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Master's Degree Programme in Social Services: 23yeso

Code: 21YSO

Master of Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Social Services

90 ects

1.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023


Master's degree in social and health care
The aim of higher polytechnic higher education is to develop working practices in the social field by providing specialized expertise in social work and service counseling. Education provides capacity for research development and social innovation, including in international settings. Education meets national (NQF) and European (EQF) objectives for higher education degrees.
Higher polytechnic education in the social field produces the title of Sociologist (upper Bachelor). A higher polytechnic degree in the social field gives you the same qualifications for a public post or position as any other polytechnic degree. The postgraduate qualification in social work provides the capacity to reform and develop professional skills in the social field. Higher education graduates can find themselves in demanding social client roles, managerial positions, service design and management, service developers and coordinators. The degree provides the ability to strategically develop an organization and to manage human resources and expertise. Graduates may also find themselves in development, training and management positions in the international labor market.
VALUE BASED ON EDUCATION AND CORE CONTENT Social work is guided by the UN Human Rights Principles. These principles form the basis for the value of the degree. 1. Dignity and justice 2. Respect for the individual's sovereignty and privacy 3. Promoting social inclusion in communities and society 4. Combating discrimination and violence 5. Poverty reduction The main topics to be studied in the training are content related to social work, disadvantage, service structures and service management. Competence in the management and development of wellbeing services in a complex and international environment forms the broadest entity.
IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHING The degree can be completed in 1.5 years (average 2 years) and can be completed along with the job. Student guidance is done through contact and network guidance. Learning is supported by a variety of pedagogical means, in addition to personal guidance and peer and peer guidance. The pedagogical basis of education is based on the principles of lifelong learning, whereby the student has the main responsibility for the progress of his / her own learning. The Degree Program in Social Services (90 ECTS) consists of study units (60 ECTS) and thesis (30 ECTS). The basic unit of study design is a credit point, which corresponds to a workload of approximately 27 hours. The calculated number of credits in one academic year is 60 credits.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 2024-2025 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024
Professional Studies

(Choose all )

7Z00EL05 Theories of Social Work and Social Work Approaches 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Z00EL06 Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Z00EL08 Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Z00EL07 Contemporary Social Work Research 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Z00EL09 International and Multicultural Social Work 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7Z00EL14 The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Alternative Common Master Studies

(Choose ects: 20)

NY00EC51 Evidence-Based Practice 5
NY00EC55 Qualitative and Action-based Research and Development Methods 5
NY00EC53 Quantitative Research Methods, Effectiveness (incl. SPSS) 5
NY00EC57 Future Research, Foresight and Innovation 5
NY00EC69 Customer Relationship Management 5
NY00EC67 Project Competence 5
NY00EC65 Technology Know How Management 5
NY00EC71 The Development of Activities through Service Design 5
NY00EH17 Introduction to LEAN 5
NY00EK74 Experience Design 5
NY00EK75 Acquiring Customers in Digital Channels 5
NY00EK76 Data-analysis, Data Visualization and Artificial Intelligence 5
NY00EK73 Knowledge Management 5
NY00EC59 Leadership and HRM 5
NY00EC61 Foundations of Financial Management 5
NY00EC63 Strategy and Change Management, as well as Communication 5
NY00EK72 Strategic Financial Management 5
Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

Master´s Thesis

(Choose all )

NY00FJ81 Master's Thesis Design 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NY00FJ82 Implementation of the Master's Thesis 20 20 20 10 10
NY00FJ83 Master's Thesis Reporting and Evaluation 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 90 45 15 15 30 15 7.5 7.5 15 15 7.5 7.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

TAMK Generic Competences

TAMK’s generic competences mean such competences that every graduating student of TAMK should have. These competences are mainly learnt inside courses with the support of diverse teaching methods, but the fields of study may also offer specific courses on some of the themes.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values.

Theories of Social Work and Social Work Approaches
Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System
Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality
Contemporary Social Work Research
International and Multicultural Social Work
The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services
Customer Relationship Management
Project Competence
The Development of Activities through Service Design
Leadership and HRM
Strategy and Change Management, as well as Communication
Strategic Financial Management
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research and development projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions.

Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System
Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality
The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services
Qualitative and Action-based Research and Development Methods
Quantitative Research Methods, Effectiveness (incl. SPSS)
Future Research, Foresight and Innovation
Customer Relationship Management
Project Competence
Technology Know How Management
The Development of Activities through Service Design
Introduction to LEAN
Experience Design
Acquiring Customers in Digital Channels
Data-analysis, Data Visualization and Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Management
Leadership and HRM
IInternationalisation Competence

- possesses language skills necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the field
- is capable of multicultural cooperation
- can take into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalisation development in one’s own field.

International and Multicultural Social Work
Learning Competence

- is able to evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for learning and sharing of knowledge in teams.

Theories of Social Work and Social Work Approaches
Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System
Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality
Contemporary Social Work Research
The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services
Evidence-Based Practice
Qualitative and Action-based Research and Development Methods
Quantitative Research Methods, Effectiveness (incl. SPSS)
Future Research, Foresight and Innovation
Customer Relationship Management
Project Competence
Technology Know How Management
The Development of Activities through Service Design
Introduction to LEAN
Experience Design
Acquiring Customers in Digital Channels
Data-analysis, Data Visualization and Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Management
Leadership and HRM
Foundations of Financial Management
Strategy and Change Management, as well as Communication
Strategic Financial Management
Working Community Competence

is able to operate as a member of a work community and promote its wellbeing
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilise information and communications technology in one’s field
- is able to create personal contacts in working life and work in networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- has abilities for leadership and independent work as an expert
- possesses entrepreneurial skills.

Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System
Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality
The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services
Customer Relationship Management
Project Competence
Technology Know How Management
The Development of Activities through Service Design
Introduction to LEAN
Knowledge Management
Leadership and HRM
Foundations of Financial Management
Strategy and Change Management, as well as Communication
Strategic Financial Management
Master's Thesis Design
Implementation of the Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis Reporting and Evaluation

Code Name Credits (cr)
Professional Studies

(Choose all)

7Z00EL05 Theories of Social Work and Social Work Approaches 5
7Z00EL06 Changing Operational Environment and Health and Social Service System 5
7Z00EL08 Case Management of Social Services, Network, Multiprofessionality 5
7Z00EL07 Contemporary Social Work Research 5
7Z00EL09 International and Multicultural Social Work 5
7Z00EL14 The Quality and Impressiveness of Social Services 5
Alternative Common Master Studies

(Choose ects: 20)

NY00EC51 Evidence-Based Practice 5
NY00EC55 Qualitative and Action-based Research and Development Methods 5
NY00EC53 Quantitative Research Methods, Effectiveness (incl. SPSS) 5
NY00EC57 Future Research, Foresight and Innovation 5
NY00EC69 Customer Relationship Management 5
NY00EC67 Project Competence 5
NY00EC65 Technology Know How Management 5
NY00EC71 The Development of Activities through Service Design 5
NY00EH17 Introduction to LEAN 5
NY00EK74 Experience Design 5
NY00EK75 Acquiring Customers in Digital Channels 5
NY00EK76 Data-analysis, Data Visualization and Artificial Intelligence 5
NY00EK73 Knowledge Management 5
NY00EC59 Leadership and HRM 5
NY00EC61 Foundations of Financial Management 5
NY00EC63 Strategy and Change Management, as well as Communication 5
NY00EK72 Strategic Financial Management 5
Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

Master´s Thesis

(Choose all)

NY00FJ81 Master's Thesis Design 5
NY00FJ82 Implementation of the Master's Thesis 20
NY00FJ83 Master's Thesis Reporting and Evaluation 5