability phenomena (local and global) in dimensioning. The student knows how to perform fire dimensioning and protection of steel structures.
The student learns to produce a data model suitable for the calculation of quantities, manufacturing and installation of the frame of the building with a special program intended for this purpose. The student understands the principle and benefits of parametric modeling. The student can transfer the modeled frame to the FEM program.