Dance and Movement 2 (10 cr)
Code: 2X00GZ71-3001
General information
Enrolment period
09.06.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 30.04.2026
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
6 - 15
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Music
- Mariikka Santaharju
- Musiikki Virtuaalihenkilö
Person in charge
Hanna Hurskainen
Objectives (course unit)
The student has deepened their dance technique and body control. Their understanding of different dance styles and their characteristics has also deepened. The student’s technical and interpretive level has progressed to the point where they have expertise in their own personal movement expression. They can identify the distinctive features of selected dance techniques and the expressive modes specific to different dance styles. Their group interaction skills have improved, and they have developed the ability for systematic independent work
Content (course unit)
The content is adapted according to the dance proficiency level (see additional course details). The course consists of various teaching modules aimed at enhancing students’ fundamental understanding of body control, basic dance techniques across different styles, and exercises for movement memory and coordination. The topics covered include
• dance technique and professional terminology
• dance expression
• exercises to improve movement memory and coordination
• movement improvisation
Prerequisites (course unit)
Dance And Movement 1 has been successfully completed.
Further information (course unit)
Dance instruction is organized into three proficiency levels:
Level I: Basic level or beginners.
Level II: Intermediate level.
Level III: Advanced level, possibly including professional studies or equivalent qualifications.
Students participate in dance classes corresponding to their own proficiency level, as determined by their dance instructor. While students may request a change of proficiency level with the instructor’s approval, it is not guaranteed that the proficiency level will change during their studies.
Attendance: 80% attendance is required.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
Passed: The student demonstrates technical and artistic control of body movement and effectively highlights the distinctive features of different dance styles at the appropriate level .
Their body control and expression are moderately diverse, and they have good command over movement sequences and spatial awareness. Their presence is natural.
Rejected: The student exhibits significant deficiencies in the above-mentioned areas.
Assessment scale