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Introduction to Finnish Industry and Working LifeLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5F00GE15


5 op


After completing the course, the participants can:
- describe the fundamentals of the Finnish industry scene; the different sectors and their impact on the Finnish economy and society
- understand the (mega)trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to responsibility, circular economy, and people & competence management
- define how responsibility and circular economy is implemented in case companies
- understand the concept of Risk Management and how Risk Management is practiced within businesses
- understand the “ground rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- understand the scope and strengths of active and long term stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes (eg. in R&D, teaching, graduate employability and other themes)
- identify the competence requirements valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- identify the means and practices used by companies and businesses to develop the competence of their workforce
- understand the need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society, and how internationals can enhance their employability in Finland


Course contents
- Finnish industry “in a nutshell”; the sectors and their impact on the economy and society
- Trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to circular economy and people & competence management
- Risk Management, Responsibility and Circular Economy implementation in case companies
- “Ground Rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- Stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes in themes such as R&D, teaching and graduate employability
- Skills and competences valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- Competence development, people management and leadership
- Need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society
- Employability of internationals in Finland

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student can recognize and define the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes. The student gives and receives feedback but considers and assesses things only from his/her own point of view, without being able to generalize and contextualize. The student takes responsibility for her/his own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student can explain the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes and describe things in relation to one another. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Student can analyze the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes, generalize and relate them to the professional context. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding and is also capable to understand different viewpoints and debate on the topics. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Enrolment period

02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 16.03.2025


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Risk Management and Circular Economy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Continuing Education
  • Appu Haapio-Karjalainen
  • Pirre Hyötynen
  • RIMCE Virtuaalihenkilö
Person in charge

Timo Parkkinen

    Diploma in Risk Management and Circular Economy

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, the participants can:
- describe the fundamentals of the Finnish industry scene; the different sectors and their impact on the Finnish economy and society
- understand the (mega)trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to responsibility, circular economy, and people & competence management
- define how responsibility and circular economy is implemented in case companies
- understand the concept of Risk Management and how Risk Management is practiced within businesses
- understand the “ground rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- understand the scope and strengths of active and long term stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes (eg. in R&D, teaching, graduate employability and other themes)
- identify the competence requirements valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- identify the means and practices used by companies and businesses to develop the competence of their workforce
- understand the need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society, and how internationals can enhance their employability in Finland

Content (course unit)

Course contents
- Finnish industry “in a nutshell”; the sectors and their impact on the economy and society
- Trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to circular economy and people & competence management
- Risk Management, Responsibility and Circular Economy implementation in case companies
- “Ground Rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- Stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes in themes such as R&D, teaching and graduate employability
- Skills and competences valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- Competence development, people management and leadership
- Need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society
- Employability of internationals in Finland

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student can recognize and define the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes. The student gives and receives feedback but considers and assesses things only from his/her own point of view, without being able to generalize and contextualize. The student takes responsibility for her/his own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student can explain the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes and describe things in relation to one another. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can analyze the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes, generalize and relate them to the professional context. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding and is also capable to understand different viewpoints and debate on the topics. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.12.2023 - 21.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Risk Management and Circular Economy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Continuing Education
  • Pirre Hyötynen
  • Virpi Paavola
Person in charge

Timo Parkkinen

    Diploma in Risk Management and Circular Economy

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, the participants can:
- describe the fundamentals of the Finnish industry scene; the different sectors and their impact on the Finnish economy and society
- understand the (mega)trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to responsibility, circular economy, and people & competence management
- define how responsibility and circular economy is implemented in case companies
- understand the concept of Risk Management and how Risk Management is practiced within businesses
- understand the “ground rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- understand the scope and strengths of active and long term stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes (eg. in R&D, teaching, graduate employability and other themes)
- identify the competence requirements valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- identify the means and practices used by companies and businesses to develop the competence of their workforce
- understand the need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society, and how internationals can enhance their employability in Finland

Content (course unit)

Course contents
- Finnish industry “in a nutshell”; the sectors and their impact on the economy and society
- Trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to circular economy and people & competence management
- Risk Management, Responsibility and Circular Economy implementation in case companies
- “Ground Rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- Stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes in themes such as R&D, teaching and graduate employability
- Skills and competences valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- Competence development, people management and leadership
- Need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society
- Employability of internationals in Finland

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student can recognize and define the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes. The student gives and receives feedback but considers and assesses things only from his/her own point of view, without being able to generalize and contextualize. The student takes responsibility for her/his own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student can explain the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes and describe things in relation to one another. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can analyze the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes, generalize and relate them to the professional context. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding and is also capable to understand different viewpoints and debate on the topics. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

19.04.2023 - 31.05.2023


19.04.2023 - 31.08.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Risk Management and Circular Economy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Risk Management and Circular Economy (Business)
  • Pirre Hyötynen
  • Virpi Paavola
Person in charge

Timo Parkkinen


Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, the participants can:
- describe the fundamentals of the Finnish industry scene; the different sectors and their impact on the Finnish economy and society
- understand the (mega)trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to responsibility, circular economy, and people & competence management
- define how responsibility and circular economy is implemented in case companies
- understand the concept of Risk Management and how Risk Management is practiced within businesses
- understand the “ground rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- understand the scope and strengths of active and long term stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes (eg. in R&D, teaching, graduate employability and other themes)
- identify the competence requirements valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- identify the means and practices used by companies and businesses to develop the competence of their workforce
- understand the need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society, and how internationals can enhance their employability in Finland

Content (course unit)

Course contents
- Finnish industry “in a nutshell”; the sectors and their impact on the economy and society
- Trends affecting the industry, especially in respect to circular economy and people & competence management
- Risk Management, Responsibility and Circular Economy implementation in case companies
- “Ground Rules” of the Finnish working life, its key players and stakeholders
- Stakeholder collaboration between industry and higher education institutes in themes such as R&D, teaching and graduate employability
- Skills and competences valued in the Finnish industry and working life
- Competence development, people management and leadership
- Need of international experts and the added value they can bring to the Finnish society
- Employability of internationals in Finland

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student can recognize and define the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes. The student gives and receives feedback but considers and assesses things only from his/her own point of view, without being able to generalize and contextualize. The student takes responsibility for her/his own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student can explain the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes and describe things in relation to one another. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can analyze the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes, generalize and relate them to the professional context. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding and is also capable to understand different viewpoints and debate on the topics. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Location and time

Implementation from mid May to mid August 2023 (summer months from mid June to mid August allocated for students’ individual work). Participation in the weekly f2f lectures is mandatory. Students agree together the time and platform of student group meetings. The student chooses the place and time for personal learning. Every task and assignment has a deadline which must be respected (further details are given in course Moodle). Active and collaborative participation during the course is strongly encouraged to obtain the best results and learning experience

Exam schedules

There are no exams during this course, the assessment is based on individual and group assignments.

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning outcomes can be described in these three main themes:
- understanding the fundamentals of the Finnish Industry and working life, the sectors, the key players and their roles
- understanding how Risk Management, Responsibility and Circular Economy concepts are implemented in companies
- understanding the “ground rules”, leadership, valued competences, and the employability of internationals in the Finnish working life

The student can recognize and define the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes. The student gives and receives feedback but considers and assesses things only from his/her own point of view, without being able to generalize and contextualize. The student takes responsibility for her/his own work.
The student can explain the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes and describe things in relation to one another. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.
Student can analyze the topics and concepts described in the above learning outcomes, generalize and relate them to the professional context. The student can apply his/her previous experience and learnings as well as relevant sources of information in order to produce the understanding and is also capable to understand different viewpoints and debate on the topics. The student uses feedback systematically as a professional tool for growth in his/her own work and for the benefit of the community. The student cooperates responsibly, flexibly, and constructively and develops his/her own and the group's interaction.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Weekly f2f lectures involving several visiting lecturers from industry and working life. If possible, a site visit to a company. KickOff workshop in the beginning, and a closing seminar at the end of the course. Pre-task before KickOff, group and individual assignments.

Learning materials

All learning materials are distributed via the course Moodle learning platform. The student is strongly recommended to find and utilize also complementary learning material and share it with others.

Student workload

The student is expected to do an individual study plan for the course to be able to complete the course within the target time. The 5 ECTS course is designed based on the guideline of approximately 135 hours total work including contact teaching, familiarizing with the material, and completing the individual and group assignments. However, the actual, personal working time is dependent of each individual student – for example on his/her prior knowledge and experience.

Completion alternatives

There are no alternative ways to complete the course.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Visiting lecturers representing the industry and other working life stakeholders will be utilized on the course

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Assessment of the course is based on individual and group assignments. The grading is on a scale 1 – 5. Assessment criteria is as follows:
0 (fail): The student has not completed the assignments in accordance with the guidelines given.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Assessment of the course is based on individual and group assignments. The grading is on a scale 1 – 5. Assessment criteria is as follows:

1-2: The student has completed the assignments, but the scope and discussion concerning the topic is narrow and superficial. The participation in group assignments, workshops and web discussions is partial and not constructive.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Assessment of the course is based on individual and group assignments. The grading is on a scale 1 – 5. Assessment criteria is as follows:

3-4: The student has completed the assignments and has taken into account multiple points of view on the issues showing awareness of their inter-connections. In group assignments, the student has shown openness to the ideas expressed by the other participants, but engagement has varied during the course.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Assessment of the course is based on individual and group assignments. The grading is on a scale 1 – 5. Assessment criteria is as follows:

5: The student has completed the tasks with obvious dedication. The student has discussed the cases analytically and constructively both in individual assignments and group discussions. The student has shown active interest and engagement throughout the course.