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ImmunohaematologyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7B00GV17


5 op


The aim of the course is to learn the key theoretical knowledge of immunohematology from the perspective of a biomedical laboratory scientist`s work and to practice blood transfusion serological laboratory tests, sample collection, analysis and interpretation.

After completing the course the student:
• knows the legislation, basic concepts and procedures related to blood transfusion
• knows the principles of storage, handling and use of different blood products
• can take blood samples for blood transfusion serological laboratory tests
• can perform basic blood transfusion serological tests and assess the reliability of the results
• knows the methodological principles of the tests
• knows the most common adverse effects of blood transfusion.


• Basic concepts and legislation of blood transfusion
• Blood transfusion practices and blood services in Finland
• Blood products
• Basics of blood transfusion serological tests
• Adverse effects and dangers of blood transfusion
• Blood safety activities
• Special situations concerning blood transfusion

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student knows the basics of blood transfusion practices and the adverse effects and dangers of blood transfusion. The student knows the responsibility areas of the hospital blood center and the care unit for ensuring safe blood transfusion, the use of different blood products and the guidance related to blood transfusion activities. The student can perform basic serological tests related to blood transfusion under guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows the blood transfusion practices and the adverse effects and risks of blood transfusion. The student knows the responsibilities of the blood service, the hospital blood center and the care unit for ensuring safe blood transfusion, the use of different blood products and the guidance related to blood transfusion activities. The student can perform basic serological tests for blood transfusion according to the work instructions, taking into account the preanalytical factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows the blood transfusion practices and the adverse effects and risks of blood transfusion. The student knows the responsibilities of the blood service, the hospital blood center and the care unit for ensuring safe blood transfusion, the use of different blood products and the guidance related to blood transfusion activities. The student can produce high-quality basic studies taking into account preanalytical factors and realistically assessing their own success. The student can evaluate the reliability of blood transfusion serological tests.