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Basics of Web Development (5 cr)

Code: 5G00DM03-3005

General information

Enrolment period

15.11.2021 - 16.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 01.05.2022


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


ICT Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering


  • Sonja Viinikainen
  • Teemu Heinimäki

Person in charge

Esa Kujansuu


  • 21I260EA

Objectives (course unit)

The student understands the main parts of web applications. The student is able to create small web applications with full-stack application elements. The student is able to create a small IoT system monitoring application.

Content (course unit)

Frontend Programming with Javascript, Backend Programming with Node and data repository e.g. MySQL. Storing data from ICT devices. Command line basics.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student knows basics of frontend programming with JavaScript. Student can use backend to get data to the frontend with guidance. Student knows basics of backend programming with Node and is able to use data repository e.g. MySQL as the data storage for the backend. Student can store data from ICT device to the data storage with guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student knows and is able to implement frontend Programming with JavaScript. Student can use backend to get data to the frontend. Student knows and is able to implement backend programming with Node and is able to exploit data repository e.g. MySQL as the data storage for the backend. Student can store data from ICT device to the data storage.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student knows and is able to diversely implement frontend Programming with JavaScript. Student can independently use backend to get data to the frontend. Student knows and is able to diversely implement backend programming with Node and is able to exploit data repository e.g. MySQL diversely as the data storage for the backend. Student can store independently data from various ICT devices to the data storage.

Location and time

Lectures according to schedule.

Exam schedules

No exam.
A course assignment carried out during the course.
Reproduction and promotion with or without a separate assignment.

Assessment methods and criteria

The grading is based on the number of points gathered during the course. Some exercises ("weekly exercises") and the mandatory course assignment yield these points.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lecture/exercise sessions, home exercises, problem-based learning, independent study. The lecture/exercise sessions start remotely (see Moodle). Later teaching and support may be organized also in the TAMK premises depending on the developments concerning the COVID situation and the related guidelines and instructions.

Learning materials

No specific books. Web sources, custom lecture material.

Student workload

The intended workload for a student, on average, is 135 h, distributed evenly over the course duration.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The course assignment does not meet the minimum requirements, it is not submitted according to the instructions, or the number of points obtained during the course is insufficient.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Based on the points gathered during the course. The course assignment must be passed successfully.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Based on the points gathered during the course. The course assignment must be passed successfully.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Based on the points gathered during the course. The course assignment must be passed successfully.