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Master's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management

Master of Hospitality Management

Degree title:
Master of Hospitality Management

90 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Master of Hospitality Management, NQF 7

Contact Information

Principal Lecturer in Charge
Mika Boedeker

Head of Degree Programme
Leena Mäkelä

Special Admission Requirements

General admission criteria, see TAMK’s websites.

Recognition of Prior Learning

It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.

Profile of the Programme

The scope of the degree is 90 cr and it is designed to be studied alongside work. The completion time is 1,5-2,5 years. The studies consist of mandatory advanced professional studies (30 cr), elective advanced master´s degree- and free choice studies (30 cr) and master’s thesis (30 cr).

Key Learning Outcomes

The advanced professional studies consist of 30 credits worth of studies from the programme itself, which include e.g. customer value creation and customer experience, environmental-based servicescape, employee experience management, customer oriented digital services and purchase and sale channels. Each course is 5 credits in scope. In addition, there are elective advanced master´s degree studies from the joint pool of studies of TAMK's master’s degree programmes. For more information about the courses and course contents, see TAMK curriculum.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

The Master’s degree in Hospitality Management increases your chances for research and upper management tasks in the field.

Access to Further Studies

The degree is Master of Hospitality Management. It produces the same eligibility for public offices as a master’s degree from a university. You may also apply for doctoral studies at a university. The amount of supplementary studies required depends on the university in question.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment of study performances is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate the student need to completed the studies in accordance to the curriculum.

Mode of Study

The studies are carried out in meetings and independent study and the tuition uses different teaching methods. The meetings of mandatory advanced professional studies, for most part, takes place on Thursday evenings (16.30 - 20.00), Fridays (8.00 - 16.00) or Saturdays (8.30-15.00) in about two consecutive day of the month.
Collaborative knowledge construction and sharing are an essential part of learning and the students are expected to participate in the classroom teaching. The attendance requirements for each course are determined by the teachers of the course.
The degree programme education is mostly carried out in Finnish. Studying also requires proficiency in English.

Development of the Programme

The curriculum is developed in co-operation with other master's courses at TAMK. Cooperation with working life is realized with students being already in working life and e.g. with students' theses and advisory board activities. Course feedback and annual feedback are collected from students.

Master´s Degree in Hospitality Management
Master´s Degree in Hospitality Management
Master´s Degree in Hospitality Management
Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 17.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 17.11.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Business and Media


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management
  • Juha Ikonen
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YRESTO

Objectives (course unit)

- understand the impact of digitalisation on business strategy and key processes
- is able to develop customer-oriented operations through digitalisation
- know the key enabling technologies driving digitalisation and understand the potential of digitalisation to improve products
- knows the steps of the requirements definition process for digital services

Content (course unit)

- digitalization concepts, the challenges of digitalization and cybersecurity aspects
- the impact of technology on the decision-making
- customer experience development
- personalization and automation of services
- software life cycle stages: requirement analysis, system design, software design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- can identify and define phenomena and basic concepts related to digital services and customer experience
- knows different technologies which influence customer experience development
- examines and evaluates digital solutions affecting customer experience from its own perspective

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- can structure phenomena and concepts which are related to the digital customer experience and the relationship between them.
- can choose the most suitable technology from different options and can justify its choice.
- identify the effects of the technology on the decision-making

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
-combines the digitalisation and the technologies of the customer experience to professional contexts.
- analyzes and estimates the different technological solution alternatives of the developing of the customer experience.
- understands the effect of the technology in the decision-making of the company

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 31.07.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


20 op

Virtual portion

20 op

RDI portion

20 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Business and Media


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management
  • Tuija Ylä-Viteli
  • Mika Kylänen
  • Mika Boedeker
  • Leila Kakko
  • Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
  • Sanna Luoto
Person in charge

Mika Boedeker

  • 23YRESTO

Objectives (course unit)

2. Implementing the Thesis (after gate 4), 20 cr
Goals and contents

- keeping up with and advancing the development of their field, applying the knowledge, theories, central terms, methods, and principles of their field critically in their own thesis
- being able to apply the suitable research approach in their thesis
- being able to implement the thesis according to plan, while taking advantage of the guidance offered.

Content (course unit)

Implementation parts depend on the degree programme
- implementing empirical and/or theoretical part and writing the report
- methodological studies
- data privacy statement
- participation in thesis seminars and guidance events and peer evaluation

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Personal advising and seminars. Lectures of RDI-methods.

Learning materials

1) Ojasalo – Moilanen – Ritalahti (2009 tai uudempi). Kehittämistyön menetelmät: uudenlaista osaamista liiketoimintaan. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
2) Toikko – Rantanen (2009 tai uudempi). Tutkimuksellinen kehittämistoiminta: näkökulmia kehittämisprosessiin, osallistamiseen ja tiedontuotantoon. Tampere: Tampere University Press.
3) Menetelmäopetuksen tietovaranto MOTV. [online].
4) Metodix – Metoditietämystä kaikille. [online].
5) Other material announced in the course.

Supporting Moodle-course.

Content scheduling

Thesis seminars according to separately given timetable.
- Presenting thesis in progress
- Commenting other students' thesis

Further information

The aim of the thesis is to develop working life. It develops and demonstrates the student’s ability for independent, demanding research expert work. The thesis can be done for one's own employer, another client, one's own company or other need for research and development of working life.

Theses are public.

Enrolment period

27.11.2023 - 11.01.2024


19.01.2024 - 31.03.2024


5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


MD in Hospitality Management


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management
  • Sini Jokiniemi
  • Sanna Luoto
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YRESTO

Objectives (course unit)

Student can:
- recognize sales, distribution and purchase channels of service industry.
- use and produce business data to develop profitability and efficiency of service company
- develop own procurement and negotiation competences.

Content (course unit)

- key sales, distribution and purchase channels
- figures of sales, marketing and purchasing
- basics of revenue management

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Is partly familiar with the operation of the buying channels and sales channels. Can identify the main channels and the key figures.
Understands the significance of the acquisition channels and sales channels in business.
Can only scantily utilize buying channels and sales channels and their key figures for the developing of an organization.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Has a good knowledge of operational, tactical and strategic operations, core processes, content and benefits of purchasing and sales channels. Understands purchase data and sales channel data reserves and key figures.
Manages and leverages purchasing and sales channels, and can compare and select them for development projects in an organization.
Improves one's own revenue management expertise.
Is able to develop organization's purchasing and sales channel channel strategies.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Is well aware of the business importance of purchasing and sales channels and revenue management and their impact on service business strategies.
Is able to analyze and anticipate the benefits of buying and selling channels to build business value.
Manages versatile purchasing and sales channels and leverages their information resources.
Demonstrates a holistic approach to service business and revenue management and value creation.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

19.09.2023 - 13.10.2023


13.10.2023 - 21.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Business and Media


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Hospitality Management
  • Mika Boedeker
  • Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Person in charge

Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff

  • 23YRESTO

Objectives (course unit)

Student can:
-develop own human resource management competences
-analyze service work and assignments, human resource management and working cultures of service industry
-use and produce data, statistics and key figures to develop human resources
-plan and develop human resource strategy
-research, develop and enrich employee experience
-ideate and co-create human resource management project

Content (course unit)

-best practices, challenges and develop factors of human resource management service on service industry.
- human resource strategies
-operational, tactic and strategic methods of human resource management
-developing factors of employee experiences
- emotions at work
- knowledge-based management

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

- can identify and define phenomena related to employee experience and basic concepts
- is familiar with different procedures for developing employee experience
- examines and evaluates things from its own perspective

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- can apply personnel development tools and choose the most suitable tool for developing employee experience and justify their choice
- is able to describe and evaluate as a manager the financial and well-being impact of their own HR -management

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- have a broad understanding of issues related to employee experience management and the relationships between them
- can find, justify and try different approaches and alternatives to develop and manage employee experience
- systematically use feedback and information as a tool for developing professional growth and well-being for themselves and their communities

Assessment scale
