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Sustainable Experience Economy (5 cr)

Code: 3D00GB35-3002

General information

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 11.02.2024


05.02.2024 - 07.04.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


International Business


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Diploma in International Business Management


  • Sari Matala

Person in charge

Sari Matala


  • 24KDIBM
    Diploma - International Business Management, kevät 2024

Objectives (course unit)

Sustainable Experience Economy course is introducing the general aspects and principles on sustainable development, and nature of experience economy and it is focused on practical designing and analyzing meaningful experience products. Product design model for practical product development is studied.

After completing the course students are able to:

Understand and apply the aspects of sustainability and the nature of experience product development essential in any business sector.
Apply the experience product design tool in product development process
Analyze the existing products and to improve the quality of experience products

Content (course unit)

Which are the aspects/principles of sustainability and sustainable development?
What is experience economy about, what is characteristic for experience economy?
Why is experience economy and experience based product design important in business?
How to analyze the existing products and how to improve them?
How to apply aspects of sustainability and experience design tool in product development in practice?

Further information: The student selects a case as a small group to be analyzed/developed applying the aspects of sustainable development and the tool of Experience Pyramid model in practice.

Further information (course unit)

Not approved (0): No participating in team working, tasks are not returned or returned very late, task description is not followed, no applying academic literature/material.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Participating team working is poor/superficial. Student is able to produce text, but there are hardly any academic references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are not understood/identified completely. Lack/mistakes in applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) Sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X. No original or innovative ideas presented. Lack in presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Participating team working is active. Student is able to produce text with several academic references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are understood/identified. Applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) Sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X is mostly covered. Original or innovative ideas presented. Presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order is on a good level.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Participating team working is very active. Student is able to produce text with variety of academic references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are understood/identified analytically. Applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) Sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X is applied on a professional way. Highly original, innovative and unique ideas are presented and justified. Presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order is on an excellent level.

Location and time

Course starts in early February 2024 and ends in the end of March 2024.

Exam schedules

No exam, but an individual course contents and team working check in the end of the course. More information in the course introduction class.

Assessment methods and criteria

Team presentation as an outcome of the course (individual contribution required in a team). Individual course contents and team working check must be passed.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The students study the main aspects in sustainablle development and learn to analyze them in a practical case. Students learn about the characteristics of experience economy, experiential products and services, the practical experience design tool, Experience Pyramid. The tool is for both analyzing existing products/services and for designing new products/services, and for developing/improving them in practice.
The course includes a practical product development project to be completed in small teams. Also, the course is based on teacher driven f2f class room sessions, individual reading and material search, and team work for discussions and the main assignment, presenting a project task outcome.

Learning materials

See Moodle page for the most relevant material on sustainability and experience economy. It is recommended that the student also acquires own suitable material for one's own learning and the task at hand.

Student workload

5 ECTS equals 135 hours of student work. The work load is divided between teacher driven sessions as well as group and individual work , individual reading tasks and material search.

The student selects a case as a small group to be analyzed/developed applying the aspects of sustainable development and the tool of Experience Pyramid model in practice.

Content scheduling

Course starts in early February 2024 and ends in the end of March 2024, weekly meetings.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Teams are recommended to contact their possible project commissioners

International connections


Further information

Passing the course requires active team working and submitting tasks in time. NOTE: team outcome, presentation, is to be assessed. Team members receive the collective grade, it is the same for each team member. Additionally, an individual course contents and team working check will be conducted in the end of the course. Student must pass the check in order to achieve the collective team grade. Further information in course introduction class.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

No participating in team working, tasks are not submitted or submitted very late, task description is not followed, no applying academic literature/material.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participating team working is poor/superficial. Student is able to produce text, but there are hardly any academic source references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are not understood/identified completely. Lack/mistakes in applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X. No original or innovative ideas presented. Shortcomings in presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participating team working is active. Student is able to produce text with several academic source references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are understood/identified. Applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X is mostly covered. Original or innovative ideas presented. Presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order is on a good level.

Individual task, passed/failed
Passing the course means that you are entitled to collective team task grade based on your team presentation. In case of failing, discuss with teacher.

Passed: student is able to answer the given question(s) related to theory + case, team presentation. He/she is presenting evidence of participating the team performance by giving justified and detailed answers, reflecting course studying material (lectures, articles, videos), team case and team task presentation.

Failed: student is struggling with answering to given question(s) related to theory + case, team presentation. Outcome remains poor or superficial. He/she is mainly not able to justify and/or present detailed answers and reflect course studying material (lectures, articles, videos), team case and team task presentation. (Impression of not participating in team performance sufficiently is likely.)

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participating team working is very active. Student is able to produce text with variety of academic source references. Sustainability and Experience Economy are understood/identified analytically. Applying and justifying (sustainability aspects, customer segment and profile, business environment, trends/values/society etc.) sustainability and Experience Pyramid (elements and levels) in case X is applied on a professional way. Highly original, innovative and unique ideas are presented and justified. Presentation contents (essential contents) in logic order is on an excellent level.