Basics for Environmental Technology and Management (6 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: 5E00EK53-3005
Toteutuksen perustiedot
22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
6 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Johannes Jermakka
Hilda Szabo
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
24KVTBIOTBiotuotetekniikka kevät 2024, double degree
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, student has the basic knowledge on hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere and anthrosphere and the stringent environmental issues related to them. Student gets understanding on the most important environmental pollutants. Student has adopted and understood the concepts of sustainable development, circular economy, cleantech, environmental impact assessment (EIA), life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental management. Student knows the main technologies in management of environmental pollution and the EIA process and knows the basics of environmental management systems in organizations.
Sisältö (OJ)
Sustainable development; principles of environmental engineering and management; EIA process; LCA; environmental management systems; cleantech; circular economy.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student shows throughout the course and at the exam that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems; has basic theoretical knowledge in treatment and prevention methods. The group work is done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information minimal, reporting structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student participated actively in the group assignments and showed her/his competence in the subject in the exam. The achieved competence is good and student can understand how to apply theory in different situations. Student has good knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems introduced during the course. Student has good knowledge in treatment and prevention methods.
Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing herself/himself. The group work was completed successfully and the instructions were followed. All assignments were submitted within the deadlines. The assignments show that student is able to process information and collects it from different reliable sources.
Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student participated actively in the group assignments and showed her/his competence in the subject in the exam. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply theory in different situations. Student has fluent knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems introduced during the course.
Student has fluent knowledge in treatment and prevention methods. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing herself/himself.
The group work was completed successfully and the instructions were followed. All assignments were submitted within the deadlines. The assignments show that student is able to process information and collects it from different reliable sources. Discussion and conclusions in the reports are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.
Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
Lectures, learning assignments, and self-study.