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Degree Programme in Physiotherapy: Degree Programme in Physiotherapy 2019

Code: 19FY

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2019


The title of the graduating students of Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is Bachelor of Health Care. The degree is comparable with equivalent degrees in other EU countries. Bachelors of Health Care are authorised by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health as health care professionals (physiotherapists). The scope of the Degree Programme in Physiotherapy is 210 credits and the education lasts for 3,5 years.

Competences developed

Physiotherapists are experts in the area of medical rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation includes all activities that aim at improving and maintaining individuals’ physical, social and mental abilities. Rehabilitation aims at supporting the individuals’ resources, their coping abilities and equal participation. Physiotherapy is part of the health, social and rehabilitation service system and its focus is on the movement and functional ability of individuals.

Physiotherapist defines an individuals’ diverged movements, locomotion and function by using physiotherapeutic assessment. After examination and clinical reasoning the physiotherapist carries out therapeutic exercises, manual and physical therapy as well as guidance aiming to support and promote the individual’s movement and functional ability.

The graduating students have the skills needed for expert tasks in promoting health, functional ability and wellbeing of individuals and groups. Physiotherapy is evidence-based and physiotherapists work within legislation and the profession’s ethical principles. Physiotherapists work with different aged people in hospitals, health centres, research and rehabilitation centres, spas, private physiotherapy clinics as well as in different organisations, schools, as private practitioners as well as in different projects and marketing. They can operate in different professional situations also in English. Physiotherapists often work as a team member but are responsible for planning, acting, evaluating and developing their work.

Implementing physiotherapy education

Physiotherapy has it’s basis in physiotherapy science. Studies in the degree programme consist of professional studies, Bachelor’s thesis and elective studies. Larger modules are divided into smaller study units. The knowledge of different subjects is integrated to develop student´s individual knowing. The programme contains 75 ects gredits worth of practical training and 39 of those are studies in different clinics or other practice surroundings and 6 in a project. Principles of sustainable development will be taken into account in practical placements.

The professional growth process of each student is essential in physiotherapy education. It is based on the know-how the student already has before the education begins. The process varies individually depending on the learning environment and the social and cultural situation. The physiotherapy education is implemented according to the problem based learning (PBL) approach. The learning process starts with problems based on which the students formulate their learning tasks. They participate in the study programme and find the answers to the problems during different learning situations, alone or together with other students. The PBL pedagogy supports students´ information acquisition skills, personal knowledge creating skills, lifelong learning skills and skills for studying in a group.

Learning outcomes and aims of each academic year

During the first academic year, the students gain an overview of the profession. At the end of the year they can assess a healthy persons’ movements and locomotion as part of their functional ability. They can use, for instance, massage and different guidance and instruction methods in promoting the movement and functional ability of individuals and groups. The students get to know the profession’s ethical principles and learn to act along them.

After the second academic year, the students have the skills to promote and support the movement and functional ability of adult patients, who have musculo-skeletal, breathing, cardio-vascular, neurological or psycho-somatic problems. The students get to know different organizations of health care and rehabilitation during their practical placements. They also get to know English and Swedish language needed at work. At the end of the second academic year the students can, under supervision, use evidence based knowledge in planning and implementing physiotherapy.

During the third year the physiotherapy students learn about children’s and elderly peoples’ health, functional ability and problems and physiotherapy for them. At the end of the third year, the student can plan and implement physiotherapy together with clients and their reference groups based on the clinical reasoning process. The students gain the skills required in entrepreneurship as well as in project work and may spend some months in international student exchange.

Before graduation the students have gained abilities to run projects.They have deepened their knowledge in an interest area through their Bachelor’s thesis, alternative and elective studies. They have also integrated language skills as part of their professional identity.

After the first two years of studies, some students may specialise in well-being entrepreneurship by applying for the Proakatemia study path in entrepreneurship. The students study in multi-professional, coach-led teams with the students of physiotherapy and social services in the Proakatemia for well-being entrepreneurship. The students will found a team enterprise of their own and the studies are completed through projects. The studying consists of team meetings, small group work, independent studies as well as developing and implementing well-being services. The learning goals of the curriculum are the same as for the other students of physiotherapy.

Four different courses are common with in Tampere3 co-operation. The students also practice in multiprfessional teams in the so-called Taito-learning surrounding.

Physiotherapy students may apply for student exchange for the sixth or seventh term. The incoming exchange students are offered studies for 30 ects credits during the spring or autumn term. TAMK’s physiotherapy students get opportunities for internationalization at home as peer students or through guiding teacher visitors.

After graduation the students know the principles of sustainability in physiotherapy.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

The curriculum development has been and is continuously carried out in collaboration with the members of the advisory board and physiotherapists of the region. The professional practical training is mostly carried out in organisations offering physiotherapy services in the Tampere region.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 Autumn 2019 Spring 2020 Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 1. / 2019 2. / 2019 3. / 2020 4. / 2020 1. / 2020 2. / 2020 3. / 2021 4. / 2021 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022
Orientation Studies

(Choose ects: 4)

7F00EB32 Orientation to Physiotherapy Education 4 4 4 2 2
Individual as a Functional Entity

(Choose all )

7F00EB36 Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7F00EB38 Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Physiotherapeutic Assessment

(Choose all )

7F00EB40 Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory 8 8 8 4 4
7F00EB42 Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Support of Movement and Activity

(Choose all )

7F00EB44 Support of Movement and Activity, Theory 8 8 8 4 4
7F00EB46 Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Professional English for Physiotherapists

(Choose all )

7F00EB48 Professional English for Physiotherapists 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Basics of Therapeutic Exercises

(Choose all )

7F00EB50 Therapeutic Exercises, Theory 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EB52 Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons 4 4 4 2 2
7F00EB54 Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice 2 2 2 1 1
Sectors and Service Systems of Rehabilitation

(Choose all )

7F00EX84 Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC92 User based Welfare Technology 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Physiotherapy for Adults 1

(Choose all )

7F00EB58 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7F00EB60 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons 8 8 8 4 4
7F00EB62 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice 8 8 8 4 4
Physiotherapy for Adults 2

(Choose all )

7F00EB68 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory 12 12 12 6 6
7F00EB70 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons 8 8 8 4 4
7F00EB72 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7F00EB64 Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills 2 2 2 1 1
7F00EB66 Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents

(Choose ects: 20)

7F00EB74 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7F00EB76 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EB78 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice 8 8 8 4 4
Physiotherapy for the Elderly

(Choose ects: 16)

7F00EB80 Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7F00EB82 Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
Physiotherapist as an Entrepreneur

(Choose ects: 14)

7F00EC94 Project Studies 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EB86 Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC95 Project from the Working Life 6 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Advanced Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 22)

7F00EB90 Development of Professionalism 4 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
7F00EC93 Statistics 2 2 2 1 1
7F00EB92 Internationality and Multiculturalism 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EB94 Working Life Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EB96 Work-related Wellbeing 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC00 Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice 7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Voluntary Studies

(Choose ects: 8)

Growth in Entrepreneurship in Social Services and Health Care (Proacademy)

(Choose all )

7F00EC14 Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC16 Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC18 Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Professional Studies in Social Services and Healthcare (Proacademy)

(Choose 25)

7F00EC20 Leadership and Wellbeing at Work 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
7F00EC22 Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
7F00EC24 Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory) 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC26 Customer Communication and Marketing 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
7F00EC28 Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
7F00EC30 Internationality and Multiculturalism 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Social Services and Health care, Clinical Practice (Proacademy)

(Choose 15)

7F00EC32 Clinical Practice 1 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC34 Clinical Practice 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7F00EC36 Clinical Practice 3 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Bachelor´s Thesis

(Choose all )

7K00EC04 Structured Data Search 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC06 Research Methods 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC08 Thesis Plan 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC10 Implementing Thesis 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7F00EC12 Bachelor’s Thesis 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Total 210 61.1 62.1 95.6 38.1 27.6 33.6 25.6 36.6 45.6 50.1 38.1 13.8 13.8 16.8 16.8 12.8 12.8 18.3 18.3 22.8 22.8 25.1 25.1 19.1 19.1

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

TAMK Generic Competences

TAMK’s generic competences mean such competences that every graduating student of TAMK should have. These competences are mainly learnt inside courses with the support of diverse teaching methods, but the fields of study may also offer specific courses on some of the themes.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values.

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research and development projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions.

User based Welfare Technology
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
IInternationalisation Competence

- possesses language skills necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the field
- is capable of multicultural cooperation
- can take into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalisation development in one’s own field.

Professional English for Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Bachelor’s Thesis
Learning Competence

- is able to evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for learning and sharing of knowledge in teams.

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Bachelor’s Thesis
Working Community Competence

is able to operate as a member of a work community and promote its wellbeing
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilise information and communications technology in one’s field
- is able to create personal contacts in working life and work in networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- has abilities for leadership and independent work as an expert
- possesses entrepreneurial skills.

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Implementing Thesis
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care

Subject Areas in Physiotherapy Education

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Professional English for Physiotherapists
First Aid
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Special pedagogy
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Structured Data Search
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis

No attached course units


No attached course units

Administrative Science
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Working Life Skills
Health Science

No attached course units

Education Science
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Communication Skills - Written communication
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis

No attached course units

Exercise Physiology
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physical Education, Didactics
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physical Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Communication Skills - Oral communication
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Science of Nutrition
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory

No attached course units

Social Policy
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Working Life Skills
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Health-enhancing Physical Activity
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Data Management
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Structured Data Search
Information Technology
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3

Common Competencies in Health Care and Social Services

Multiprofessional work in health care and social services

Students can work in a client-oriented way in cooperation with different social and health care professionals and students in multicultural working environments across different sectors. (Cooperation is made for example in client wellbeing and health issues and in situations related to ethicality, security and multiculturalism.)

Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Implementing Thesis
Guidance competence in health care and social services

Students can work in multiprofessional cooperation groups and guide clients and other social and health care actors in issues concerning their field of expertise in social and health care networks. (For example biomedical laboratory science students guide in sampling and point-of-care analysis, radiography and radiotherapy students in radiation protection, nursing students in basic care issues, physiotherapy students in occupational ergonomics and basic exercise issues, social services students in service network issues.)

Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Implementing Thesis
Entrepreneurship and project competence

Students can work in different multidisciplinary projects and networks within the limits of their expertise. Students know the importance of entrepreneurship competence from the viewpoint of employment and self-employment.

Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Structured Data Search
Research Methods

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Bachelor's Thesis
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Basic and Professional Studies
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Free-Choice Studies

No attached course units


Professional Competences

Professional competences for Physiotherapy education have been updated nationally latest in the year 2006.

Physiotherapeutic Research and Clinical Deduction

- can examine and analyse a client’s movements, restrictions and functional working ability
- can, through evaluation and clinical deduction, create a physiotherapy plan together with the client which takes into account the client’s personal resources, life situation and needs
- can evaluate and keep track of the results of physiotherapy (e.g. effects, significance etc.) and maintain up-to-date documentation

Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Work-related Wellbeing
Implementing Thesis
Teaching and Guidance Skills

* can use different (manual, verbal and visual) guidance and teaching methods to maintain and advance the functional ability and health of an individual/group
* can use the principles of motoric learning/guidance when instructing the moving and functional ability of an individual/group
* can apply therapeutical exercise methods in guiding groups
* can plan and instruct exercise to promote the health and functional ability of an individual/group according to their needs

Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Work-related Wellbeing
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Technology skills

- can use and apply technology in planning, implementing and evaluating physiotherapy
- can use aids and various technological solutions in supporting movement and functional abilities
- can design accessible environments in multiprofessional collaboration
- can use and apply various ergonomic solutions when adjusting clients’ work and operational environments to meet their characteristics and requirements

Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Therapy Skills

- can apply evidence based information individually when planning physiotherapy
- can support the client’s participation and to create an interactive physiotherapy relationship
- can plan and implement therapeutic exercises using their knowledge of pathology, exercises physiology, neurophysiology and biomechanics
- can use physical therapy methods and utilise their physiological and therapeutical effects
- can implement manual therapy with reason and justification

Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Work-related Wellbeing
Implementing Thesis
Collaboration and Societal Skills

- can work both independently and in multiprofessional teams, work groups, professional networks and service chains as professionals in physiotherapy
- are active in society in producing and developing services which promote physiotherapy and functional ability while taking into account the national and international challenges in the fields of rehabilitation, exercise, well-being and health
- can document customer information professionally and to create professional statements and written comments

Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Implementing Thesis
Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Thesis Plan

Tamprere3 common learning outcomes


The student
- takes responsibility for his/her actions and the consequences of those actions
- is familiar with the principles of sound scientific practice and acts accordingly
- complies with the research and professional ethics of his/her field
- applies the principles of equality, accessibility and fairness
- is able to influence the community and society on the basis of ethical values and by using the competence he/she has gained

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
International outlook and global responsibility

The student
- actively follows up on the international developments in his/her field and understands the effects and opportunities
- works in international operating environments and is capable of international and intercultural communication in his/her work and in its development
- anticipates and takes advantage of the impact and opportunities offered by the development of the international outlook in his/her work
- identifies local and global issues related to sustainable development and their interrelationships within the ecological, socio-cultural and economic dimensions of sustainable development
- orients him/herself to the future by identifying the consequences that decisions and choices have for sustainable development
- is familiar with sustainable development issues and ways of forming knowledge about sustainable development in his/her scientific or other field
- is able to critically specify and analyse sustainable development aspects in his/her field and in cross-disciplinary settings, and be committed in the way he/she applies the things he/she has learned
- is able to act in a goal-oriented manner and organise activities to find and implement solutions that promote sustainable development

Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Structured Data Search
Learning skills and critical thinking

The student
- evaluates and develops his/her know-how and learning methods
- continually enhances his/her skills
- is able to solve new and complex problems and make decisions even in unexpected situations
- gathers, processes, evaluates, analyses and uses information in a versatile, critical and ethical way
- evaluates and develops his/her information gathering processes
- cooperates in the higher education community to construct information, and understands the importance of sharing information as a part of building his/her skills
- understands scientific thinking, reasoning and explanation

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Social understanding and economic and leadership skills

The student
- has sufficient economic and leadership skills in his/her field and a willingness to expand this know-how
- is able to manage his/her work in a goal-oriented manner in working life
- is capable of planning work, working independently in expert positions and acting as an immediate supervisor when necessary
- understands the importance of economics and leadership in his/her field and knows how to build competitiveness through them
- understands the meaning of his/her work in the societal context and is able to participate in the public debate in his/her field

Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
User based Welfare Technology
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Thesis Plan
Information technology and digital skills

The student
- is able to use information and communications technology
- understands the importance of digitalisation in his/her field and utilises the digital operating environments available in the field
- promotes the development of digital operating environments in his/her field
- knows the risks associated with digital environments and takes them into account in his/her own actions

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
User based Welfare Technology
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Project Studies
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Employability skills

The student
- is able to act as a member of a work community and promote the community’s and his/her own well-being
- takes into account the diversity of actors in the work environment
- functions appropriately in complicated situations
- understands the importance of networks in working life and has the ability to develop his/her own networks

Orientation to Physiotherapy Education
Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Implementing Thesis

The student
- implements research and development activities by using existing knowledge and methods in his/her field, and produces new knowledge and methods for the field
- finds and creates new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions
- thinks creatively and sees alternative solution-oriented ways of working in a variety of cross-disciplinary and working life situations
- understands the importance of the global problems humankind is facing, as well as the significance of development and innovation in solving them
- has entrepreneurial skills

Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
User based Welfare Technology
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Project Studies
Project from the Working Life
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Interaction and communication skills

The student
- works in communication and interaction situations in working life as required by the task as a member of the community, such as in a team or a project group
- is able to engage in constructive and expert social debate
- is able to discuss research-based knowledge and understand the status of different presentations and media texts
- is able to communicate and work with people from different cultures and master the language skills required in his/her field
- has mastered at least one foreign language at a level that allows him/her to follow the developments in the field and to work in an international environment

Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory
Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons
Support of Movement and Activity, Theory
Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons
Professional English for Physiotherapists
Therapeutic Exercises, Theory
Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons
Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice
Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory
Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills
Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory
Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management
Project from the Working Life
Development of Professionalism
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Working Life Skills
Work-related Wellbeing
Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice
Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care
Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care
Leadership and Wellbeing at Work
Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care
Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory)
Customer Communication and Marketing
Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care
Internationality and Multiculturalism
Clinical Practice 1
Clinical Practice 2
Clinical Practice 3
Structured Data Search
Research Methods
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)
Orientation Studies

(Choose ects: 4)

7F00EB32 Orientation to Physiotherapy Education 4
Individual as a Functional Entity

(Choose all)

7F00EB36 Individual as a Functional Entity, Theory 7
7F00EB38 Individual as a Functional Entity, Practical Lessons 3
Physiotherapeutic Assessment

(Choose all)

7F00EB40 Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Theory 8
7F00EB42 Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Practical Lessons 5
Support of Movement and Activity

(Choose all)

7F00EB44 Support of Movement and Activity, Theory 8
7F00EB46 Support of Movement and Activity, Practical Lessons 5
Professional English for Physiotherapists

(Choose all)

7F00EB48 Professional English for Physiotherapists 3
Basics of Therapeutic Exercises

(Choose all)

7F00EB50 Therapeutic Exercises, Theory 5
7F00EB52 Therapeutic Exercises, Practical Lessons 4
7F00EB54 Therapeutic Exercises, Clinical Practice 2
Sectors and Service Systems of Rehabilitation

(Choose all)

7F00EX84 Social and Health Care and Rehabilitation Environment 3
7F00EC92 User based Welfare Technology 3
Physiotherapy for Adults 1

(Choose all)

7F00EB58 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Theory 9
7F00EB60 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Practical Lessons 8
7F00EB62 Physiotherapy for Adults 1, Clinical Practice 8
Physiotherapy for Adults 2

(Choose all)

7F00EB68 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Theory 12
7F00EB70 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Practical Lessons 8
7F00EB72 Physiotherapy for Adults 2, Clinical Practice 7
7F00EB64 Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, oral skills 2
7F00EB66 Professional Swedish for Physiotherapists, writing skills 1
Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents

(Choose ects: 20)

7F00EB74 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Theory 7
7F00EB76 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Practical Lessons 5
7F00EB78 Physiotherapy for Children and Adolescents, Clinical Practice 8
Physiotherapy for the Elderly

(Choose ects: 16)

7F00EB80 Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Theory 9
7F00EB82 Physiotherapy for the Elderly, Clinical Practice 7
Physiotherapist as an Entrepreneur

(Choose ects: 14)

7F00EC94 Project Studies 3
7F00EB86 Entrepreneurship, Economy and Management 5
7F00EC95 Project from the Working Life 6
Advanced Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 22)

7F00EB90 Development of Professionalism 4
7F00EC93 Statistics 2
7F00EB92 Internationality and Multiculturalism 3
7F00EB94 Working Life Skills 3
7F00EB96 Work-related Wellbeing 3
7F00EC00 Physiotherapy Projects, Clinical Practice 7
Voluntary Studies

(Choose ects: 8)

Growth in Entrepreneurship in Social Services and Health Care (Proacademy)

(Choose all)

7F00EC14 Establishing a Team Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care 5
7F00EC16 Customer Networks of Social Services and Health Care 5
7F00EC18 Profitable Enterprise of Social Services and Health Care 5
Professional Studies in Social Services and Healthcare (Proacademy)

(Choose 25)

7F00EC20 Leadership and Wellbeing at Work 3
7F00EC22 Customer-oriented Development and Innovation in Social Services and Health Care 3
7F00EC24 Professional Competence in Physiotherapy (compulsory) 10
7F00EC26 Customer Communication and Marketing 3
7F00EC28 Economy and Management in Social Services and Health Care 3
7F00EC30 Internationality and Multiculturalism 3
Social Services and Health care, Clinical Practice (Proacademy)

(Choose 15)

7F00EC32 Clinical Practice 1 5
7F00EC34 Clinical Practice 2 5
7F00EC36 Clinical Practice 3 5
Bachelor´s Thesis

(Choose all)

7K00EC04 Structured Data Search 3
7F00EC06 Research Methods 3
7F00EC08 Thesis Plan 3
7F00EC10 Implementing Thesis 3
7F00EC12 Bachelor’s Thesis 3