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Introduction in Production Planning and ControlLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: 5R00GQ93


6 op


The student knows the basics of the planning and control process of building production. The student knows how to calculate a number of plans for building construction and can calculate quantities from plans accordingly and take them from a data model. The student is able to make a construction cost estimate and a promotional price from a completed quantity list. The student is able to create a place-time schedule for a routine subject. The student knows the basics of sourcing and setting a target budget. The student knows the basics of project scheduling and cost control. The student knows the basics of project quality management and control.


Construction production planning and control process; Construction company costing; Scheduling and monitoring; Procurement planning; The basics of quality management and quality control.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to prepare a letter-based cost calculation for a small object (e.g. garage) and a general schedule using scheduling software.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

Opiskelija pystyy laatimaan litterapohjaisen kustannuslaskelman pienehköstä (esim. Autotalli) kohteesta ja laatimaan siitä katteellisen tarjouksen. Hän kykenee laatimaan todenmukaisen yleisaikataulun aikatauluohjelmistoa käyttäen määräluetteloa ja työmenekkitiedostoja hyödyntäen.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to prepare a letter-based cost calculation for the object with current pricing and prepare a profitable offer with risk/cost change provisions. He is able to prepare a realistic general schedule using scheduling software using a quantity list and workflow files, and knows how to prepare a quantity and resource-based work phase schedule for one work phase.