Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics (3 cr)
Code: 5N00EI79-3005
General information
Enrolment period
13.09.2023 - 27.10.2023
23.10.2023 - 31.12.2023
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Mathematics and Physics
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Open University of Applied Sciences
- Noora Erkkilä
Person in charge
Noora Erkkilä
Objectives (course unit)
After completing this course student knows the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics and thermophysics, can describe phenomenona by using quantities and their dependences and make justified solutions of related problems, can calculate pressure, force and buoyancy in a fluid, can analyze fluid flow and effects of fluid resistance, knows the main laws of thermophysics and can predict the natural behaviour of a thermal system, can determine the state of a system in a basic thermophysical change, and can apply heat transfer in practical situations.
Content (course unit)
Properties of static fluid, pressure and buoyancy, Laminar and turbulent flow, continuity equation, Bernoulli´s equation, Fluid resistance and viscosity, Temperature, heat and fundamental thermodynamic laws, Thermal expansion, Ideal gas equation, Heat capacities, Phase changes, Heat and humidity transfer, Heat pumps.
Prerequisites (course unit)
Before taking this course, student should have completed Mechanics or similar course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
Knowledge of the most essential phenomena and related quantities and units in fluid mechanics and thermophysics. Capability to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively simple cases related phenomena similar to discussed examples
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
In addition capability to apply the principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations of justified qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenomena
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
In addition versatile ability to analyse phenomena qualitatively and quantitaively realizing the limitations related to theories in use.
Exam schedules
More detailed schedule in Moodle
Assessment methods and criteria
Points are collected in the course as follows:
Homework total 10 points
Measurement total 6 points
Final exam 26 points
Maximum score 42 points
The passing threshold for grade one is 12 points
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Independent online study
Measurement work
Final exam
Learning materials
The course material can be found on the Moodle platform
Student workload
3 credits equals 81 working hours