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Building PhysicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5R00GR27


5 op


The student is able to calculate heat transfer and factors affecting the energy efficiency of a building and structures by calculations.
The student is able to estimate the moisture loads of a building and structures and is able to use calculations to examine the moisture transfer in structures. The student understands the basics of thermal and humidity engineering and design of basic structures. The student understands the steps and significance of the building moisture management process.
The student knows the indirect risk factors of humidity for health as well as other central factors affecting indoor air quality.
The student understands the basics of the sound engineering of structures.
The student is familiar with building physical measurement methods.
The student knows the key official regulations and instructions related to building physics.


Forms of heat transfer.
Thermal and moisture technical properties of materials.
Calculation of U-values ​​of structures and equalization calculation of a building.
Basics of E-number calculation.
Forms of moisture transfer and moisture loads.
Evaluation of wetting and drying of structures.
Thermal and humidity engineering of structures.
Humidity and temperature distributions of structures.
Principles of thermal and moisture engineering design of structures.
Moisture management at different stages of the project.
Airflow control and the importance of jacket airtightness.
Physical measurement methods for structures and spaces.
Factors affecting the indoor air quality of a building.
Fundamentals of building sound technology (airborne sound insulation, step sound insulation, facade sound insulation, basics of room acoustics, basics of noise control).
Key industry regulations and guidelines.
Lesson exercises and assignment.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recognizes and knows how to define the properties of structures and building materials that affect the thermal and moisture technology and the energy efficiency of the structures.
The student knows the basic cases of U-value calculation and moisture transfer calculation with guidance or according to the previous model, but the justifications for the solutions are incomplete.
The student can identify and define the basics of the moisture management process of a construction project.
The student recognizes concepts related to the basics of acoustics.
The level of documentation of the exercises returned by the student is modest.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student can identify and define the properties of structures and building materials that affect the thermal and moisture technology and the energy efficiency of the structures, and can explain and structure the relationships between them.
The student knows U-value calculation and moisture transfer calculation fairly widely and can solve problems related to these, justifying his choice.
The student can define and structure the basics of the moisture management process of a construction project, understanding their effects on the project.
The student recognizes and can analyze concepts related to the basics of acoustics.
The documentation of the exercises returned by the student is standard.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has a broad understanding of the properties that affect the thermal and moisture technology of structures and building materials, as well as the energy efficiency of structures, and can explain, analyze and structure the relationships between them.
The student has extensive knowledge of U-value calculation and moisture transfer calculation and can solve related problems creatively, looking for new solutions and justifying their choice.
The student has a comprehensive understanding of the moisture management process of a construction project and knows how to apply different options for the project's moisture management.
The student understands the concepts and phenomena related to the basics of acoustics and knows how to apply the basics in a construction project.
The documentation of the exercises returned by the student is of a professional level.