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Financing and Investments (5 cr)

Code: 3H00DP23-3007

General information

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 30.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Business and Media


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Business Administration


  • Matti Kolehmainen

Person in charge

Matti Kolehmainen


  • 22LIKOT

Objectives (course unit)

The course focuses on financing market operations, various financing and investment instruments and investment calculations.

After completing the course the students
- understand the functioning of financial markets
- understand how the valuation of financing and investment instruments
- are able to apply investment calculation methods and assess the profitability of investments.

Content (course unit)

What is the structure of Finnish financial markets and how are the markets operating?
What are the forms of financing? What are bonds? What are funds? How is the share price determined?
How to calculate the profitability of investments?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student knows the functions of the financial markets on a basic level and knows how to name various instruments and knows the main differences. They know methods of investment calculations and are able to estimate the profitability of company’s real investments in simplified cases.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student is able to explain the principles of the structure and operations of financial markets, and characteristics of various financing and investment instruments. They are able to evaluate the profitability of company's real investments using different methods.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student understands the functioning of financial markets and the valuation of financing and investment instruments. They are able to apply investment calculation methods and assess the profitability of a company’s real investments. They are able to combine the subjects of the various fields into complete entities and to apply that knowledge in practical situations.

Location and time

Weeks 31/2022-41/2022

Exam schedules

First retake exam on January 2022
Second retake exam in January - February 2022

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

- lectures
- assignments
- group work

Learning materials

1.Moderni rahoitus, Knüpfer Samuli ja Puttonen Vesa, Talentum, 2014 tai uudempi painos
2. Pörssisäätion guides: Osakeopas, Sijoittajan korko-opas, Sijoitusrahasto-opas, Sijoittajan vero-opas (

Student workload

5 ECTS, approximately 135h of work

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation
