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Degree Programme in Vehicle Technology: Garage Engineering

Code: 19AUTO

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2022


The program prepares students for engineering jobs in the modern and environmentally friendly automotive industry. Automotive jobs often deal with the business side of after sales in service, spare parts and car inspection. Manufacturing jobs can vary from after sales into engineering. Environmental aspects are an important theme in education for example in materials science, vehicle inspections and component recycling.

The program values are according to the oath of Archimedes: Engineers are involved in creating technology that will benefit nature and people. Engineers are in all their activities to protect plant, animal and human life. Engineers avoid dishonesty and discord, and aim to become more skilled problem solvers. Engineers consider the trends of development, and avoid harmful goals.

Modern vehicle and garage software are used in education and students learn about vehicle digital technology.

All students have a change to practice their skills in the international Formula Student project which culminates in the competition against other similar student teams from other universities.

Students have an opportunity to organize and participate into the annual international co-operation week.

1st year. Students master the mathematical and physical basis of automotive engineering and as trainees familiarize themselves with the working life between first and second study years.

2nd year. Students master the basis of automotive engineering and as trainees familiarize themselves with the automotive industry .

3rd year. Students majoring in industrial vehicle engineering study engineering methods and software and train in engineering jobs and projects. Students majoring in garage engineering study automotive business in theory and in practice and train in business jobs. Students majoring in intelligent machines study intelligent machine development.

4th year. Students majoring in industrial vehicle engineering practice vehicle engineering in the Formula Student project. Students majoring in garage engineering practice marketing and vehicle construction in the Formula Student project and study business economics. Students majoring in intelligent machines specialize in intelligent machine development.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

The program is evaluated and developed together with an advisory group consisting of automotive industry executives. The advisory group includes one or two students chosen by the student union. The program is based on employer survey which was used to determine right skill areas.

Further information

Students choose their major by Christmas time of the first year. Student can also delay choosing their major until the end of the first year by studying all courses provided in the program.
Students have a possibility for exchange studies in a foreign university. It is recommended to study German and study in a German university. The spring term of the second year is the recommended time for exchange studies because the studies in exchange advance the studies in the best possible way.

In intelligent machines study major education is based on projects, where students participate during the 3rd and 4th year.


Garage engineering major prepares students for after sales, garage and spare parts business management. Emphasis is on garage management, leadership, customer service, sales, quality and marketing management skils. Especially, the practical learning (30 c.u.) gives good skills for demanding jobs.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026
Basic Engineering Skills

(Choose all )

5N00EG72 Geometry and Vector Algebra 3 3 3 3
5N00EG73 Functions and Matrices 3 3 3 3
5C00ER72 Orientation and Basics of IT Systems 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00EK86 English for Engineers 3 3 3 3
5N00EK81 Working English for Engineers 3 3 3 3
Basic Automotive Technology

(Choose all )

5C00ER84 Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ER86 Basics of 3D-modeling 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00EI71 Basics of Measuring and Reporting 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00EI67 Mechanics 3 3 3 3
Natural Sciencies for Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Technology

(Choose all )

5N00EG74 Differential Calculus 3 3 3 3
5N00EG75 Integral Calculus 3 3 3 3
5N00EI69 Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00EI74 Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 4 4 4 2 2
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Technical Skills

(Choose all )

5C00ER96 Vehicle Component Analysis 4 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00DM64 Statics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ER98 Hydraulics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Technical Skills

(Choose all )

5C00ES04 Automotive Laboratory 1 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5C00ES06 Power Transmission 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ES08 Motor Vehicle Dynamics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ES10 Practical Training 1 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all )

5C00ES12 Customer Service 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Natural Sciences

(Choose all )

5C00ES14 Strength of Materials 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Construction and Strength

(Choose all )

5N00EI70 Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00EI72 Laboratory Works of Physics 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5C00ES26 English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5C00ES28 Vehicle Body Construction 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electrical Engineering

(Choose all )

5C00ES32 Engine Technology 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ES34 Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics 10 10 5 5 5 5
Garage Technology Advanced Studies

(Choose all )

5C00ES38 Garage Engineering 4 4 4 2 2
5C00ES40 Garage Economics 4 4 4 2 2
5C00ES42 Vehicle Inspection 4 4 4 2 2
5C00ES44 Vehicle Suspension and Steering 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ES46 Automotive Laboratory 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Car and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Studies 1

(Choose all )

5C00ES50 Practical Training 2 10 10 10 5 5
5N00EK79 Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Garage Technology Practical Learning

(Choose all )

5C00ES56 Work Based Learning 30 30 30 15 15
Working as a Manger in the Automotive and Vehicle Industry

(Choose all )

5C00ES90 Management and Leadership 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5C00ES92 Freely Chosen Courses 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5N00EK77 Swedish Language, Written 2 2 2 1 1
5N00EK78 Swedish Language, Spoken 2 2 2 1 1
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Supplementary Studies

(Choose all )

5C00ES98 Freely Chosen Studies 10 10 10 5 5
5C00ET00 Practical Training 3 15 15 15 7.5 7.5
Industrial Vehicle and Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all )

5C00ET02 Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies 2
Vehicle Construction

(Choose all )

5C00ET08 Formula Student Project Learning 6 6 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Bachelor’s Thesis

(Choose all )

5N00EK88 Finnish Language and Reporting 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5C00ET12 Bachelor’s Thesis 15 15 7.5 7.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
Total 240 62 58 70 48 26 36 23 35 25 45 37.5 10.5 11.5 14.5 18 18 9 14 20 15 12.5 12.5 22.5 22.5 18.75 18.75 5.25 5.25

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

TAMK Generic Competences

TAMK’s generic competences mean such competences that every graduating student of TAMK should have. These competences are mainly learnt inside courses with the support of diverse teaching methods, but the fields of study may also offer specific courses on some of the themes.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values.

Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Work Based Learning
Management and Leadership
Practical Training 3
Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Bachelor’s Thesis
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research and development projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions.

Initiating a Project
Preplanning a Project
Project Implementation
Project Testing
Formula Student Project Planning
Product Development
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Bachelor’s Thesis
IInternationalisation Competence

- possesses language skills necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the field
- is capable of multicultural cooperation
- can take into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalisation development in one’s own field.

English for Engineers
Working English for Engineers
Autotechnisches Deutsch
English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Learning Competence

- is able to evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for learning and sharing of knowledge in teams.

Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
Formula Student Project Learning
Bachelor’s Thesis
Working Community Competence

is able to operate as a member of a work community and promote its wellbeing
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilise information and communications technology in one’s field
- is able to create personal contacts in working life and work in networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- has abilities for leadership and independent work as an expert
- possesses entrepreneurial skills.

Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory
Vehicle Component Analysis
Automotive Laboratory 1
Practical Training 1
Customer Service
Practical Training 2
Work Based Learning
Initiating a Project
Preplanning a Project
Project Planning
Project Implementation
Project Testing
Formula Student Project Planning
Management and Leadership
Practical Training 3
Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Bachelor’s Thesis
Geometry and Vector Algebra
Functions and Matrices
Orientation for Engineering Mathematics
Safety at work in automotive technology
Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Basics of 3D-modeling
Basics of Measuring and Reporting
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Design and Printing of 3D-models
Power Transmission
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Strength of Materials
Computer Aided Mathematics
Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics
Laboratory Works of Physics
Vehicle Body Construction
Basics of Machine Components
Engine Technology
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics
Sensor Technology and Automation Applications
Garage Engineering
Garage Economics
Vehicle Inspection
Vehicle Suspension and Steering
Automotive Laboratory 2
Project Work
Automobile Energy Engineering
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Principals of LabVIEW Programming
Basics of Logical Control
Introduction to Networking
Component Modeling and Manufacturing
Vehicle Engineering
Finite Element Method
Freely Chosen Courses
Freely Chosen Studies
Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission
Valtra Experience for Students
Finnish Language and Reporting

Automotive Technology

Students are able to serve customers efficiently know marketing terminology and methods know quality standards and use in garage engineering can calculate garage sales costs

Vehicle bodywork

Students are familiar with materials, manufacturing techniques and design options. Garage engineering students are able to design a suitable method for collision repair. Industrial vehicle engineering students know how to engineer the appropriate bodywork for the use.

Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Vehicle Component Analysis
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Vehicle Body Construction
Vehicle Engineering
Formula Student Project Learning
Vehicle steering and suspension

Students are familiar with the structure options. Garage engineering students are able to maintain and adjust the steering and suspension. Industrial vehicle engineering students are able to design a suitable steering and suspension fro the requirements.

Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Vehicle Component Analysis
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Vehicle Suspension and Steering
Vehicle Engineering
Formula Student Project Learning
Vehicle power transmission

Students are familiar with electrical, hydraulic and mechanical transmission design options and know how to calculate the transmission ratio. Garage engineering students are able to calculate the amount of torque to the wheels . Industrial vehicle engineering students are able to choose the right structural alternative and to make the necessary diagrams and dimensioning.

Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Vehicle Component Analysis
Power Transmission
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Engine Technology
Vehicle Engineering
Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission
Formula Student Project Learning
Automotive bus and electrical engineering

Students know the vehicle basic electrial engineering. Students majoring in garage engineering are able to search for fauls and repear those. Students majoring in industrial vehicle engineering are able to design vehicle electral diagrams, wiring harnesses and bus programs.

Vehicle Component Analysis
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics
Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission
Formula Student Project Learning
Garage management skills

Student are able to work as supervisors in the garage and use all necessary software and tools.

Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory
Vehicle Component Analysis
Automotive Laboratory 1
Customer Service
Garage Engineering
Garage Economics
Vehicle Inspection
Automotive Laboratory 2
Work Based Learning
Management and Leadership
Practical vehicle operations

Students are able to work as managers in the garage or in the vehicle engineering.

Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory
Vehicle Component Analysis
Automotive Laboratory 1
Practical Training 1
Garage Engineering
Garage Economics
Vehicle Inspection
Automotive Laboratory 2
Practical Training 2
Work Based Learning
Formula Student Project Planning
Management and Leadership
Practical Training 3
Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Geometry and Vector Algebra
Functions and Matrices
Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
English for Engineers
Working English for Engineers
Orientation for Engineering Mathematics
Safety at work in automotive technology
Basics of 3D-modeling
Basics of Measuring and Reporting
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Design and Printing of 3D-models
Strength of Materials
Computer Aided Mathematics
Autotechnisches Deutsch
Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics
Laboratory Works of Physics
English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals
Basics of Machine Components
Sensor Technology and Automation Applications
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Project Work
Automobile Energy Engineering
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Initiating a Project
Preplanning a Project
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Principals of LabVIEW Programming
Project Planning
Basics of Logical Control
Introduction to Networking
Project Implementation
Project Testing
Component Modeling and Manufacturing
Finite Element Method
Product Development
Freely Chosen Courses
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Freely Chosen Studies
Valtra Experience for Students
Finnish Language and Reporting
Bachelor’s Thesis


Basic Sciences (Other than mathematics)
Geometry and Vector Algebra
Functions and Matrices
Basics of Measuring and Reporting
Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics
Laboratory Works of Physics
Basic Sciences, Mathematics
Geometry and Vector Algebra
Functions and Matrices
Orientation for Engineering Mathematics
Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Computer Aided Mathematics
Engineering subjects
Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory
Basics of 3D-modeling
Vehicle Component Analysis
Design and Printing of 3D-models
Automotive Laboratory 1
Power Transmission
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Practical Training 1
Strength of Materials
Vehicle Body Construction
Basics of Machine Components
Engine Technology
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics
Sensor Technology and Automation Applications
Garage Engineering
Vehicle Suspension and Steering
Automotive Laboratory 2
Practical Training 2
Project Work
Automobile Energy Engineering
Work Based Learning
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Initiating a Project
Preplanning a Project
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Principals of LabVIEW Programming
Project Planning
Basics of Logical Control
Introduction to Networking
Project Implementation
Project Testing
Component Modeling and Manufacturing
Formula Student Project Planning
Vehicle Engineering
Finite Element Method
Product Development
Freely Chosen Courses
Freely Chosen Studies
Practical Training 3
Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies
Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Bachelor’s Thesis
Non-technical subjects
Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
English for Engineers
Working English for Engineers
Customer Service
Autotechnisches Deutsch
English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals
Garage Economics
Vehicle Inspection
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Management and Leadership
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Finnish Language and Reporting
Safety at work in automotive technology
Valtra Experience for Students

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Practical Training 3
Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Basic and Professional Studies
Geometry and Vector Algebra
Functions and Matrices
Orientation and Basics of IT Systems
English for Engineers
Working English for Engineers
Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing
Basics of 3D-modeling
Basics of Measuring and Reporting
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Vehicle Component Analysis
Design and Printing of 3D-models
Automotive Laboratory 1
Power Transmission
Motor Vehicle Dynamics
Customer Service
Strength of Materials
Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics
Laboratory Works of Physics
English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals
Vehicle Body Construction
Basics of Machine Components
Engine Technology
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics
Sensor Technology and Automation Applications
Garage Engineering
Garage Economics
Vehicle Inspection
Vehicle Suspension and Steering
Automotive Laboratory 2
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Project Work
Automobile Energy Engineering
Work Based Learning
Initiating a Project
Preplanning a Project
Principals of LabVIEW Programming
Project Planning
Basics of Logical Control
Introduction to Networking
Project Implementation
Project Testing
Component Modeling and Manufacturing
Formula Student Project Planning
Vehicle Engineering
Finite Element Method
Product Development
Management and Leadership
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies
Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission
Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements
Formula Student Project Learning
Finnish Language and Reporting
Free-Choice Studies
Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory
Orientation for Engineering Mathematics
Computer Aided Mathematics
Autotechnisches Deutsch
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum
Freely Chosen Courses
Freely Chosen Studies
Safety at work in automotive technology
Valtra Experience for Students

Code Name Credits (cr)
Basic Engineering Skills

(Choose all)

15 - 20
5N00EG72 Geometry and Vector Algebra 3
5N00EG73 Functions and Matrices 3
5C00ER72 Orientation and Basics of IT Systems 3
5N00EK86 English for Engineers 3
5N00EK81 Working English for Engineers 3
Free Choice Studies

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
5C00ER78 Introduction to Vehicle Laboratory 2
5N00EG71 Orientation for Engineering Mathematics 3
5C00FX92 Safety at work in automotive technology 1 - 3
Basic Automotive Technology

(Choose all)

5C00ER84 Vehicle Materials and Manufacturing 5
5C00ER86 Basics of 3D-modeling 3
5N00EI71 Basics of Measuring and Reporting 3
5N00EI67 Mechanics 3
Natural Sciencies for Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Technology

(Choose all)

5N00EG74 Differential Calculus 3
5N00EG75 Integral Calculus 3
5N00EI69 Electrostatics and Electric Circuits, Magnetism 3
5N00EI74 Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 4
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Technical Skills

(Choose all)

5C00ER96 Vehicle Component Analysis 4
5K00DM64 Statics 5
5C00ER98 Hydraulics 5
Industrial Vehicle Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES02 Design and Printing of 3D-models 3
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Technical Skills

(Choose all)

5C00ES04 Automotive Laboratory 1 3
5C00ES06 Power Transmission 5
5C00ES08 Motor Vehicle Dynamics 5
5C00ES10 Practical Training 1 5
Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES12 Customer Service 5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Natural Sciences

(Choose all)

10 - 13
5C00ES14 Strength of Materials 3
Free Choice Studies

(Choose 6)

3 - 6
5N00EG77 Computer Aided Mathematics 3
5N00EG78 Statistics 3
Industrial Vehicle Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES20 Autotechnisches Deutsch 4
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Construction and Strength

(Choose all)

5N00EI70 Oscillations and Wave Mechanics, Atom and Nuclear Physics 3
5N00EI72 Laboratory Works of Physics 3
5C00ES26 English for Vehicle Engineering Professionals 3
Industrial Vehicle and Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES28 Vehicle Body Construction 3
Industrial Vehicle and Intelligent Machines Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5K00DU91 Basics of Machine Components 5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electrical Engineering

(Choose all)

5C00ES32 Engine Technology 5
5C00ES34 Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Electronics 10
Intelligent Machines Studies

(Choose all)

5K00DU92 Sensor Technology and Automation Applications 5
Garage Technology Advanced Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES38 Garage Engineering 4
5C00ES40 Garage Economics 4
5C00ES42 Vehicle Inspection 4
Industrial Vehicle and Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES44 Vehicle Suspension and Steering 5
5C00ES46 Automotive Laboratory 2 5
Car and Industrial Vehicle Advanced Studies 1

(Choose all)

5C00ES50 Practical Training 2 10
5N00EK79 Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science 3
Industrial Vehicle Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5O00EX26 Project Work 5
Industrial Vehicle and Intelligent Machines Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES54 Automobile Energy Engineering 3
Garage Technology Practical Learning

(Choose all)

5C00ES56 Work Based Learning 30
Intelligent Machines Advanced Studies 1

(Choose all)

5K00ES58 Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum 5
5S00DZ40 Initiating a Project 5
5S00DZ42 Preplanning a Project 5
Intelligent Machines Advanced Studies 2

(Choose all)

5K00ES64 Freely Chosen Courses of Own Curriculum 5
5S00EZ71 Principals of LabVIEW Programming 5
5S00DZ46 Project Planning 5
5S00DX30 Basics of Logical Control 5
5G00ET63 Introduction to Networking 5
Intelligent Machines Supplementary Studies

(Choose all)

5S00DZ48 Project Implementation 10
5S00DZ50 Project Testing 5
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Engineering Advanced Studies 2

(Choose all)

5C00ES82 Component Modeling and Manufacturing 4
5C00ES86 Formula Student Project Planning 3
5C00ES88 Vehicle Engineering 5
5K00DL23 Finite Element Method 5
5K00DU93 Product Development 5
Working as a Manger in the Automotive and Vehicle Industry

(Choose all)

5C00ES90 Management and Leadership 5
5C00ES92 Freely Chosen Courses 5
5N00EK77 Swedish Language, Written 2
5N00EK78 Swedish Language, Spoken 2
Automotive and Industrial Vehicle Supplementary Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ES98 Freely Chosen Studies 10
5C00ET00 Practical Training 3 15
Industrial Vehicle and Garage Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ET02 Automotive Engineering Work Place Studies 2
Industrial Vehicle Engineering Studies

(Choose all)

5C00ET04 Electric Vehicles and Electrical Power Transmission 3
5C00ET06 Automobile Engineering Practical Measurements 2
5C00GU76 Valtra Experience for Students 1
Vehicle Construction

(Choose all)

5C00ET08 Formula Student Project Learning 6
Bachelor’s Thesis

(Choose all)

5N00EK88 Finnish Language and Reporting 3
5C00ET12 Bachelor’s Thesis 15