(5 cr)
Code: 3H00GM42-3001
General information
Enrolment period
02.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 01.08.2024
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Online learning
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Katja Kärki
Person in charge
Katja Kärki
24ALITAMAAJLiiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma 2024, Monimuoto, Juridiikka
Objectives (course unit)
The course focuses on enhancing professional business communication skills in multicultural environments.
After completing the course students will be able to:
• tell about their personality, education, work experience, tasks, and duties at work by using professional English
• meet customers’ needs when servicing the customer base and communicating with interest groups
• follow and participate in the development of their field by using different ways of communication.
Content (course unit)
• What can the students communicate on their competence and working life environment
• What kind of qualifications do the students need to succeed in multicultural customer-based interaction?
• How can the students develop their competence and acquire business-related information?
Further information (course unit)
European Framework of Reference for Languages B2 level.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
• pronunciation is not always correct but it is understandable
• comprehension of key points of limited professional material is good
• ability to acquire and share basic knowledge
• basic and some unclear expressions are used in communication, but main message is shared and transmitted with some professional touch
• communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
• pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
• comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good
• acquired knowledge can be implemented
• clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
• communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
• pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
• comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good
• acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
• fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
• communication seems professional, interactive, and efficient with very few mistakes made
Location and time
According to the schedule on Pakki.
Exam schedules
Exam in the end of the course. Resits will be agreed on.
Assessment methods and criteria
Obligatory written and spoken assignments like presentations as well as written exam.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Independent and group work, discussions, written assignments, presentations and other spoken assignments.
Learning materials
Material on Moodle.
Student workload
Period 3: 7 h of contact teaching (first class on campus)
Period 4: 17 h of contact teaching
Content scheduling
Period 3: telling about yourself and your studies, work experience and work duties
Period 4: field-specific terminology, customer-oriented communication, communication at work, cross-cultural communication, data acquisition
Completion alternatives
Accreditation based on prior studies or other competence. Ask teacher for more details.
Practical training and working life cooperation
International connections
Further information
Inform the teacher in case you have a proposal for individual study arrangements.