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Holistic Health Promotion (3 cr)

Code: 7Q00FS04-3007

General information

Enrolment period

02.12.2022 - 31.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 22.02.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Johanna Vilppola
  • Nancy Kamau

Person in charge

Virva Vasari


  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- understands promotion of holistic health and functional ability as a part of nursing
- understand the importance of individual engagement and self-care as a promoter of health lifestyle
- knows the different levels of health promotion
- knows importance of mental health for individuals, groups and communities
- is able to promote and observe issues related to physical, mental and social health and functional ability
- knows the impact of falling ill on health and functional ability of individuals and families
- become trained in a patient guidance and knows how to use structured health inquiries in guidance
- is able to describe the connection between mental factors and health
- knows human mental development at different ages

Content (course unit)

- health and functional ability promotion
- supporting the individuals own choice
- different levels of health promotion
- health equality and promotion of health equality
- protective and risk factors in mental health
- health and functional resources and their promotion, observation and performance measurement criteria (RAI)
- prevention and early intervention of diseases and addictions
- structured inquiries in patient guidance, how to use 5 A’s protocol in mini-intervention, guidance when confronting addictions and promoting addictions, nurses own emotions connection to professional actions in guidance
- impact of falling ill on health of individuals and families, illness as a crisis, steps in crises
- health psychological perspective on promotion of health and functional ability
- developmental psychological perspective on promotion of health and functional ability

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to promote and observe issues related to health and functional ability from the viewpoint of individuals and families;
- knows the impact of falling ill on health and functional ability of individuals and families;
- knows addiction as a phenomenon and methods of preventing addictive behaviour;
- knows the meaning of patient guidance and the most common structured health inquiries
- knows the connection between psychological factors and health;
- knows human mental development at different ages
- knows genetics and genome knowledge main concepts
- understands principles in genetic legislation and ethics

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- is able to describe health and functional ability issues from the viewpoint of individuals and families
- is able to describe effects of falling ill on individuals’ and families’ health and functional ability
- is able to identify addictive behaviour and knows how to prevent it
- understands the meaning of patient guidance and the use of structured health inquiries in patient guiding
- is able to identify the connection between psychological factors and human health
- is able to identify issues related to human mental development at different ages.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to describe and analyse diverse issues related to health and functional ability from the viewpoint of individuals and families
- is able to broadly describe effects of falling ill from the perspective of individuals and families based on theoretical knowledge
- is able to identify addictive behaviour and apply methods of preventing it
- is able to guide patient in different kind of situations and use structured inquiries
- is able to identify diverse connections between psychological factors and human health
- is able to broadly identify issues related to human mental development at different ages

Location and time

Spring 2023, TAMK.

Exam schedules

Psychology -
group assignment needs to be returned by 20.2.2023 and commented other students' tasks by 26.2. 2023
individual exam on Monday 20.2.2023 in classroom (live)
re-exam I: week 13: 27.3-1.4.2023 in the exam environment
Re-exam II: week 17: 24.4.-29.4.2023 in the exam environment

Nursing (all nursing exams take place in the exam environment)
Nursing exam: 20.2.-4.3.2023
Nursing re-exam 1: 27.3.-1.4.2023
Nursing re-exam 2: 17.4.-22.4.2023

Students who are not in Finland at the time of the nursing and/or psychology- exam, are required to contact the subject teacher at least during week 10 to arrange an exam date. If the student fails to do so, he/she will lose the first exam possibility and take the retake on the dates which you can see above in this implementation plan.

An opportunity to improve your course grade will be provided in conjunction with the second re-exam opportunity. This requires you to repeat both course exams (psychology and nursing). In addition, you will need to notify your teacher of your intent tp participate 2 weeks before the allocated exam date.

CBCL submissions by 20.2.2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
All tasks, including re-submission, must be submitted by 4.3.2023.

Failure to complete tasks on time will result in failure to complete that section of the course. The student is then required to part-take on another course to complete the relevant section in order to complete the course overall.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course orientation requires mandatory attendance. Failure to be present will result in failure to complete the course.

Part 1 Nursing, 1 cr. Assessment: 0-5. Compulsory participation in orientation session.
Part 2: Psychology, 1 cr..Assessment: 0-5. Compulsory participation in orientation session.
Part 3: Case Based Collaborative Learning, 1 cr. Assessment: Pass/Fail. Compulsory participation orientation, small group work and the seminar.

In order to pass the cbcl:
- you must attend the orientation to cbcl and the seminar (no alternative tasks are available)
- you must actively participate in your group's work
- the group work submission must follow the given task instructions
- the group work must be submitted by the due date (late submissions will not be accepted). Any re-submissions due to necessary revisions as recommended by the teacher must be submitted by 4.3.2023.

Additional notes:
- Orientation lessons (both nursing and psychology) are obligatory.
- Case Based Collaborative Learning sessions are obligatory. Missing any part of CBCL results in failure to complete this part of the course.
- All course tasks (including re-submissions) must be completed and submitted by 4.3.2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. Failure to submit on time will result in failure to successfully complete the course.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Teaching methods include the following:
Classroom teaching, group work, guided independent study, flipped-learning, case-based collaborative learning, Moodle tasks.

The primary method of teaching for both components of the course (Nursing and Psychology) will be face-to-face teaching. Online participation is not available unless assessed necessary by the teacher.

As the group consists of students waiting to migrate to Finland, an external link can be provided to students in order to attend the sessions. This, however, is only available to students outside of the boarders of Finland (not including holiday trips). In such circumstances, the teacher can request further written assignments from students participating online. The assignments must be returned in line with the given timeframe/s.

Learning materials

Wills, J. et al. (2014) Fundamentals of health promotion for nurses. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley. Available as e-book.

Lesson notes and other materials provided by the teacher during the course.

Lesson notes and there will be a book of Development stages Independent reading (ebook): Handbook of Psychology, Developmental Psychology. (2012).Weiner, I.B., Lerner, R.M., Easterbrooks, M.A. , Mistry, J. and Weiner I. PUBLISHER John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
pages: 59-514. (infancy and early childhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, aging/old age).

Student workload

3 credits = 3 x 27h = 81 hrs
Total work load for student is 81hours, out of which 63 hrs is independent study

Content scheduling

Part 1: Nursing. It is compulsory to attend the orientation lecture. Individual exam.
Part 2: Psychology. It is compulsory to attend the orientation lecture. Group work and Individual exam.
Part 3: Case Based Collaborative Learning (CBCL). Compulsory attendance at the the orientation to cbcl and seminar. (Small group work and seminars). Small group work is integrated into the Orientation course in written communication.

Completion alternatives

There are no options available for completing the course or parts of the course in alternative ways.

Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

ORIENTATION LESSONS (both nursing and psychology) and GROUP SEMINARS are compulsory and thus must be attended as part of successfully completing the course. Failure to be present results in removal from the course.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Failing the initial course exam and the subsequent re-exams results in failing the course.
Failure to successfully complete the allocated tasks according to instructions and within the given time frames.