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Health Service Organizations and Working Life Skills (3 cr)

Code: 7B00FP13-3004

General information

Enrolment period

09.12.2024 - 20.02.2025


02.01.2025 - 30.04.2025


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Biomedical Laboratory Science


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science


  • Marjut Murtosaari

Person in charge

Kirsi Mansikkamäki


  • 22BAJ

Objectives (course unit)

The student is able to
- know the administrative organizations and key decision-making levels of the health service in different organization structures
- know the basics of laboratory economy
- identify the significance of management in health service and in clinical laboratory work
- know the basics of different sectors of human resources management
- know the significance of labour legislation, employment contracts and other regulations for the employee
- identify and develop his/her own competence
- know the different stages and channels of job search and ways of recruitment
- know the basics of well-being at work

Content (course unit)

Operations models of social and health services
Different administrative organizations and their decision-making processes
Basic concepts of health care economics (e.g. cost accounting)
Labour legislation, collective labour agreements (KVTES) and other regulations
Organizational culture and management
Work community skills
Sectors of human resources management
Identification and development of one’s own competence
Job search and recruitment
Maintenance and promotion of well-being at work

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- can identify different administrative organizations of the public health service and is familiar with current legislation and agreements.
- can identify different sectors of the human resources management and their tasks
- can describe terms related to the economy of the laboratory and its monitoring
- performs the given tasks with supervision and supported by the group

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- can compare and explain different administrative organizations of the public health service and their differences
- understands current legislation and agreements and can explain their significance at a practical level
- can identify, explain and analyse different sectors of the human resources management and their tasks
- can explain terms related to the economy of the laboratory and its monitoring
- performs well on independent and team tasks
- evaluates matters from their own and the administration’s point of view

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- understands and analyses different administrative organizations of the public health service and their differences
- understands current legislation and agreements and can relate their significance in a professional context to a practical level
- can understand, explain and analyse different sectors of the human resources management and their tasks
- understands comprehensively terms related to the economy of the laboratory and its monitoring
- performs well on independent and team tasks
- examines and evaluates matters from their own and the administration’s point of view

Assessment scale
