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Laboratoriomenetelmät kehittyvässä kliinisessä laboratoriossa (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: 7L00FG23-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2022 - 31.12.2022


01.01.2023 - 04.04.2023


5 op




Kliininen asiantuntija YAMK


TAMK Pääkampus


  • Suomi


  • Kliinisen asiantuntijan ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma


  • Eeva Liikanen


Eeva Liikanen


  • 22YKA
    Kliinisen asiantuntijan ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Opiskelija osaa ennakoida uusien laboratoriomenetelmien kehitystä omalla asiantuntijuusalueellaan ja soveltaa tietoa moniammatillisissa tiimeissä.
Opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida kliinisen laboratoriotyön menetelmien käyttöönottoa ja kehittämistä.

Sisältö (OJ)

Uudet kliiniset laboratoriomenetelmät ja niiden hyödynnettävyys
Laboratoriomenetelmien verifiointi ja validointi

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Opiskelija tunnistaa uusien laboratoriomenetelmien kehityssuunnat omalla asiantuntijuusalueellaan.
Opiskelija osaa kuvata kliinisen laboratoriotyön menetelmien käyttöönottoa ja kehittämistä.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Opiskelija seuraa uusien laboratoriomenetelmien kehitystä omalla asiantuntijuusalueellaan ja soveltaa tietoa moniammatillisissa tiimeissä.
Opiskelija osaa suunnitella ja toteuttaa kliinisen laboratoriotyön menetelmien käyttöönottoa ja kehittämistä.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Opiskelija ennakoi uusien laboratoriomenetelmien kehitystä omalla asiantuntijuusalueellaan ja soveltaa tietoa moniammatillisissa tiimeissä.
Opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida kliinisen laboratoriotyön menetelmien käyttöönottoa ja kehittämistä.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat


Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The course completion requires:
-active engagement with the course material
-completing compulsory assessment tasks detailed above

The course evaluation is based on adequately achieving learning outcomes as evidenced in
the assessment tasks.



Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Assignment 1: There is a continuous development of new methods in diagnostics. The introduction of new methods may also lead to the purchase of a new instrument.

Choose a new method or instrument that could be chosen for your laboratory. Search for information on the method and different options for the instrument. Describe the method principles in detail and compare instruments/methods with each other (advantages and disadvantages). Justify and provide an acceptable explanation for the selected instruments/methods.

Working process:
Make the assignment according to the writing rules of your university
o The assignment should contain 1250 – 2500 words, about 5 – 10 pages.
Do the plagiarism test for your work (Turnitin)
Submit your work to the Moodle platform in Word format
o On the Moodle platform you can find the folder “New methods Assignments 1” for submission
Send the copy of your work for your colleague (peer review process)
Evaluate your colleague’s work and submit your evaluation to the Moodle platform in Word
o Peer review about 250 words
o On the Moodle platform you can find the folder “Peer review for New Methods assignment 1” for submission
Present your work in the Seminar
o Oral presentation about 4 min
Peer review your colleague’s work
o 2 min oral presentation on the seminar

Evaluation 0 - 5

Assignment 2: When you are planning to choose a new method or to buy a new instrument for the laboratory, your organization has certain procedures you have to follow. Describe the purchasing process and procedure for implementation of a new method or instrument in your organization. Describe the rules and regulations considered in the process (from the planning until the active use of method/instrument in diagnostics) in your organization.

Working process:
Make the assignment according to the writing rules of your university.
o The assignment should contain 750 – 1250 words, 3 – 5 pages.
Do the plagiarism test for your work (Turnitin)
Submit your work to the Moodle platform in Word format (not later than 3rd of March)
o On the Moodle platform you can find the folder “Assignments 2” for submission

Evaluation passed or failed.

Assignment 3: When you have the new method or instrument in the laboratory, you have to proof the reliability, validity or accuracy of method/instrument.
Describe the procedures for verification and validation of a new method or instrument in your organization. Describe the rules and regulations considered in the process in your organization. Sari Väisänen’ s lecture gives a good background information for the subject.

Working process:
Make the assignment according to the writing rules of your university.
o The assignment should contain 750 – 1250 words, 3 – 5 pages.
Do the plagiarism test for your work (Turnitin)
Submit your work to the Moodle platform in Word format (not later than 10th of March)
o On the Moodle platform you can find the folder “Assignments 3” for submission

Evaluation passed or failed.

Sisällön jaksotus

Course timetable

20 Jan at 4pm Introduction to the course, 4:30pm (1,5h) Lecture: Sari Väisänen, Islab

27 Jan at 4pm (1h) Lecture:Sami Väisänen, Roche

3 Feb at 4pm (1h) Lecture: Mika Lång, Fimlab

10 Feb at 4pm (1h) Tutor meeting 1.



24 Feb at 4 pm (1h) Tutor meeting 2.

28 Feb Deadline for the assignment 1. + send also the copy of your work
to your colleague
7 Mar Deadline for the assignment 2.

WEEK 10:
14 Mar Deadline for the assignment 3.

WEEK 11:
16 Mar Deadline for Peer Review concerning assignment 1.

17 Mar 4 pm (3h) Seminar: Presentation of assignment 1 and reflective activity

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö




Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The course will be taught online

The course language is English. The material is in English, but assessment tasks can also be written in Finnish.

The introduction, three lectures and the seminar day will be in real time in Anssi’s Zoom-room.

The course is based on self-directed learning.

Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student does not anticipate the development of new laboratory methods in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise.
The student cannot describe the implementation and development of new clinical laboratory methods.

Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student is able to recognize the development of new laboratory methods in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise.
The student can describe the implementation and development of new clinical laboratory methods.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student keeps up with the development of new laboratory methods in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise and applies acquired knowledge in multiprofessional teams.
The student is able to plan, implement and develop new clinical laboratory methods.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student anticipates the development of new laboratory methods in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise and applies acquired knowledge in multiprofessional teams.
The student is able to plan, execute and evaluate the implementation and development of clinical laboratory methods.