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Degree Programme in Hospitality Management, Part-Time Studies: 26MRESTO

Code: 24MRESTO

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Degree title:
Bachelor of Hospitality Management

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2026


As a Bachelor of Hospitality Management, you will work in expert and pre-service business positions, for example as a service manager, service supervisor, service designer, restaurant manager, event or experience designer. You can be located in a very wide range of companies, as an entrepreneur or in the public sector.

The themes of the studies are the operating environment, service experience, work community and well-being in the field. You will adopt themes from the perspectives of design, development and management and always based on the principles of sustainable development. With the help of assignments and projects, you will deepen your knowledge in the areas of service business that interest you. You will be involved in developing and renewing the field already during your studies together with your fellow students and experts already in the field.

Hospitality Management studies in TAMK's service business are ideally suited to be completed alongside work. You can plan and schedule studies according to your own life situation. There are 13 meetings per year and 13 meetings per month. The meetings include, for example, lectures, guidance and joint work. In addition, you work independently and with your own team according to agreed schedules, for example in the evenings and on weekends.

Already during your studies, you get to choose a unique combination of multidisciplinary studies for future working life. As Bachelor of Hospitality Management, you have good employment opportunities both in the domestic and international labour markets. Learning is the ability to change, welcome to the journey of transformation!


You will learn how to produce and lead sustainable and profitable innovative business of the future for the food service and cleanliness industry, as well as for the event and experience industry. Your operations are guided by customer understanding and hospitality, developing together with the customer, while respecting ecological sustainability. You will study for yourself the skills to operate in a radically changing international operating environment in which you will need strong business skills, interaction skills and emotional intelligence. In the degree programme, you will explore the fascinating operating environment of service business in a diverse way.

During the training, you will grow to become an expert in the field and acquire individual professional skills to act independently as an expert, executive or entrepreneur. Upon graduation, you will understand the theories, concepts, and methods of the field and be able to critically evaluate them. You will be able to lead and develop work communities and activities in the field, including in change, without forgetting to lead yourself.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

The curriculum follows the European and National Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (NQF and EQF). Training is planned and implemented in close cooperation with working life. The results of the student and alumni feedback surveys have been taken into account in the development of the curriculum.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 2029-2030 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 Autumn 2028 Spring 2029 Autumn 2029 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2028 3. / 2029 4. / 2029 1. / 2029 2. / 2029
Basic and Professional Studies

(Choose all )

Service Experience

(Choose all )

8T00GK32 Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers 5 5 5 5
8T00GK86 Service Design Process in Hospitality Business 5 5 5 5
8T00GK90 Quality of Life Services as Business 5 5 5 5
3H00GK30 Basics of Research Methodology 5 5 5 5
8T00GK98 Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business 5 5 5 5
Operational Environment

(Choose all )

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1 1 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
8T00GL14 Development as an Expert 4 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
8T00GK38 Introduction to Hospitality Business Economics 5 5 5 5
8T00GK34 Nutrition and Food Safety 5 5 5 5
8T00GK92 Sustainable Events 5 5 5 5
8T00GK40 Hospitality Business for the Future 5 5 5 5
8T00GL48 Servicescape Design 5 5 5 5
8T00GK94 Digital Solutions in Hospitality and Service Business 5 5 5 5
8T00GL49 Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage 5 5 5 5
Language and Communication Studies

(Choose all )

8T00GK46 Results with Communication 5 5 5 5
8T00GK48 Professional English for the Service Industry 5 5 5 5
8T00GK50 Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Written 3 3 3 3
8T00GK52 Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Spoken 2 2 2 2
Work Community

(Choose all )

3H00GL17 Me as Superior 5 5 5 5
8T00GK56 Management of Productivity and Well-Being of the Employees 5 5 5 5
8T00GK58 Management in the Service Business Operating Environment 5 5 5 5
8T00GL50 Workplace Development Project 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

8T00GL52 Food for Well-Being 5 5 5 5
8T00GL51 Health-Safe Spaces 5 5 5 5
8T00GK88 Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services 5 5 5 5
8T00GL53 Hospitality Management Professional as a Change Agent 5 5 5 5
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 30)

Practical Training

(Choose all )

8T00GL04 Practical Training 1 15 15 15 15
8T00GL06 Practical Training 2 15 15 15 15
Free-Choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

15 15 15 15
NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 210 61 40 55 10 23.2 37.8 20 20 20 35 10 11.6 11.6 11.6 26.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 12.5 22.5 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Sustainability and Responsibility

Sustainable Future is one of the pedagogical principles of TAMK. Ecological, social, cultural, and economic sustainability are important building blocks of a sustainable future. All these perspectives can be observed on individual, sectoral, societal, or global scales.

Ecological sustainability

Ecological sustainability can relate to biodiversity, ecosystem functions, sustainable and just use of resources (e.g. circular economy), and ways of mitigating human activities regarding nature’s carrying capacity (e.g. climate change).

Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers
Service Design Process in Hospitality Business
Quality of Life Services as Business
Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business
Nutrition and Food Safety
Sustainable Events
Digital Solutions in Hospitality and Service Business
Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage
Food for Well-Being
Health-Safe Spaces
Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services
Practical Training 2
Cultural sustainability

Cultural sustainability relates to knowledge of culture, pluralism, tolerance, valuing cultural diversity, and contributing to intercultural communication.

Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers
Service Design Process in Hospitality Business
Basics of Research Methodology
Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business
Study Guidance
Development as an Expert
Sustainable Events
Servicescape Design
Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage
Management of Productivity and Well-Being of the Employees
Management in the Service Business Operating Environment
Food for Well-Being
Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Social sustainability

Social sustainability relates to equal distribution of well-being, realization of fundamental rights, engagement in societal action and decision making, as well as to coping with individual challenges, taking responsibility, and pursuing sustainable lifestyle.

Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers
Service Design Process in Hospitality Business
Quality of Life Services as Business
Basics of Research Methodology
Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business
Study Guidance
Development as an Expert
Nutrition and Food Safety
Sustainable Events
Servicescape Design
Digital Solutions in Hospitality and Service Business
Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage
Me as Superior
Management in the Service Business Operating Environment
Workplace Development Project
Food for Well-Being
Health-Safe Spaces
Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services
Hospitality Management Professional as a Change Agent
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Economic sustainability

Economic sustainability can manifest in combining environmental and economic perspectives in decision making, discussing responsible consumption and business, or addressing different forms of debts (economic, resource-related, social).

Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers
Service Design Process in Hospitality Business
Quality of Life Services as Business
Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business
Introduction to Hospitality Business Economics
Nutrition and Food Safety
Sustainable Events
Hospitality Business for the Future
Servicescape Design
Digital Solutions in Hospitality and Service Business
Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage
Management of Productivity and Well-Being of the Employees
Management in the Service Business Operating Environment
Workplace Development Project
Food for Well-Being
Health-Safe Spaces
Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services
Practical Training 2
Future orientation

Future orientation can appear as dealing with megatrends or powers of transformation, or as discussing and creating scenarios, or as future oriented career counselling or coaching.

Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers
Service Design Process in Hospitality Business
Quality of Life Services as Business
Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business
Study Guidance
Development as an Expert
Hospitality Business for the Future
Servicescape Design
Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage
Management of Productivity and Well-Being of the Employees
Management in the Service Business Operating Environment
Workplace Development Project
Food for Well-Being
Health-Safe Spaces
Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services
Hospitality Management Professional as a Change Agent
Practical Training 2
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis
Results with Communication
Professional English for the Service Industry
Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Written
Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Spoken

Code Name Credits (cr)
Basic and Professional Studies

(Choose all)

Service Experience

(Choose all)

8T00GK32 Sustainable Wellbeing for Customers 5
8T00GK86 Service Design Process in Hospitality Business 5
8T00GK90 Quality of Life Services as Business 5
3H00GK30 Basics of Research Methodology 5
8T00GK98 Scenarios of Hospitality Management Business 5
Operational Environment

(Choose all)

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1
8T00GL14 Development as an Expert 4
8T00GK38 Introduction to Hospitality Business Economics 5
8T00GK34 Nutrition and Food Safety 5
8T00GK92 Sustainable Events 5
8T00GK40 Hospitality Business for the Future 5
8T00GL48 Servicescape Design 5
8T00GK94 Digital Solutions in Hospitality and Service Business 5
8T00GL49 Responsible Procurement as a Competitive Advantage 5
Language and Communication Studies

(Choose all)

8T00GK46 Results with Communication 5
8T00GK48 Professional English for the Service Industry 5
8T00GK50 Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Written 3
8T00GK52 Professional Swedish for the Service Industry, Spoken 2
Work Community

(Choose all)

3H00GL17 Me as Superior 5
8T00GK56 Management of Productivity and Well-Being of the Employees 5
8T00GK58 Management in the Service Business Operating Environment 5
8T00GL50 Workplace Development Project 5

(Choose all)

8T00GL52 Food for Well-Being 5
8T00GL51 Health-Safe Spaces 5
8T00GK88 Possibilities of Cross-Sectoral Services 5
8T00GL53 Hospitality Management Professional as a Change Agent 5
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 30)

Practical Training

(Choose all)

8T00GL04 Practical Training 1 15
8T00GL06 Practical Training 2 15
Free-Choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5